Gold Rush Historic 49'er TrailRequirements

Gold Rush Historic 49'er Trail

The California Gold Rush Historic 49'er Trail has been nationally approved by the B.S.A. for Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, Venturers, and family campers. Following are the requirements to earn the California Gold Rush Historic 49'er Trail patch:

1. VisitColumbiaStateHistoricPark and find the answers to the following questions:
(a) What sound does a good anvil make? ______
(b) What is the name Columbia's first fire engine? ______
(c) Where did fire engines get their water? ______

(d) How many years was Columbia's school used? ______
(e) Why did they have to stop using the school? ______


Visit any two of the following museums and answer the corresponding question. These museums are small, one requires an admission fee, the rest request donations, and all would like advance notice for large groups.

Amadore County Museum
225 Church St., Jackson, CA 209-889-6386
10 am - 4 pm Wed. - Sun., closed Mon. & Tues.
Note: Working scale model of Kennedy mine runs on the half hour on weekends, by appointment weekdays.
(a) Whose diary documents the discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill? ______


Calaveras County Historical Complex
Historic Main St., San Andreas, CA 209-754-1058
10 am - 4 pm daily
(b) What infamous criminal was jailed here? ______
Angels Camp Museum
753 S. Main St., Angels Camp, CA 209-736-2963
10 am to 4 pm daily March thru November
10 am to 4 pm weekends, January & February (closed December)
Entry fee reduced to 50 cents/ea. for Scouts
Note: Includes working scale model of Carson Hill stamp mill and many horse buggies
(c) How many stamps are in the model of the Carson Hill mine? ______

Tuolumne Company Museum and History Center
158 W. Bradford Ave., Sonora, CA 209-532-1317
10 am to 4 pm Sun. - Fri., 10:30 am to 3:30 pm Saturday
(d) What is the nickname for extremely high grade ore?

Northern Mariposa County Museum
10301 Highway 49, Coulterville, CA 209-878-3015
10 am to 4 pm Wed.-Sun., Mon. & Tue. by appointment
(e) What was the claim to fame of the rail line used by Whistling Billy?


Mariposa Museum and History Center
5119 Jesse St., Mariposa, CA 209-966-2924
10 am to 4:30 pm daily March thru October
10 am to 4 pm weekends November thru February
Note: A full size working stamp mill is on display. If you want to see it work, advance reservations and a $30 fee are required.
(f) Name the process of using mercury to capture extremely fine gold.


Historic markers are located on roadsides, in parks or on buildings. They document cities, some long gone, historic buildings, and gold rush personalities. Read 5 and list their titles.

Name the 2 main methods of mining gold.

1) ______and

2) ______

Do one hour of service at Columbia SHP, a museum you visit or somewhere in the Mother Lode (this should be prearranged).

Camp at least one night in the Mother Lode. (Cub Scouts may skip this requirement)