Environment Committee Meeting
20 MAY 2014
PRESENT CHAIRMAN Councillor D N Bain Mackay
COUNCILLORS G R Parker, S Cobb, I Edmondson, G Lodge E B Mansfield,
C Metcalfe and K Price.
CLERK Jane Crowther
DEPUTY CLERK Jo Mottershead
PRESENT One member of the Public.
E1 APOLOGIES – (Item 1) – Were received and accepted for R H Sweeting.
E2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – (Item 2) – Councillor Metcalfe recorded a personal Declaration of Interest for Item 21 on the agenda and would leave the meeting at this juncture.
A resident reported that a Tadcaster Litter Picking Group had been formed and had met on several occasions during the previous 6 months. Leaflets and posters had been distributed to make all residents aware of the group and to encourage volunteers to adopt areas of the town to litter pick on a regular basis.
A request was made to the Council for a donation towards litter picking equipment needed to carry out litter picks in the future. Shops and businesses in the town had pledged some funding towards equipment.
E5 CLERK’S REPORT – (Item 5) - The Clerk updated members regarding Environment matters as follows:-
· The broken stile at the base of the Viaduct steps had been reported to the NYCC Rights of Way Officer.
· A reply from NYCC had been received regarding the recently laid uneven footpath on York Road. There would be no further action.
· Councillor Metcalfe updated members regarding plans for maintenance of the Bus Station. Dialogue was ongoing between SDC and NYCC. Money had been earmarked for the works. The ongoing cleaning regime was to be reviewed.
· Illuminations and the Planting contract were to be discussed at the next Environment meeting in July.
· Community Payback were to paint the benches in the town and Cemetery gates in the better weather.
· Finance - all Committee were under budget bar the administration. The income from the Cemetery was greatly increased.
E6.1 Riverside Project - members update on the Riverside Project.
Councillor Metcalfe reported that the Boat structure would not be “wow” enough factor to attract the footfall required to secure the SDC funding. SDC would need to be confident in the scheme and he felt that the Playdale equipment would be the preferred option to take to the SDC Programme for Growth Board meeting.
The Clerk asked how the TTC £80,000 would be phased in to the project.
Councillor Metcalfe reported that the total funding would need to be put in the pot along with all funding from other bodies and any shortfall would be sought by Peter Murphy.
Members felt that as the Council had already committed funding that it should be released subject to terms between TTC and SDC.
The Clerk asked who would project manage the finances.
Councillor Metcalfe reported that Rose Norris and Peter Murphy would both project manage and deliver the scheme to the Tough Stuff Board.
Assurances that NYCC funding was still and in place and that RIngway were still committed to the scheme was to be sought before a business case could be finalized.
Members requested a timescale for the project.
Councillor Metcalfe could not be sure. The Motte and Bailey Dig would proceed works to the play area.
A planning consultant would be engaged to ensure that there would be no legal challenges to the project.
E6.2 Riverside Sub Committee – Members discussed the formation of a subcommittee to liaise with SDC and coordinate plans for the Riverside Project.
RESOLVED – That Councillors Mackay and Cobb and the Clerk would form a Riverside Project Sub Committee to make minor decisions and report back to Council as appropriate.
E6.3 Motte and Bailey – Peter Murphy updated members regarding the proposal for a dig at the Motte and Bailey as follows:-
· A statement of works had been put together by the Historical Society. Funding would need to be sought in the first instance.
· The completion of a Schedule Monument Consent form would be required followed by the drawing up of plans.
· For funding purposes TTC would be named as the applicant and Groundwork North Yorkshire as the agent.
· Local Schools would be included in the process from the start.
· Constraint would be used as to the extent of the dig owing to the instability of the adjoining wall.
E7 PLANNING – (Item 7)
E7.1– PLANNING APPLICATIONS - Members noted the following planning application received from Selby District Council and commented as follows:-
4/14 – 68 Stutton Road (Windyridge) - Single storey extension to the rear of the property.
RESOLVED – That members had no objection to the application.
5/14 - John Smith Brewery, application to build and exploit a photovoltaic (PV) system on the roof of 3No buildings.
