Math 116, Section 004

Calculus II

Course Information – Winter 2009

Instructor:Hyosang Kang

Office:East Hall 3068

Office Phone:763-0669


Text:Calculus by Hughes-Hallet, Gleason, et al.Fourth Edition.

Calculator:TI-84 graphing calculator or extremely close equivalent.


Student Guide:


The course website gives information on important events in the course (such as exam days and times). You can also find the course syllabus and homework assignments here. There is also a link to the student guide (see the green box in the lower left-hand corner.)


Your grade for the course is based on a uniform component and a sectional component. The uniform component of your grade is determined by your scores on the three uniformexams and web homework. The first midterm counts for 25%, the second midterm counts for 30% and the final exam counts for 40% and web homework for 5%. The sectional component of your grade will be based on:


In-class Activities10%

Team Homework40%

The gateway test (see below) can also influence your grade.


There will be one quiz per week taken during class time on Tuesday. Each quiz will take about 15 minutes. Generally speaking, make-up quizzes are only given in the event of serious, unavoidable circumstances such as participation in a varsity sport, an official religious observance or other similarly serious and unavoidable event.

Gateway Test:

There will be two gateway tests covering differentiation and anti-differentiation skills. The deadlines for passing the gateway tests are:

“Entrance” Gateway test on Derivatives:10pm onMONDAY, JANUARY 26, 2009.

Gateway test on Anti-derivatives and Integrals:4pm on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2009.

If you do not pass either gateway test by the deadlines shown above, then YOUR GRADE FOR MATH 116 WILL BE REDUCED BY ONE-THIRD OF A LETTER GRADE. For example, if you earned a grade of “C” in Math 116 but did not pass either gateway by deadline, then your grade for Math 116 would be lowered to “D+.“

Proctored gateways are administered in the gateway lab (B069 East Hall) and may not be taken more than twice per day.

You can start practicing for and taking the first gateway test as soon as like. You can practice for the gateway from any computer at any time before 10pm on Monday January 26 (“Entrance”) or 4pm on Friday February 6 (“Integrals”). The website for the Math 116 gateway test is:

Successful students begin practice gateways as soon as possible.


You must have a TI-84 calculator (or a very close equivalent) for this course. Bring your calculator to class each day. You will be allowed to use your calculator on the midterm exams and on the final exam.


There are three types of homework in Math 116: individual homework, team homework, and web homework. Individual homework is assigned after every class. It is not collected or graded, but will prepare you very well for the quizzes. We will discuss your questions on the individual homework for up to 20 minutes at the start of class. Team homework is assigned on a weekly basis throughout the semester. Team homework consists of challenging problems that you will work on with other people from the class. Team homework is collected and graded during the semester. Web homework is available at

and opens each time we complete a section. Web homework is automatically graded by computer and you will have 6 chances for each question to enter the correct answer. Questions on web homework can be discussed with instructor through e-mail.

Important Dates:

Entrance Gateway Deadline:Monday, January 26.

Integrals Gateway Deadline:4pm on Friday, February 6.

First Midterm Exam:Monday, February 9. 6:00pm-7:30pm.

Second Midterm Exam:Tuesday, March 24. 6:00pm-7:30pm.

Final Exam:Thursday, April 23.

Office Hours:

I will have two office hours per week. I will hold my office hours on:

Office Hour 1:Tuesday 11:00am-12:00pm

Office Hour 2:Thursday 11:00am-12:00pm

In addition to these office hours, I will be in the Mathlab (see below) on Monday 1:00pm-2:00pm. If you are unable to attend these office hours, feel free to make an appointment with me outside of these scheduled hours.

Americans with Disabilities Act:

Any students with a disability that may entitle them to special academic consideration need to obtain official documentation of their disability from the University of Michigan’s Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (OSSD). Documentation should be obtained and given to the instructor in a timely fashion. OSSD considers two weeks before a uniform test to be the effective deadline for presenting this kind of documentation to an instructor.

Math Lab:

The Math Lab is located in B860 East Hall. The Math Lab has qualified tutors who are eager to help you with math problems. The Math Lab opens on Monday, January 12, and there is a link to the Math Lab on the Math 116 web site. The Math Lab closes on the last day of classes and is not open during the study days or the final exam period. The tutoring provided through the Math Lab is free.

In-class Activity:

In-class activity consists of attending each class, solving problem in discussion session, and asking question during lecture.

Team Homework:

Each team consists of 3 to 4 members, and each member has a role of SCRIBE, REPORTER, CLARIFIER / MANAGER. It is suggested to have at least two team meetings before submitting final version of team homework. The role of scribe must be rotated each week so that everyone has opportunity to write the homework. Students will be assigned to new teams at the end of the first and second midterm.

The homework must be written by one scribe each week. Scribe should write up the solution as if other students were the audience. Define your variables and functions precisely, and write the algebra in complete sentences. State the problem and summary of your conclusion.