A Report of the workshop as recorded by the participants:

Recorded by Sr Stephania:

Report of the morning session on the 9th November 2006.

·  Opening Prayer by Sr. Clare. Naming God from our experience of Him.

·  Welcome Note by Sr.Shalini. It included a symbolic welcome with sandalwood paste smeared on the forehead of each participant. We are 27 participants from 16 countries.

·  Sr. Armelle from the CLT delivered a message on behalf of Congregational Leader & her team.

·  Overview of the workshop by Sr. Clare.

·  Other highlights of the morning:

We were asked to think about the current realities that we want to symbolize as a JP Contact Person. We shared in small groups.

This was followed by a general session. Some of the reflections were:

Not properly introduced to the role as JP Contact Person

There is a lot to be done

Unique and different stories in each country. It is important to understand

the different situations in the different countries.

We must respond to the realities

We must be aware of the external blocks in our JP work

We need to plan long term programmes

It is a learning experience for all of us

To work without boundaries

·  Marking of our priorities in our unit based on the 2003 General Assembly & Chapter Direction Statement.

·  The morning session was concluded by a prayer, ‘God In Our Experience’ conducted by Sr. Del & Gloria from Province of Singapore – Malaysia.

Report Afternoon Session : Nov 9, 2006 : Recorded by Cecilia Supryati

Justice and Peace Overview : Sr. Shalini

1. Our work for Justice and Peace is based on Scripture, Catholic Social Teaching, and

Congregational Directives . In this session we will only discuss the Catholic Social Teaching, and Congregational Directives. We are grateful that we live in a time where the Church encourages us to be with the poor and to respond to the signs of the time. Participants shared the quotes they had prepared.

2. Handout on Social Teachings: The participants were asked to do the “Air Crash Exercise”. In this exercise we had to choose the leader among five persons appearing in the paper. At the end of the exercise we found the qualities of the leader we would like to practice in our own life.

3. 4th General Assembly no.4 :“ We recognize justice as an essential value, deeply rooted…“

28Th General Chapter, “ Promote strong justice initiative, giving priority……”

1994 – 2005 : We have witnessed the growth of ICJPIC

2004 -: We have JPSM restructuring and enhancing the JP work.

The vision, goals, and objectives of the JPSM, role of JP Contacts and Regional JP Team, JP Workshops - description on the paper. Presently there are 53 JP Contacts.

4. NGO Office overview : Clare Nolan

In this session Clare explained about the UN System and how GS affiliate with the Economic Social Council. Clare Nolan’s role is the representative of the GS direct services. This role can be done only if we communicate with each other. “The purpose of this affiliation is

to further our mission of reconciliation, particularly in its orientation toward girls and

women. It is a means of collaboration through which we work to bring about change

in whatever condemns others to live a marginalized life.”

Morning Session on 10 of Nov. 2006 - Sr Therese

Resource Person: Dr. Irene Fernandez

Globalization can mean:

- New forms of discrimination and violence by administrative and fundamentalist forces

- Production is not for local consumption but for exportation

- Politicians become more interested in economic gains than national independence

- Non recognition of women’s reproductive rights

- Labour is made a commodity.

Globalization is a type of networking but it does not benefit all:

-  TNC forces people to move in order to find work and countries to trade without barriers.

-  There is growing corruption, and anti-terrorism is the new way of controlling people.

- Why is it that 700 million people go to bed hungry every night in Asia?

- WTO is taking away the farmers’ ability to farm his own land and provide for his family. Now we have contractual farming. Farmers lose their land and become workers. There has been an increase in the number of suicides within the farming community.

- Mechanization has led to unemployment.

- Women cared for the seeds- they used to dance and sing and they chose seeds and exchanged the seeds. They have rights and traditionally have had the power over vegetation. So with the patenting of seeds by the multi-nationals, this right was taken away from them.

Impacts from globalization:

- Increasing migration

- TNC took away the right to control food production

- Unions cannot function because the workers are no longer permanent but on short-term contracts

- There are no labour laws to protect contracted workers

- Women are brought into the work force and they form 70% of the migrant labour

- Increasing trafficking of women and children

- Women get dangerous work to do, e.g. spray insecticide.