RESOLVED – Members had no objections and supported the application.
ACTION – Clerk to reply to SDC accordingly.
E7.2- Members noted the following Granted applications received from Selby District Council:-
42/12 – Wharfe Bridge Papyrus Villas Newton Kyme - Listed Building Consent for repair and refurbishment works to Newton Kyme Viaduct to facilitate its use as a proposed new pedestrian route, in connection with full planning permission.
45/13 – 40 Kirkgate - (Cottage of India) – Proposed change of use from A5 (hot takeaway) to A3 and A5 (restaurant with hot food takeaway) ground floor rear exts internal alts together with replacement windows & new tiled roof to main building.
49/13 – 20 Heatherdene - Erection of 2 storey ext and lean to roofs to existing flat roofed front and rear dormers.
50/13 – 26 Wetherby Road - erection of dormer window and insertion of 2 windows to rear elevation a roof light to front elevation, erection of single garage following part demolition of outbuilding and boundary wall and creation of new vehicular access.
51&52/13 – National Grid - Construction of a temporary site access from the A659 in association with the construction of an adjacent overhead electricity line
53/13 – 14 Inholmes Lane - Proposed removal of flat roofed dormer and replacement with pitched roof to first floor and two storey extension.
2/14 – 27 Parkland Drive – Brickwork to 2No box windows.
E8.1 – ITEMS OF CORRESPONDENCE – Members noted and commented on the following items of correspondence as necessary:-
E8.1.1 Cemetery Wall and Oak Tree – Request from a resident of Leeds Road – to make repairs to the boundary Cemetery Wall and cut back branches from an overhanging Oak tree in the Cemetery.
Photos of the Wall and Oak tree were circulated to members.
Members were informed that there was no evidence of ownership or records that the Council owned the Wall.
Advice had been sought and remedial works had been advised.
· That the Council agreed to any necessary temporary remedial works to support the wall in the interest of safety
· That the Cemetery Sub Committee be authorized to assess the wall and to propose and arrange temporary remedial work if necessary.
· That advice be sought for a long term solution for securing of the wall
ACTION – Clerk to respond to the resident accordingly.
E8.1.2 - Letter received from resident - regarding the state of the footpath leading from Leeds Road to Dorchester Road Tadcaster.
Members were informed NYCC had been informed.
E8.1.3 - Residents request for a dog bin Oxton Lane – Members discussed a complaint received regarding dog fouling on Oxton Lane.
· That a suitable site for a dog bin along Oxton Lane near to the A64 Fly over be sought.
· That up to a £100 be authorised for the purchase of the above dog bin.
ACTION – Clerk to deal.
E8.1.4 - Selby District Council – Parish Survey 2014 – Members agreed not to complete the Survey
E8.1.5 - email – Pedestrianise Kirkgate – A residents` suggestion regarding the pedestrianizing of Kirkgate was discussed.
ACTION – Clerk to respond to the email explaining that although the Council were supportive of any effective traffic management the issue of pedestrianizing Kirkgate would be complex.
E8.1.6 – Selby District Council – Development Management Improvement Programme – Invitation to workshop to be held on the 13 June 2014, 13.00 – 16.30 at the Civic Suite, Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby.
E8.1.7 – Tadcaster Litter Collectors – Request from a resident for funding towards the purchase of litter picking equipment.
RESLOVED – That £100 be donated for the purchase of litter picking equipment for use by the Tadcaster Litter Collectors.
ACTION – Clerk to deal.
E8.1.8 - Request for a Memorial Bench by the River – Members discussed a request for a memorial bench by the river.
RESOLVED – That permission be given for the siting of the bench by the river on the understanding that ongoing maintenance is undertaken by the resident.
ACTION – Clerk to reply accordingly.
E8.2 The following items of correspondence were Tabled at the meeting:-
E8.2.1 - National Grid – Knaresborough to Bramham Overhead line project – notification of improvement works.
E8.2.2 - Tadcaster Archive Group – Letter of thanks for Grant Aid.
E9 NORTH YORKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL – Programme of savings (Item 9) – Members discussed a reply to the proposed planned cuts to grass cutting of verges within the town.
