
To The 6th Annual

MMP Social!

Wisconsin State Mathematics Conference

Green Lake, WI

May 7, 2009

Rolling Out The Red Carpet For Our MTL Stars!

The Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP), an initiative of the Milwaukee Partnership Academy (MPA), is supported with funding from the National Science Foundation under Grant No. EHR-0314898.

Hats Off To You!

Math Scores Rise for MPS!

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel April 28, 2009

  • Math scores were a bright spot statewide!
  • MPS showed sharp increases in students rated as proficient!
  • MPS 4th and 8th graders up more than 10 points!

It’s No Mystery To Us!

5 Years of Focused Professional Development Pays Off!

K-8 Schools / # Of PD Hours Submitted
Year 1 (02 – 03) / 22, 711.0
Year 2 (03 – 04) / 54, 161.7
Year 3 (04 – 05) / 57, 210.6
Year 4 (05 – 06) / 64, 165.7
Year 5 (07 – 08) / 65, 464.2
Total Number
of PD Hours / 263,713.1
High School / 30, 183.50
Grand Total Number
of PD Hours / 293, 896.6

What Does It All Mean?

  • $ 20 Million Dollars
  • 100’s of 1000’s of hours of High Quality Professional Development!
  • 5 Years of Focused Mathematical Conversations!
  • Payoff………..



This is just the beginning of continuous mathematics improvement in MPS!

In Tribute To Kevin McLeod….

It’s MMP Trivia Time!

  1. Name the 5 original MTS’s.
  1. What was the date of the first MTL meeting?
  1. Name 3 different locations where we’ve held monthly MMP meetings during the past 5 years?
  1. What was the first content strand we studied?
  1. Who is the person in the MMP who collates all of your NSF hours?
  1. Name the 5 components of the CMF?
  1. What does CMF mean?

Bonus Question (5 pts)

What country is Kevin from?

Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership

Wisconsin Math Council

State Mathematics Conference

Green Lake, WI

May 7, 2009



Session Sharing

Give One, Get One

Update on Math Scores


A Tribute To Kevin

The Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP), an initiative of the Milwaukee Partnership Academy (MPA), is supported with funding from the National Science Foundation under Grant No. EHR-0314898.