26 Hardie Road, AlbanyWA 6330Ph: (08) 9841 2488 Fax: (08) 9842 1493

Principal: Alan Dowsett

Website:Deputy Principal: Pam Hoskin

spencerparkps.wa.edu.auDeputy Principal: Paul Hockey

NEWSLETTER No. 17 13 June 2013

Dear Parents and Friends

Earn and Learn Finishes

The Woolworths Earn and Learn program came to an end last weekend. Many thanks to all of those people who shopped at Woolworths, made sure they got the stickers and deposited these either here at school or at one of the three locations in Albany. I would say that from looking at the stickers we have gathered so far – this will be a very profitable outcome in terms of the educational resources we will be able access. By the time we submit our stickers and have these certified by Woolworths I would think it will be some time before we see the resources at school.

Eagles Cup

With two games played our team is undefeated. It was terrific to get out to Great Southern Grammar and see our team record a good win against this school. I was impressed with the team work, skills and determination of our group. I was also impressed with the way they listened to their coach, Mr Hockey, and followed his instructions during the game. Whilst Great Southern Grammar did get quite close in the third quarter, our team worked well together in the last quarter to ensure any comeback was short lived. I look forward to seeing how the rest of the season plays out. I think from what I have seen so far, the players that will represent us this season have the capacity to be successful this year.

Faction Cross Country

Next Monday 17 June we will be holding our Year 4 to 7 Faction Cross Country for this year. The competition consists of two races for each year level (one for boys and one for girls) and is usually completed by lunch time. I understand from Mrs Binning that enthusiasm levels this year have been high with quite large numbers of children here before school to train on the track and improve their fitness in preparation for this event and the interschool competition to be held later in the term. Whilst each race recognises placegetters, it is also about each individual trying to produce a personal

best time. As you will know we have also tied this to fundraising for the school with each runner able to be

sponsored in relation to their performance and participation.

Please encourage your child’s involvement as this can be the catalyst for a child to pursue running as a way of keeping fit – something that will have a lifetime benefit. Running long distance isn’t easy, requiring a person often to push through some pain to win – any child who gets involved enthusiastically is to be commended.

It is always great to have an audience for such an event – I hope you can get there to cheer on your child.

Badges Presented to Recognise involvement in City of Albany ANZAC Service

As we did last year special badges have just been presented to all of those children who attended and took part in the City of Albany ANZAC Service this year. This included all of our choir students and those who marched in the parade. Many thanks to our P&C who provided some of the funding for the badges, I am sure that these will become treasured mementos and at the same time encourage a life long participation and interest in this important national day.

Applications for Kindergarten and Pre-primary Programs in 2014

Applications for your child to be enrolled in kindergarten (4 year olds) and pre-primary (5 year olds) are now being taken at our school office. If your child is entering our school for the first time their birth certificate and immunisation details will be required.

The closing date for applications is Friday 26 July. Getting your application in before this date will be important in securing a place with our school in 2013.

If your child is currently enrolled in our 4 year old program you still need to make contact with the school office to ensure your child is registered for the pre-primary (5 year olds) program in 2013.

Alan Dowsett – Principal

Forthcoming Events

P&C MeetingMon 17 June

Faction Cross CountryMon 17 June

PaCE Meeting 3.30pmTues 18 June

Eagles Cup Game vs DenmarkTues 18 June

Pre-primary – Year 3 LapathonWed 19 June 2.15pm

Mr Leckie’s Retirement AssemblyFri 21 June

Deadline for Applications for

PP and K Programs 2014Fri 26 July

SpencerParkPrimary School

Code of Behaviour

  • Respect other people, their rights and their property.
  • Be courteous.
  • Let others learn.
  • Treat others as you would like to be treated.


Head lice are back! We have had a volunteer offer to lead the Nitbusters team and we are asking for parents who would be available to work with the team to check heads several times per year. We would like to get this going as soon as possible. If you can spare a few hours to help please contact the school office on 9841 2488

THE GREATAUSTRALIANBRAIN-TRAININGCHALLENGECurtinUniversity researchers are seeking participants across Australia for a study examining the effectiveness of on-line computer brain training games designed to improve cognitive function through regular use.

The Great Australian Brain-Training Challenge is a research project being carried out by Curtin’s School of Psychology and Speech Pathology. Research will investigate whether they really work to make people smarter and who they benefit the most.

Participants must be willing to play online games for around 30 minutes, three times a week for six weeks, must be aged eight years and above, and can be part of the same family. At the end of the program, participants will find out just how much they have improved.

For more details on how you can be involved, please visit


Please see noticeboard for details about

BOUNCE CLINICS 22-23 June 2013



The last month has been a very

busy time for all students and

classes with in term swimming

lessons occurring. The students

have really enjoyed their time in

the pool and have learnt skills that

will help them to keep safe when around water.

I want to say a big thank you to all of our amazing Education Assistants that have been swimming with the students these past few weeks. Once again, the staff at our school have gone above and beyond to meet the needs of the students.

Jim Cabrera from the Autism Team has been visiting our school again this week and has been working specifically with two of our students. Jim has been modeling teaching methods and giving advice to the staff on working with children with autism and his help has been invaluable. We look forward to Jim visiting again in the future.

Lara Eyles, Teacher

Please feel free to discuss any of your concerns with Diane Edwards, Principal. It is best to make an appointment by calling 9841 1537 to be sure she will be available.

Medallion Donations

If you would like to donate a pair of medallions for our Faction Cross Country please return the slip below to the school office with your

donation. Medallions are $16.00 per

pair and will have the name of the

donor engraved on them.


Parent help is also requested for the Cross Country on Monday 17 of June. If your are available to assist please return the slip below.

I would like to sponsor a pair of medallions and enclose $16.00.


Sponsor name to be put on medallion.


Yes I am available to assist with the Cross Country

