Record of Letter Ballot Review by TC Chapter for Procedural Review

Region/Locale: North America

Global Technical Committee: Silicon Wafer

TC Chapter Cochairs: Dinesh Gupta (STA), Noel Poduje (SMS)

StandardsStaff: Kevin Nguyen

Scheduled in Background Statement / Actual
Date / 07/14/15 / 07/14/15
Location / SF Marriott, CA / SF Marriott, CA
Reason for Changeof Date and/or Location
(if changed)

Note: See Regulations ¶ 9.5 Exception for allowable reason to change.

I. Document Number andTitle

Document Number
5805 / Document Title
Revision of SEMI M50-0310, Test Method for Determining Capture Rate and False Count Rate for Surface Scanning Inspection Systems by the Overlay Method

II. Tally

Standards staff to fill in.

Voting Tally: As-cast tally after close of voting period

Note: A minimum of 60% of the Voting Interests that have TC Members within the global technical committee that issued the Letter Ballot must return Votes. (Regulations ¶

Voting Tally:

Note: See Regulations § 3.2.1 for definition of Voting Interest.

III. Rejects

Voting Interest Reject 1 (Voting Interest Name:SunEdison)

Voter Reject1 (Voter:John Valley (SunEdison)

Negative / Referenced Section/Paragraph
Negative Text / Negative:
Note 11 was and remains wrong. Specifically the equation (2b) is not valid for s < s0.
Recommended fix:
NOTE 11: The following heuristic equation for cs, in percent, may be used to fit the plotted CR(<Si>) data.
{Same equation} , s > s0;
0, s <= s0.
Here, csis the fitted value of CR(<Si>), s is the size (<Si>), s0 is
a parameter that positions the curve along the x-axis, and c0 is a curvaturescaling factor that determines the width of the transition form zero to near 100% capture ratepoint at which the probability of capture approaches 100%. As c0 and s0 constitute a sufficient parameter set to describe completely CR(<Si>), they can be used for reporting, together with the chi-square goodness of the fit test statistic result.
TF input (optional)
Withdrawal (check one) / No Negative withdrawal made by Voter. / GOTO“Related” subsection
x / Withdrawal document received by Standards staff on 7/14/2015 / GO TO “Final”subsection (A)
Related / Motion and Reason
(check one) / ‘Related’ is mutually agreed upon.(Needs no motion.) / GO TO “Persuasive” subsection
Negative is not related.(Needs ≥2/3 votes to pass.)
Reason / XXXX
Motion by/
2nd by / Name (Company)/Name (Company)
Result of Vote (check one) / XXY-XXN;Motion passed/failed.
[Negativeis not related.] <2/3 / GOTO “Persuasive” subsection
2/3≤ [Negative is not related.] / GO TO “Final” subsection (B)
Persuasive / Motion and Reason
(check one) / Negative is related and persuasive.(Needs 1/3 votes to pass.)
Negative is related and not persuasive.(Needs ≥2/3 votes to pass.)
Reason / XXXX
Motion by/
2nd by / Name (Company)/Name (Company)
Result of Vote (check one) / XXY-XXN;Motion passed/failed.
[Negative is related and persuasive.] 1/3 / Is a technical change recommended?
(check one) / Y / GO TO “Address by Technical Change Option” subsection
[Negative is related and not persuasive.] <2/3 / N / GO TO “Final” subsection (E)
2/3≤ [Negative is related and not persuasive.] <90% / GO TO “Final” subsection (C)
90%≤ [Negative is related and not persuasive.] / GO TO “Not Significant Finding Option” subsection
Address by Technical Change Option / Technical Change Recommendations
Original section/paragraph number and at least one full sentence are required in “FROM” and “TO” fields.
Technical Changes / 1 / FROM:Section/ParagraphXXX
TO: Section/Paragraphxxx
Justification (If necessary)
2 / FROM:Section/ParagraphXXX
TO: Section/Paragraphxxx
Justification (If necessary)
Motion / Negative is addressed by the technical change(s).
Motion by/2nd by / Name (Company)/Name (Company)
Result of Vote
(check one) / XXY-XXN; Motion passed/failed.
2/3≤ [Negative is addressed by the technical change(s).] / GO TO “Incorporation of the Technical Change” subsection
[Negative is not addressed by the technical change(s).] < 2/3 / GO TO “Final” subsection (E)
Incorporation of the Technical Change / Motion / To incorporate the technical change(s).
Motion by/2nd by / Name (Company)/Name (Company)
Result of Vote (check one) / XXY-XXN; Motion passed/failed.
90%≤ [Agree to incorporate.] / GO TO “Final” subsection (F)
[Disagree to incorporate.]>10% / GO TO “Final” subsection (E)
Not Significant Finding Option / This option can be used only “if the TC Chapter finds a Negative not persuasive by a vote equal to or greater than 90% of the persons voting on the action”. (Regulations ¶
Use of “Not significant finding option”
(check one) / It is mutually agreed upon to term the Negative “not significant”. / GO TO “Final” subsection (D)
It is mutually agreed upon to term the Negative “significant”. / GO TO “Final” subsection (C)
Whether or not the Negative is “not significant” is decided by a vote.
Motion / The Negative is “not significant”.
Motion by/
2nd by / Name (Company)/Name (Company)
Vote / XXY-XXN; Motion passed with simple majority / GO TO “Final” subsection (D)
XXY-XXN; Motion failed with simple majority / GO TO “Final” subsection (C)
Final / (check if applicable) / x / (A) / Withdrawn(counted under h in disposition)
(B) / Not related (counted under i in disposition)
(C) / Related and not persuasive (significant)
(D) / Not significant(counted under j in disposition)
(E) / Related and persuasive and not addressed by technical change / DOCUMENT FAILS
(F) / Addressed by technical change (counted under k disposition)
(check if applicable) / Comment generated. See Section V-(ii) Comment #X.

