Please register your NAME and EMAIL address in the on-line form.

You must be at the IGN Live Event on October 22nd no later than 2:30 PM for your on-line registration to be valid. Upon entering the AnaheimConvention Center please go to the GAMESPY ARENA area of the event and report in to the REGISTRATION TABLE. You must have a valid photo ID – either a Drivers License, Passport or Government Issued Identification Card – with your name and photo on it to enter in the Tournament. You cannot enter the Tournament without a valid ID. You will be issued a wristband and GAMESPY hand stamp upon Tournament entry.

You must be 17 years old to play. If you are under 17 years of age you must have a parent or guardian present at all times during gameplay.

If you are a relative or employee of any event sponsor or production company you may not enter in this Tournament.

You must use the PC provided by IGN Live for Tournament gameplay. You may bring your own mouse and mouse pad.

If you are not checked in by 10:30 AM your on-line registration will no longer be valid and you will only be able to enter the Tournament as a STAND-BY ALTERNATE – Space permitting.

You may enter with an eight (8)-person team, or, you may enter as an individual and we will match you randomly with other individual players before the start of the tournament. Final 8-Team random matching is at the sole discretion of the Tournament Officials.

During the Tournament, if you fail to show up on time for your match your match will be forfeited.

This is a single elimination Tournament.

Number of Players per Team: 8

Number of Teams per Tournament: 8

First Prize: $2,500

Second Prize: TBD

Third Prize: TBD

Time Limit: 30 minutes

Score Limit: None per map.

Rounds Per Map: 1
Spawn Time: 15 seconds
End Delay: 15 seconds
Start Delay: 30 seconds
Kits: Enabled
Tickets: 200
Friendly Fire Options: All to 100%
Camera Settings: Allow nose and external view.
Hit Indicator: On
Auto Balance Teams: Off
TK Before Kick: 0
Punish by Default: Off
TK Punish: Disabled
Map Size: 16 person
Mode: Conquest
PunkBuster: On

Cheaters, hackers, and smacktards of all varieties will NOT be tolerated and, should your TEAM CAPTAIN fail to remove them from play, your team will be removed from the ladder should they continue to cause trouble on your behalf.

There is to be no spawn camping in uncappable bases only. This area included the runway and the surrounding area. An uncappable area is shown by a red circle with a line though it. Everywhere else you maybe camp as much as you like.

Players may attack an uncappable base for the purpose of destroying the objectives, these include radar towers, artillery launchers and command HUT however once the objective is destroyed the players must move out of the base. Players must not attack the uncappable bases with a vehicle or plane however if you wish to get their quickly use a Blackhawk or equal helicopter by yourself so you can just jump out and ditch it in the air. This is the only exception to this rule. You may only use kits inside the uncappable spawn points. Breach of this rule will result in the other team winning the challenge. Screenshots of the player/s in a vehicle etc and another of the score board to prove it was during the match are submittable. For planes, jets and helicopters the screenshots must also show them engaging you in an uncappable base.
Constant Artillery on uncappable bases is not allowed.
Swearing and making racist comments are not to be used and can result in removal from the ladder.

Substitution of players is allowed in between maps. If a player drops out in the middle of a round then that team must play a player down until the next map, when they can use a substitute

Matches must be played with a minimum of 6 people on each team and if one side can only find 6 people to come then the other team has the right to keep 8 people on their team or play with 6.
If a team cannot find six people at the time of the scheduled match time, then they must submit a forfeit loss to the other team. In an instance where both teams fail to find the required number, the match will be cancelled.

Teams will play 1 round per map.
Only the following maps can be used:

Dalian Plant, Daqing Oilfields, Dragon Valley, FuShe Pass, Gulf of Oman, Kubra Dam, Mashtuur City, Operation Clean Sweep, Sharqi Peninsula, Songhua Stalemate, Strike at Karkand and Zatar Wetlands

The game declares a winner - in Conquest mode, this is based on the amount of tickets each side has left. The team that reaches zero tickets loses the round.


You hereby irrevocably grant IGN and IGN’s authorized partners permission to use images of yourself, captured during the IGN Live event through video, photo and digital camera, for promotional purposes and waive any rights of compensation or ownership thereto.

The personal information you submit will be used by IGN and its agents solely to administer and solicit volunteers for the IGN Live Tournament. In particular, IGN's policy is to keep your personal information strictly confidential and to not share your information with third parties unless required to do so by law