Geography / Key Stage 1 / Geographical skills and fieldwork
· use world maps, atlases and globes to identify the United Kingdom and its countries, as well as the countries, continents and oceans studied at this key stage
· use simple compass directions (North, South, East and West) and locational and directional language [for example, near and far; left and right], to describe the location of features and routes on a map
· use aerial photographs and plan perspectives to recognise landmarks and basic human and physical features; devise a simple map; and use and construct basic symbols in a key
· use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and its grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment.
Geography / Key Stage 1 / Place knowledge
Geography / Key Stage 1 / Geographical skills and fieldwork
Geography / Key Stage 1 / Locational knowledge
Geography / Key Stage 1 / Human and physical geography
English / Key Stage 1 / Listening
English / Year 1 / Reading - comprehension
Mathematics / Year 1 / Number – number and place value
ACTIVITY / RESOURCES / OBJECTIVEActivity 2: My Way to School
Timeframe: 1 hour
Ask students to list some of the things they notice on their way to school. Ask students to choose three of these things and sequence them in the order that they see them. Revise ordinal numbers up to 5 and ask students to share what the first, second, and third landmark they drew were.
Ask students to share how they travel to school. List these methods of transportation on the board and ask students to add, to their picture, the way in which they get to school. Beside this image, they should list two other examples of how their peers travel to school.
Ask students to, with the help of their parents, time how long it takes them to get to school the following day. Rank these times to see whose journey takes the shortest and longest amount of time. / My Way to School Worksheet / Geography / Key Stage 1 / Geographical skills and fieldwork
Mathematics / Year 1 / Number – number and place value
Activity 3: Continents
Timeframe: 1 hour
Point to each of the continents on the suggested map and ask students if they are able to identify them. You might want to identify each continent by its colour to assist in the encouragement of recall.
Find multiple forms of media (photographs, videos, picture books, etc.) that provide information on each continent (e.g. a photograph of a family in Europe, a picture book about a child in Africa, a song about an Australian town). Divide students into groups of three or four and ask them to collect a couple of facts about the continent they are assigned using these resources.
Encourage students to write the fact that they have learnt as a sentence. You could add these sentences to a world map that you have pinned to your wall.
To consolidate the learning of the names of the continents, point to each continent again on the suggested map and evaluate if students are able to recall their names more confidently. / Map of continents
World map (optional) / Geography / Key Stage 1 / Locational knowledge
English / Year 1 / Reading - comprehension
Activity 4: Cardinal Directions
Timeframe: 30 minutes
Take your students out into an open area in your school’s playground. Point out the directions of North, East, South and West and relate them to landmarks around the playground that the students can see (e.g. ‘North’ is the school canteen, ‘South’ is the oval). Go through each direction several times to reinforce the direction and the landmark to which it is related.
Once students are familiar with these associations, you can initiate a game of “Captain’s Coming” using cardinal directions instead of ship directions. Ask students to turn their bodies toward the appropriate landmark. Continue to shout out directions to assess whether students have understood this concept. / Geography / Key Stage 1 / Geographical skills and fieldwork
English / Key Stage 1 / Listening
Activity 5: Unlocking Maps with Keys
Timeframe: 1 hour
Issue a copy of the map presented in the Where Am I? Miniclip to each student. Ask students to identify the following features: trees, mountains, cities, houses, farms, roads, paths. Ask students to explain how they were able to identify these features and discuss the use of symbols in maps.
Discuss the purpose of a “key” or “legend” in a map and ask students to draw a key for their map. You might want them to do to this on a post-it note, so that students can easily attach it to their map.
Students can create their own map based on the key they created earlier in this activity. / Unlocking Maps with Keys – Map
Post-it notes / Geography / Key Stage 1 / Geographical skills and fieldwork
Geography / Key Stage 1 / Human and physical geography