This table is needed for each Negative.

Disposition of Voting Interest Reject 1

Check only when the Document has not been failed.

1 / Original number (#) of Negatives / (g)
1 / Number of Negatives withdrawn / (h)
# / Number of Negatives found not related / (i)
# / Number of Negatives found not significant / (j)
# / Number of Negatives addressed by technicalchange (Negative becomes not significant) / (k)
Final / x / g-(h+i+j+k)=0 / Reject is Not Valid and is not included in the denominator of § VI. Approval Conditions Check
g-(h+i+j+k)>0 / Reject is included in the denominator of § VI. Approval Conditions Check
Reject without a Negative / Not Valid

Note: If all of the Negatives included with a Reject Vote are withdrawn, determined to be not related, or determined to be not significant, the Reject Vote is not valid. (Regulations ¶

Note: A Negative addressed by a technical change is automatically considered to be not significant. (Regulations ¶

IV. Other Technical Issues


V. Comments

V- (i) Voters’ Comments

Commenter 1 (John Valley/SunEdison)- Comment 1

Comment / *TF/TC Chapter to fill in section/paragraph #, if necessary.
1)LSE remains a difficult term to track down in SEMI Standards. Even M59 is not self-consistent. Which is it: LSE = light scattering equivalent (M59, 4.56 and 5.177) or LSE = latex sphere equivalent (M59 5.177 and M50 1.2)?
Action / The TC Chapteragreed to do one of the following actions.
*No motion is required in this step.
Already addressed by Commenter #, Comment #
No further action was taken by the TC Chapter.
x / Refer to the TF for more consideration.
New Business
Editorial Change
Options for editorial
change (check one) / Case 1: No vote in this section:
To be included and voted on as a group in § VI. Editorial Changes Other than Those Votedonin §V.
Case 2: Voted in this section:
Original section number and at least one full sentence are required in “FROM” and “TO” fields.
Editorial Changes / 1 / FROM: Section/Paragraphxxx
TO: Section/Paragraphxxx
Justification (If necessary)
2 / FROM:Section/Paragraphxxx
TO: Section/Paragraphxxx
Justification (If necessary)
Motion / To approve above editorial change(s)
Motion by/2nd by / Name (Company)/Name (Company)
Discussion / XXXX
Vote / XXY-XXN; Motion passed/failed.

This table is needed for each Comment.

