April 12, 2015.

Gospel: John 20:19-31.

Personal Reflection:

In this reading, what word or phrase stands out? Why?

Are you attracted to something in the reading? Why?

Do you feel any resistance? Why?

Reflection with Journal:


We are in the so called "book of the resurrection" where are narrated without a logical continuity, various episodes that refer to Christ risen and the facts that prove it. These facts are placed, in the fourth Gospel, in the morning (20, 1-18) and in the afternoon of the first day after the Sabbath and eight days later, in the same place and day of the week. We are facing the most important event in the history of humanity, an event which us calls personally. “And if Christ has not been raised, then empty is our preaching; empty, too, your faith... you are still in your sins. (1Cor 15, 14.17) says the Apostle Paul, who had not known Jesus prior to the resurrection, but preached him all his life, full of zeal. Jesus is sent by the father. He also sends us. The willingness to "go" comes from the depth of our faith in the Risen One. Are we prepared to accept his "mandate" and to give our life for his Kingdom? This passage does not refer only to the faith of those who have not seen (testimony of Thomas), but also to the mission entrusted by Christ to the Church.


Life Connections:

1.  From my personal reflection today, how have I connected to this Gospel passage? How is it good news for me?

2.  Who or what drew my interest and wonder in the reading I've just read? Why?

3.  Is it possible that there are some who profess to be Christians, but who do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus? Is it so important to believe? What changes if we only to stay with Jesus teaching and the testimony of His life?

4.  What is the value of Thomas’s testimony to me? What are my doubts, if I have any, about my faith? How do I face them and move forward? Am I able to express why I believe?