
•  Both parts of the traditional SSA form have been updated and re-labelled:

•  Summer Session Form “SSF” (payroll information, etc), and the

•  Summer Session Appointment “SSA”

•  A description of duties for both TT and NTT is now included:

•  Brief description only is required

•  Please list rubrics and course titles on teaching assignments

•  The merge spreadsheet will include cells in which departments can load rubrics and course titles for insertion into the Job Duties section

•  Routing: The employee is the last to sign the paperwork, and assignments are not approved to begin until all signatures are affixed

•  There are two versions of the SSF/SSA:

•  One for tenure track faculty, and

•  One for non-tenure track faculty.

•  Mail merge data will be provided by HR in place of printed forms as in previous years

•  Non State-funded appointments on SSF/SSA:

•  NTT may work up to 3/9th AY base salary on research

•  All teaching assignments

•  An easy way to modify a previously submitted SSF is provided (bottom of page 2 under the SSA)

•  The SSF no longer links payroll date to portions of summer session.


A.  Tenure Track faculty

B.  Non Tenure Track faculty

C.  Both TT and NTT faculty

Please read all sections applicable to your department.

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Tenure Track AY faculty may be appointed during Summer Session to teach, perform service, conduct research, or any combination of these. Department Heads only may perform administrative duties. The Tenure Track Faculty Summer Session Form (SSF) is divided into four parts so you can indicate assignments in any or all of these areas.

Use the combined Tenure Track Faculty SSF/SSA form to appoint for Summer Session 2017:

n  Tenurable faculty who are currently employed by the university.

n  Tenurable faculty who will be newly hired for the Fall Semester 2017. These faculty need to be hired into their tenurable position BEFORE you process an SSF/SSA for them; otherwise you must hire them as a Non Tenure Track faculty. If you haven’t already done so, complete an EPAF and the Letter of Hire for the appointee for Fall semester 2017 before using a TTF SSF/SSA form to appoint the faculty member for Summer Session.

n  Summer session salary for tenure track faculty will be based on the current AY 2017 base salary rate even if the faculty member is scheduled for, but has not received, a tenure or promotion bonus or a floor increase.

n  State funded teaching appointments are posted to FY16 regardless of pay date.


û To appoint Tenure Track faculty who are on a FY appointment.

(Working during the summer is part of their expectations of Tenure Track faculty on a FY contract.)

û To appoint a retiree. Use the Post-Retirement Employment Contract and submit an EPAF.

û To appoint contract professional employees who will be working over the Summer Session.


Non Tenure Track AY faculty may be appointed during Summer Session to teach or conduct research, or do any combination of these. The Non Tenure Track Faculty Summer Session Form (SSF) is divided into two parts so you can indicate assignments

in any or both of these areas.

n  Use the Non Tenure Track Faculty SSF/SSA to appoint Non Tenure Track faculty to teach and conduct research. Do not use it to appoint a Non Tenure Track faculty member to perform service. The following hints may help:

Employee / Duties / SSF/SSA / Professional LoA/EPAF
New or Existing NTT / Teaching (State funded) / X
New or Existing NTT / Teaching (non-State funded) / X
New or Existing NTT / Service (non-teaching activity that facilitates the effective operation of the institution or grant) / X
New or Existing NTT / Research (non-State funded, non- service activity directly supporting a specific research project) / X
New or Existing NTT / Teaching and Research / X
New or Existing NTT / Teaching and Service / X
Teaching / X
New or Existing NTT / Research and Service / X
Research / X

n  A Professional LOA will requires:

n  a 4Cxxxx position # assigned by HR


Please Remember –appointments on LOA and EPAF cannot cross fiscal years. If an appointment crosses FY17 and FY18 please complete two Professional LOAs and EPAFs.

n  A Non Tenure Track faculty member’s summer salary is based on their annualized salary for an AY at 1.0 FTE

n  Board of Regents policy establishes the maximum salary for summer session teaching shall not exceed 2/9 of AY salary. NTT sick leave accruals will be calculated per 1/9 earned.

n  Background checks are required per usual policy.



1.  Please obtain the necessary signatures on the SSF (Dept Head, Dean, VPR, OSP, AES etc) prior to routing to the Provost.

2.  The Provost must sign the Summer Session Contract before the contract is presented to the employee to sign.

o  Work assignments may not commence until the SSF/SSA is signed by all parties.

o  Please ensure the employee’s full GID is on both the SSF and SSA.

3.  The Provost’s Office will return signed paperwork to the department. Please obtain the employee’s signature and send the completed SSF/SSA forms to Human Resources.


n  AY 2017 (Annual) Base Salary is calculated using April 1, 2017 rate prorated to 1.0 FTE. This annual base salary, excluding any additional compensation or overload, will be provided in spreadsheet format to the Dean’s office and/or appropriate “Super User”.

n  In the job duties section of the SSA, please list courses being taught (rubric and number of course title), and a brief description of any other duties for which the employee will be paid.

n  Please ensure the employee’s name and full GID appear on both the SSF and the SSA.

n  Expenses for Summer Session teaching are incurred against the FY2018 budget regardless of the pay date. Expenses for Summer Session research and service are incurred in the fiscal year in which they are expended.

n  Items to note:

ü  The University has the right to cancel classes during Summer Session. In some cases, this may mean reducing the faculty member’s assignment or modifying it by shifting a greater proportion of the assignment to a grant if permitted under the terms of the grant or contract. To make these changes, use blank paperwork and describe the change(s) after “NOTES.”

ü  In other cases, canceling a class may terminate the faculty member’s Summer Session appointment. To do this - process a terminating EPAF.

ü  Some faculty have more than one funding source for their research activities. The SSF provides space to indicate two different index number and distributions per appointment period. If this is not enough, use additional forms and indicate on each “page _ of .”

ü  Faculty may use sick leave only during and for the period of their actual 2017 Summer Session appointment. For example, if the course a faculty member teaches is offered during the first session, sick leave can be taken only during that session.

Remember, SSF/SSAs for payments in Payroll 6 are due to HR on May 19, 2017 and then as soon as appointments are made or modified. If you have any questions about Summer Session appointment policies and procedures, please contact HR

@ 994-3651.