Commenter 1 (John Valley/SunEdison)- Comment 2

Comment / *TF/TC Chapter to fill in section/paragraph #, if necessary.
1)Size is not well defined, especially since LSE is an adjective and 1.2 is a little hard to read. Recommend changing 1.2 and Note 1 as follows:
These test methods cover determination of the CR, the false count rate (FCR) and the cumulative false count rate (CFCR) of an SSIS as a function of localized light scatterer (LLS) size.
NOTE 1: In the context of this document the term “size” refers to the light scatter equivalent (LSE) diameter of an LLS assigned to it by an SSIS scan. In general, the SSIS assigned size is not equal to the actual LLS physical linear dimension because the actual LLS morphology and material properties are arbitrary whereas the LSE diameter calibration is performed on known spheres of known material properties.
Action / The TC Chapter agreed to do one of the following actions.
*No motion is required in this step.
Already addressed by Commenter #, Comment #
No further action was taken by the TC Chapter.
Refer to the TF for more consideration.
New Business
x / Editorial Change
Options for editorial
change (check one) / x / Case 1: No vote in this section:
To be included and voted on as a group in § VI. Editorial Changes Other than Those Votedonin §V.
Case 2: Voted in this section:
Original section number and at least one full sentence are required in “FROM” and “TO” fields.
Editorial Changes / 1 / FROM: Section/Paragraphxxx
TO: Section/Paragraphxxx
Justification (If necessary)
2 / FROM:Section/Paragraphxxx
TO: Section/Paragraphxxx
Justification (If necessary)
Motion / To approve above editorial change(s)
Motion by/2nd by / Name (Company)/Name (Company)
Discussion / XXXX
Vote / XXY-XXN; Motion passed/failed.

Commenter 1 (John Valley/SunEdison)- Comment 3

Comment / *TF/TC Chapter to fill in section/paragraph #, if necessary.
3)Section 8.2, editorially correct “PSLs” to “PSL spheres”
Action / The TC Chapter agreed to do one of the following actions.
*No motion is required in this step.
Already addressed by Commenter #, Comment #
No further action was taken by the TC Chapter.
Refer to the TF for more consideration.
New Business
x / Editorial Change
Options for editorial
change (check one) / x / Case 1: No vote in this section:
To be included and voted on as a group in § VI. Editorial Changes Other than Those Votedonin §V.
Case 2: Voted in this section:
Original section number and at least one full sentence are required in “FROM” and “TO” fields.
Editorial Changes / 1 / FROM: Section/Paragraphxxx
TO: Section/Paragraphxxx
Justification (If necessary)
2 / FROM:Section/Paragraphxxx
TO: Section/Paragraphxxx
Justification (If necessary)
Motion / To approve above editorial change(s)
Motion by/2nd by / Name (Company)/Name (Company)
Discussion / XXXX
Vote / XXY-XXN; Motion passed/failed.

Commenter 1 (John Valley/SunEdison)- Comment 4

Comment / *TF/TC Chapter to fill in section/paragraph #, if necessary.
4)Replace Note 12 (2 sentences) with a 3 sentence version, deleting a few words and changing to a singular example:
To demonstrate Scriticalat high capture rates (e.g. 95%), note that the SSIS recipe threshold must be less than Scritical. The threshold, by definition, is the smallest size LLS the SSIS can report. An LLS with LSE size near and at threshold has CR < 1 due to scan-to-scan fluctuations in light scattering intensity due to photon shot noise.
Action / The TC Chapter agreed to do one of the following actions.
*No motion is required in this step.
Already addressed by Commenter #, Comment #
No further action was taken by the TC Chapter.
Refer to the TF for more consideration.
New Business
x / Editorial Change
Options for editorial
change (check one) / x / Case 1: No vote in this section:
To be included and voted on as a group in § VI. Editorial Changes Other than Those Votedonin §V.
Case 2: Voted in this section:
Original section number and at least one full sentence are required in “FROM” and “TO” fields.
Editorial Changes / 1 / FROM: Section/Paragraphxxx
TO: Section/Paragraphxxx
Justification (If necessary)
2 / FROM:Section/Paragraphxxx
TO: Section/Paragraphxxx
Justification (If necessary)
Motion / To approve above editorial change(s)
Motion by/2nd by / Name (Company)/Name (Company)
Discussion / XXXX
Vote / XXY-XXN; Motion passed/failed.