RESOLVED – That no further action be taken.
E10 TADCASTER RETAIL STUDY – (Item 10) - Members discussed the findings of the Tadcaster retail study and the possible use of the SDC Precept Grant for the purpose.
Members felt that the entrances to the town were in need of improvement and that a sub group be formed to scope the areas.
Councilor Metcalfe felt that any improvements could be carried out in partnership with the Tadcaster and Rural Community Interest Company.
RESOLVED – That a sub group consisting of Councillors Sweeting be and Metcalfe be tasked to scope the entrances to the town and report back to Council.
E11 RESILIENCE PLANS FOR TADCASTER – (Item 11) - Members were informed that a meeting to finalise a Resilience plan for Tadcaster was to be arranged in the near future and the plans would be brought to the next appropriate Council meeting.
E12 TADCASTER CARNIVAL – (Item 12) - Members update of the Tadcaster Carnival Parade event to be held on the 20 July 2014.
Councillor Sweeting was absent from the meeting.
ACTION – Councillor Cobb to chase a meeting of the Carnival Parade Committee.
E13 GLEN GOODMAN CORNER – Members discussed and agreed improvements to Glen Goodman Corner (Junction of Wetherby Road and Station Road)
RESOLVED – That Tadweld be asked to look at the possibilities of repairing the Deers at Glen Goodman Corner.
ACTION – Clerk to deal.
E14 VIADUCT – (Item 14)
E14.1 - Signage – Members discussed ongoing maintenance of signage on Viaduct Walk
E14.2 - Graffiti on Viaduct Walk – Members discussed the removal of graffiti on Viaduct Walk.
RESOLVED – that Councillors Parker, Cobb and Edmondson to arrange a site visit of the entire figure of eight walk to include a visual survey of the Viaduct and compile a report of findings to bring back to Council.
E14.3 - Viaduct Survey – Update of plans for a survey of the Viaduct.
RESOLVED – That the previous surveyor of the Viaduct Bridge be approached to ask if they would consider carrying out a survey of the Viaduct.
ACTION – Councillor Parker to deal
· That contact be made with Sustrans regarding maintenance of the Viaduct.
ACTION – Clerk to deal
E15 THE ARK – (Item 15)
E15.1 – Ark Artefacts - Members discussed the future of metal artefacts stored in the Ark Yard.
RESOLVED – That the artifacts be saved as an example and template for any future projects in the town.
E15.2 - Cleaning of the Parking Area – Members to discuss the cleaning of the paved parking area outside the Ark.
ACTION – Councillor Price to arrange for the cleaning of the parking area outside the Ark.
E16 ALLOTMENTS – (Item 16)
E16.1 - To discuss any matters relating to allotments – None
E16.2 - Members discussed an offer of help from a resident to monitor Stutton Road allotments.
RESOLVED – That monitoring of the Allotments should remain in the Councils remit.
ACTION – that a letter of thanks reporting the above resolution be sent to the resident.
E16.3 - The Clarke Trophy Stutton Road Allotment Competition – Members were informed that a date for the competition was still to be confirmed.
ACTION – Clerk to deal.
E17 FINANCE – Payment of accounts – (Item 17) - The following schedule was circulated at the meeting and three Councillors signed the cheques and stubs.
1 / 8001 / Living Landscapes / 767.80 / 0 / 767.802 / 8002 / Tadcaster Treat Association / 400.00 / 0 / 400.00
3 / 8003 / J Crowther / 1399.05 / 0 / 1399.05
8004 / J Mottershead / 868.31 / 0 / 868.31
4 / 8005 / J Ibbotson / 477.56 / 0 / 477.56
5 / 8006 / P.O.L (Tax & NI) / 588.91 / 0 / 588.91
6 / 8007 / North Yorkshire Pension Fund / 970.46 / 0 / 970.46
7 / 8008 / Fulprint / 430.00 / 0 / 430.00
8 / 8009 / Bromets Jackson Heath / 516.00 / 103.20 / 619.20
TOTAL / 6418.09 / 103.20 / 6521.29
E18 NEWSLETTER – (Item 18)