Name ______
Dr. Paige Turner is interested in the effectiveness of a new program to encourage children to read during the summer months. She wants to compare the effectiveness of the program in three different grades. She randomly selects 40 male and 40 female students enrolled in the AlltownSchool district from the grades 6, 7 and 8. Then she randomly assigns half of each of these groups to participate in the reading program and the other half to serve as a control group. Students in the Reading program earn tickets for reading books. The tickets can be traded in for rides at the local county fair in September. Each week Dr. Turner contacts the students to see how many books they have read that week and to give them a brief comprehension test to establish that they have actually read the books they claim to have. The descriptive statistics and analysis of this study are provided on the following pages.
a)What is the dependant variable? (1 point)
b) What are the factors? (2 points)
c)Is this a between subject factorial design, a within subjects factorial design or a mixed factorial design? (1 point)
d)How many conditions are there in this study? ______
e) Fully interpret the main effects, interaction and simple main effects for this study. Report F and ps where appropriate.
Descriptive StatisticsDependent Variable:Books_Read
Grade / Condition / Mean / Std. Deviation / N
Grade 6 / control / 2.8000 / 2.09259 / 20
Reading Program / 5.2500 / 2.88143 / 20
Total / 4.0250 / 2.77800 / 40
Grade 7 / control / 5.1000 / 2.48998 / 20
Reading Program / 7.1500 / 7.81547 / 20
Total / 6.1250 / 5.81857 / 40
Grade 8 / control / 5.7000 / 1.80933 / 20
Reading Program / 3.2500 / 1.74341 / 20
Total / 4.4750 / 2.14820 / 40
Total / control / 4.5333 / 2.45962 / 60
Reading Program / 5.2167 / 5.08934 / 60
Total / 4.8750 / 3.99488 / 120
Source / Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig.Grade / 97.800 / 2 / 48.900 / 3.401 / .037
Condition / 14.008 / 1 / 14.008 / .974 / .326
Grade * Condition / 148.067 / 2 / 74.033 / 5.149 / .007
Error / 1639.250 / 114 / 14.379
(I) Grade / (J) Grade / Mean Difference (I-J) / Std. Error / Sig.
Grade 6 / Grade 7 / -2.1000* / .84792 / .015
Grade 8 / -.4500 / .84792 / .597
Grade 7 / Grade 6 / 2.1000* / .84792 / .015
Grade 8 / 1.6500 / .84792 / .044
Grade 8 / Grade 6 / .4500 / .84792 / .597
Grade 7 / -1.6500 / .84792 / .044
One Way AVOVA - Grade 6
Source / Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig.Condition / 60.025 / 1 / 60.025 / 9.466 / .004
Error / 240.950 / 38 / 6.341
One Way ANOVA Grade 7
Source / Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig.Condition / 42.025 / 1 / 42.025 / 1.249 / .271
Error / 1278.350 / 38 / 33.641
One Way ANOVA Grade 8
Source / Sum of Squares / df / Mean Square / F / Sig.Condition / 60.025 / 1 / 60.025 / 19.016 / .000
Error / 119.950 / 38 / 3.157