Commenter 2(Murray Bullis/MM)- Comment 1

Comment / *TF/TC Chapter to fill in section/paragraph #, if necessary.
The words in the title of the Y axis of Fig.2 should be capitalized
Action / The TC Chapter agreed to do one of the following actions.
*No motion is required in this step.
Already addressed by Commenter #, Comment #
No further action was taken by the TC Chapter.
Refer to the TF for more consideration.
New Business
x / Editorial Change
Options for editorial
change (check one) / x / Case 1: No vote in this section:
To be included and voted on as a group in § VI. Editorial Changes Other than Those Votedonin §V.
Case 2: Voted in this section:
Original section number and at least one full sentence are required in “FROM” and “TO” fields.
Editorial Changes / 1 / FROM: Section/Paragraphxxx
TO: Section/Paragraphxxx
Justification (If necessary)
2 / FROM:Section/Paragraphxxx
TO: Section/Paragraphxxx
Justification (If necessary)
Motion / To approve above editorial change(s)
Motion by/2nd by / Name (Company)/Name (Company)
Discussion / XXXX
Vote / XXY-XXN; Motion passed/failed.

Commenter 3(Noel Poduje/SMS)- Comment 1

Comment / *TF/TC Chapter to fill in section/paragraph #, if necessary.
Note 1 does not sufficiently clarify “size”. Other SEMI documents are also unclear as to the definition of LSE. M59 seems to refer to it two ways, although according to the Compilation of Terms, in M59 it is “Light Scattering Equivalent” and ”Latex Sphere Equivalent” is “not preferred”. Also in the Compilation of Terms, however, LSE is used in E146 (Test Method for the Determination of Particulate Contamination …) as “Latex Sphere Equivalent”.
This debate has been going on for a long time. We should try to improve the note, which should be doable editorially.
Action / The TC Chapter agreed to do one of the following actions.
*No motion is required in this step.
Already addressed by Commenter #, Comment #
No further action was taken by the TC Chapter.
Refer to the TF for more consideration.
New Business
x / Editorial Change
Options for editorial
change (check one) / x / Case 1: No vote in this section:
To be included and voted on as a group in § VI. Editorial Changes Other than Those Votedonin §V.
Case 2: Voted in this section:
Original section number and at least one full sentence are required in “FROM” and “TO” fields.
Editorial Changes / 1 / FROM: Section/Paragraphxxx
TO: Section/Paragraphxxx
Justification (If necessary)
2 / FROM:Section/Paragraphxxx
TO: Section/Paragraphxxx
Justification (If necessary)
Motion / To approve above editorial change(s)
Motion by/2nd by / Name (Company)/Name (Company)
Discussion / XXXX
Vote / XXY-XXN; Motion passed/failed.

V-(ii) Comments Created by Handling Negative

Comment (Created by Handling Negative) NC –1

Comment / *TF/TC Chapter to fill in
Action / The TC Chapter agreed to do one of the following actions.
*No motion is required in this step.
Already addressed by Commenter #, Comment #
No further action was taken by the TC Chapter.
Refer to the TF for more consideration.
New business
Editorial change
Options for editorial
change (check one) / Case 1: No vote in this section:
To be included and voted on as a group in § VI. Editorial Changes Other than Those Votedon in § V.
Case 2: Voted in this section:
Original section number and at least one full sentence are required in “FROM” and “TO” fields.
Editorial Changes / 1 / FROM: Section/Paragraphxxx
TO: Section/Paragraphxxx
Justification (If necessary)
2 / FROM:Section/Paragraphxxx
TO: Section/Paragraphxxx
Justification (If necessary)
Motion / To approve above editorial change(s)
Motion by/2nd by / Name (Company)/Name (Company)
Discussion / XXXX
Vote / XXY-XXN; Motion passed/failed.

Comment (Created by Handling Negative) NC – 2

Comment (Created by Handling Negative) NC – 3

VI. Editorial ChangesOther than Those Votedon in §V

Original section/paragraph number and at least one full sentence are required in “FROM” and “TO” fields.

