South Hill Kumon 2804 E 30th AveSpokane WA99223KumonSpokane-SouthHill.com509 532-8660
September 2014S / M / T / W / T / F / S
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To Have and to Hold…a Pencil
The Kumon Program has recently added a new level that can help children become more enthusiastic about learning. Through the use of Kumon’s new Level Z, students learn how to hold and use a pencil and develop their pencil skills.
In an ever-growing digital world, are skills like handwriting becoming obsolete? Recent studies suggest that the answer is “no.” In a 2012 study, The effects of handwriting experience on functional brain development in pre-literate children, psychologists used functional MRIs to gauge the amount of brain activity triggered when children were shown letters and instructed to type the letter on a computer, trace it, or write it freehand on a blank piece of paper. Only the children who had drawn the letter freehand displayed increased neural activity when shown the letter again, implying comprehension and retention of the information.
Handwriting is an important part of completing the Kumon worksheets. For students to begin learning their letters and numbers and writing them correctly, proper pencil grip and a certain level of pencil skills are needed. Level Z can help students develop pencil skills through the practice of scribbling and drawing lines, curves, and angles in a fun, colorful, and engaging way. In combination with other activities that advance motor skill development, Level Z will prepare students to write their letters and numbers for the first time with excitement and confidence.
Persevering To Reach ASHR in Kumon
The Kumon program believes that every child has the potential to succeed. ASHR is Kumon’s Advanced Student Honor Roll that acknowledges students currently working on Kumon assignments that are above their current grade level. We aim for all students to study at advanced levels. At this level of achievement, students begin to realize they are capable of accomplishing more than they ever imagined. These are often the same students we see taking the initiative to study advanced placement courses and enjoying their learning experience.
Rarely do students enter a classroom with identical learning abilities. Your Kumon Instructor has developed an individualized lesson plan for your child. This allows your child to progress through the program at his or her own pace, achieving success at any age or grade level. As Kumon students work toward advanced learning material, they steadily build a solid grasp of math and reading, developing confidence along the way.
Although achieving success in not always easy, many noteworthy people persevered through challenges and accomplished great things. For example, Albert Einstein had a learning disability and became one of our greatest scientists. Eventually, we are all faced with tough challenges and have the choice to either work our way through them or give up. When we persevere through our challenges, we learn that the biggest obstacle originates in the mind, not in the ability.
Perseverance leads to success. As students progress through the Kumon program they discover their true ability. Watch as your child begins to achieve more than he or she ever thought possible!