How is the course organized?

In preparation for the AP Geography examination, this course will be divided into six sections:

nature & perspectives, population, culture, politics, agriculture, and urbanization/industrialization.

There will be approximately 1-3 quizzes per unit, depending on the size of the unit. There will also be a Unit Exam for each unit. Some units will have a combined multiple choice / essay test, while others will have a separate test for the multiple choice and essay portions. There will also be a midterm and final exam. Grades are accrued on a percentage basis through test scores, quizzes, projects, and class participation.

Textbook- Textbook-Students will be assigned a textbook touse at home.They will periodically be required to bring the book to school.Any lost textbook that waschecked out to astudentwill need to be replaced by the student at a cost of $134.00.

  • Rubenstein, James M. The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography. 11th ed.

Supplemental Materials–(not required, but suggested to work on at home and help to prepare you for the AP Exam, as well as to give you a better understanding of each unit). Students that work through one of these Study Guides throughout the year statistically score higher on the AP Exam in May.

  • iScore5 app
  • Barron’s AP Human Geography
  • AP Human Geography: A Study Guide, 3rd edition, Wood, Ethel, Wood
  • The Princeton Review - Cracking the AP Human Geography Exam

Classroom Policies and Procedures

Teaching Strategies

This is largely a lecture course and, as such, the teaching strategies used focus on giving students

opportunities to analyze and respond in class, to write mini-essays of 50 words or so reacting to

provocative statements, exposure to a number of different study techniques, and to do short role-play simulations. As much as possible, all class activities will be geared towards preparation for the AP Exam and future college level courses. As this is an introductory AP course for many of you, instructions will be given throughout the course on essay writing and study skills.

Student Evaluation

Other Class Expectations/Procedures:

Materials: You are required to have the following materials for class:

  • Two inch/ 3-ring binder
  • Paper for the 3-ring binder
  • 8 dividers for the 3-ring binder
  • colored pencils/highlighter
  • blue/black pens and pencils
  • Glue Stick/Tape

Remind101 - Sign up to receive text announcements by using the appropriate codes below. Email options are also available upon request.

  • AP Human Geography - Go to and follow instructions
  • Parents and students are both encouraged to sign-up.
  • Standard text message rates apply.

Make-Up work: IT IS THE STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITY TO INQUIRE ABOUT THEIR MAKE-UP WORK (Before/After Class)! Students will have 1 class day per excused absence to make-up missed work.

  • Homework is due at the beginning of class or otherwise specified.
  • Tests/Quizzes that were announced/scheduled must be made up the day the student returns from the absence, either before or after school. Make up tests/quizzes are subject to be essay format (teacher discretion).
  • Long term Projects must be turned in on the due date specified by the teacher, even if the student is absent.

Late Work: There is NO Late Work allowed. We move at a very fast pace, and having your assignments completed on time is essential to classroom discussions, quizzes, and tests.

Tardiness: You must be in the class before the sound of the bell. CHHS tardy policy will be followed.

Conduct: Any conduct that is disruptive to the learning environment will result in disciplinary action.

Progress Reports: Progress Reports will be issued by CHHS every 9 weeks. Sign up for Parent Portal on the county website – (under Parents tab) – to be able to access grades online.

Food, Drink: No food or drink is allowed in class. Hydrate between classes. Gum and small mints can be eaten as long as all trash is disposed of properly and there is no sharing in class. All privileges will cease IF I HAVE TO CLEAN UP BEHIND YOU!!!

NO Electronic Devices are allowed to be used in the classroom without direct permission from the teacher for educational purposes. They should be OFF and completely out of sight during the school day or they will be confiscated and turned in to the office.

Restroom Use: Please use the restroom during class changes. 10 emergency passes are given each YEAR (one per month). Incentives are given for anyone not using all their passes at the end of the year.

Academic Integrity:

CHEATING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM!!!!! Cheating includes copying another person’s work on a test, class work, or homework as well as PLAGERISM. Students are responsible for acknowledging and documenting ALL MATERIALS used and created by other sources. This includes any internet resources. When you don’t assign credit to the person or sources you found the information from, you are committing plagiarism. In the real world, cheating and plagiarism have SEROUS CONSEQUENCES including loss of scholarships, getting kicked out of college, and even losing your job.

If a student cheats or plagiarizes, they WILL RECEIVE A ZERO FOR THE ASSIGNMENT and the parent will be contacted. Please refer to the student handbook for any questions on this matter. Having an electronic device out during any testing/assessment session, whether they have finished their test or not, also constitutes cheating.

Course Load:

This is a fast paced, academically challenging college level course. You should expect to have at least one hour of homework each night and will be expected to work independently as well. In college, you will be responsible for ensuring that you understand course material, even if that means taking extra notes, defining extra terms, watching extra videos and tutorials online, etc. The same applies in here. You will determine your final grade and your success on the AP Exam.

Course Outline



UNIT III: CULTURE (includes religion, language, and ethnicity)