Abstract Due March 18, 2010
Poster Due March 23. 2010
Objective: The student will independently investigate an everyday example of geochemistry. The student will select a topic, collect and evaluate literature, explain the role of geochemistry in the topic, and explain how it works.
Project due dates:
Thursday March 18, submit abstract and a bibliography
Tuesday, March 23, bring your poster to class and be prepared to explain your topic and findings to the class.
Project guidelines
You and a partner will create a poster for presentation to your classmates. The poster should include the following sections:
-Abstract – A 250-350 word abstract should be the 1st component of the poster and will also be submitted on a separate sheet of paper one class ahead of time.
-Introduction: What system did you study? How common is this system/chemical component. What part of the world/what environments are relevant to your system? What conditions affect the chemistry? Are there any well known sites dealing with this problem? Who is impacted?
-Typical concentrations: How much of this material is out there? How does that compare to relevant background or water quality standard concentrations. How are wastes handled?
-Natural chemistry: What speciation is relevant to your topic? In other words, if I take a sample of water that contains this material, what would I expect to find? Show relevant pC-pH, Eh-pH, or mineral stability diagrams as appropriate. You will likely have to calculate these yourself.
-Treatment methods: What methods are available to improve this problem? Pick a single method that you think should work and describe the mechanism. What advantages and disadvantages does this method have?
-Prognosis for the future: Is this a waxing or waning problem? Do you have any recommendations?
-Bibliography - Bring a copy of your references (use parenthetical style) to turn in with your abstract. I suggest using multiple resources to collect the information you'll need. Internet sources are fine, but like any publication, you should consider the expertise, accuracy, and reliability of any information you find on the internet .
Potential Topics
Disposal of batteries from hybrid cars
Lead shot in duck ponds
Source and treatment of As in Bangladesh
Soil depletion in slash and burn farming
Transformation of mercury to organic forms
Precipitation treatments for 90Sr at ORNL
In-situ redox manipulation of Cr
Copper and Zinc in acid mine drainage
Style Considerations
Use 3'x5' size – Power Point, Adobe Illustrator, or Microsoft Word are suggested software
Font - Use sans serif fonts, large enough for someone standing several feet away to read (18-30 point is usually good.)
Printing - You may print 24 8.5” x 11" panels and mount them together, however, when including figures this can be graphically limiting. If using a plotter, non-glossy, draft quality printing is acceptable.
Be graphic – The purpose of a poster is to be selective in the material presented so the reader can come away with a good understanding of the concept without reading a textbook themselves. Use graphs, tables and figures to communicate your ideas with less text. Use captions to identify and describe each figure.
Be concise – Less is more when it comes to text. Stick to the essentials needed to understand the problem. Use bullet points and tables where appropriate.
Bibliography - You are required to document every resource. I prefer the format used by AGU journals, for example:
Ryder J.L. and A. H. Demond (2008). “Wettability Hysteresis and its Implications for DNAPL Source Zone Distribution.” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 102(1-2): 39-48.
For a web site, underline the site title, give the address, and the date accessed.
Evaluation: You will be evaluated on the content of the poster, the style such as the readability, spelling, and grammar, and you ability to answer questions during the poster session.
**This project is worth 15% of your final grade so do not leave it to the last minute. You will be asked for your partner and topic in Homework #3 (Feb. 4th).**