1 / Origin of this editorial change
(Check one) / x / Commenter 3 / Comment 1
Other [ ]
Note 1: In the context of this document the term “size” refers to the LSE diameter of an LLS assigned to it by an SSIS scan. In general, LSE diameters are not exactly equal to LLS physical sizes.
Note 1: In the context of this document the term “size” refers to the LSE diameter of an LLS determined by an SSIS scan. In general, assigned sizes are not equal to LLS physical linear dimensions because LLS morphology and material properties are arbitrary, whereas SSIS calibration is performed with spherical particles of known material. The term latex sphere equivalent refers to polystyrene latex (PSL) microspheres in aqueous suspension, the known material generally used for SSIS calibration. Although SEMI M59 also expands LSE as light scattering equivalent, which is appropriate when alternatives to PSL spheres are the basis of SSIS sizing, this test method is applicable for either usage of LSE.
For clarification. Note is not for informational and not an official part of the document.
2 / Origin of this editorial change
(Check one) / Commenter(s) / Comment(s) #
x / Other [Note 11 modification was suggested by the negative voter. Proposal to revise Note 11 was accepted, and negative was withdrawn ]
FROM:Note 11, as proposed in the balloted doc. 5805.
NOTE 11: The following heuristic equation for cs, in percent,
may be used to fit the plotted CR(<Si>) data. Here, csis the fitted value of CR(<Si>), s is the size (<Si>), s0 is the size at zero probability of capturea parameter that positions the curve along the x-axis, and c0 is a curvature factor that determines the point at which the probability of capture approaches 100%. As c0 and s0 constitute a sufficient parameter set to describe completely CR(<Si>), they can be used for reporting, together with the chi-square goodness of the fit test statistic result.
TO: Proposed Note 11.
NOTE 11: The following heuristic equation for cs, in percent,
may be used to fit the plotted CR(<Si>) data. Here, csis the fitted value of CR(<Si>), s is the size (<Si>), s0 is the size at zero probability of capturea parameter that positions the curve along the x-axis, and c0 is a curvature scaling factor that determines the width of the transition from zero to near 100% capture rate. point at which the probability of capture approaches 100%. As c0 and s0 constitute a sufficient parameter set to describe completely CR(<Si>), they can be used for reporting, together with the chi-square goodness of the fit test statistic result.
For clarification. Note is not for informational and not an official part of the document.
3 / Origin of this editorial change
(Check one) / x / Commenter 1 / Comment 3
Other [ ]
8.2 Alternatively, a wafer with deposited PSLs or another monodisperse material agreed to by supplier and customer can be used to evaluate the capture rate more accurately at a specific particle size. The same particle density, particle spacing, and defect cluster conditions, as in ¶8.1 shall be observed.
8.2Alternatively, a wafer with deposited PSLs spheres or another monodisperse material agreed to by supplier and customer can be used to evaluate the capture rate more accurately at a specific particle size. The same particle density, particle spacing, and defect cluster conditions, as in ¶8.1 shall be observed.
PSLs common vernacular for PSL spheres, change was made for clarification, no technical change is made
4 / Origin of this editorial change
(Check one) / x / Commenter 1 / Comment 4
Other [ ]
NOTE 12: To demonstrate Scriticalat high capture rates (e.g. 95%), note that the SSIS recipe threshold must be less than Scritical. The threshold, by definition, is the smallest size LLS the SSIS can report, LLS’s with LSE sizes near and at threshold have capture rates < 1, due to scan-to-scan fluctuations in light scattering intensity due to photon shot noise.
NOTE 12: To demonstrate Scriticalat high capture rates (e.g. 95%), note thatthe SSIS recipe threshold must be less than Scritical. The threshold, by definition, is the smallest size LLS the SSIS can report. An LLS with LSE size near and atthreshold has CR < 1 due to scan-to-scan fluctuations in light scattering intensity due to photon shot noise.
Replace Note 12 (2 sentences) with a 3 sentence version, deleting a few words and changing to a singular example. Note is editorially corrected, not an official part of the document.
5 / Origin of this editorial change
(Check one) / x / Commenter 2 / Comment 1
Other [ ]
FROM: Figure 3, Title of Y axis
Cumulative false counts per wafer pass
TO: Figure 3, Title of Y axis
Cumulative False Counts Per Wafer Pass
Editorial correction, capitalization of each word as shown in red.
Motion / To approve the aboveeditorial change(s).
Motion by/
2nd by / Kurt Haller (KLA-Tencor)/John Valley (Sun Edison Semiconductor)
Discussion / None
Vote / 14Y-0N; Motion passed

VII. Approval Conditions Check