“Today our flowers are beautiful but they have no fragrance”

Report Afternoon Session : Nov 10 2006 : Recorded by Gertrudis Melania rgs

1.  Fountain of Life Children’s Center:

We had a tour at 12.15 from the Redemptorist Center to the Fountain of Life Children’s Center run by the RGS at Pattaya. At the Fountain of Life some children welcomed us, some were sleeping (the smaller ones), and others were making cards. We went upstairs to visit the community for the Sisters on the 3rd floor of the same building.

2.  Fountain of Life Women’s Center:

We continued our tour to the Fountain of Life Women’s Center, took our group picture in front of the new building; after that we had our delicious lunch at their canteen, the place where they used to have their (the women and the staff) meal. We admired and enjoyed their dessert, which was very beautiful and good. After lunch we looked around the center and finally we reached the Hall on the 3rd floor where the Thai RGS welcomed us; they dressed up in Thai costumes.

3.  Sharing at the Hall:

Sr. Supaporn shared with us about the Women’s Center, continued by Sr. Joan who shared about the Children’s Center and explained about the symbol made by Sr. Michael. This sharing ended with the preparation for our exposure at the evening given by Sr. Michael. Then we went home to the Redemptorist Center.

4.  Exposure to the Walking street, Pattaya:

At 6.00 pm we had our evening prayer prepared by the Indian RGS, followed by supper, and continued with the exposure. We went to the “Walking Street” at 8.00pm and walked there for an hour. At 9.15 we went into the “Fantastic Bar” to see the show, which we had never seen before. By 10.00pm we went back to the Children’s Center for our reflection and sharing led by Sr. Michael. Our sharing was very deep and enriched the whole group, ending with Hail Mary. We had refreshments for awhile at the Community, then went back. It was 12.00pm.

Report Morning Session : Nov 11 2006 : Recorded by Seraphine Clement rgs

1.  Morning prayer: Earth meditation: Sr. Shalini

We put the soil we had brought from our own countries on to one dish. We prayed and danced together to rejoice, to reclaim the beauty of dance, to celebrate our unity and to heal the Earth.

2. Dr Irene Fernandez started the first session by asking us to form 3 circles. The purpose of this activity was to reflect on how we deal with getting into a tangle. Some things we learned were:

a.  To be true to ourselves

b.  To try various solutions to solve this situation

c.  To keep trying and not lose hope

d.  To listen to each other and co-operate

3. Dr Irene gave some input on the exposure to the sex industry of the previous night. As we were going through the streets we saw on the young women’s faces pain, fear and emptiness. We felt pain, helplessness, fear, anger and violation. Therefore I need to connect, understand them and myself. Understanding myself means :

a.  Own experience

b.  Values

c.  Resources

d.  Constraints

e.  Dignity

f.  Biases/Prejudice/Taboos

g.  Socio cultural and religious structure

We have to see to the reality: what we want as change OR what they want as change. Is there a synergy or common understanding or common goal of justice?

Report Afternoon Session : Nov 11 2006 : Recorded by Maria Rosa Viloria, rgs

The afternoon theme was the empowerment of women. To do this, we need to establish our connection with them by knowing who they are as individuals and as a group of persons with special socio-economic-political-religious-educational and spiritual needs.

We also need to look into ourselves because the way we look at their experience could be influenced by our own experience, cultural, religious upbringing and educational background.

Our reflection and consideration of the above could be liberating and justice be served in bringing about empowerment, change /transformation towards a new image/identity and self- respect, recognizing their dignity.

In order to effect the desired transformation, changes need to be done on: attitudes and policies on tourism; for example, government structure /system, values, etc. It was recommended that we get acquainted about CEDAW, rights of migrants and families, and other human rights recommendations.

A paradigm shift is necessary, promote gender equality, fair and just distribution of resources, etc.

Dr. Irene Fernandez also showed us steps to change, and Powerpoint on Pentecost of People, “Give me Identity”. In God’s Image, The Challenge, Mission to Migrants, The New Testament, REMEMBERING THAT Abraham was a migrant himself and so was Jesus, having been a refugee –migrant, himself.

Morning Session Sunday 12 November 2006 Sr Madonna

1.  Morning Prayer was conducted by Thailand sisters, followed by the JP journey of Australia New Zealand presented by Christine and Margaret.

2.  The day’s session on networking was presented by Sister Clare Nolan. The input of this session was about the importance of networking with local religious congregations, political actions and one’s own formation groups within a global world. There are many forms of networking, such as awareness of global issues, education, empowerment, connection to the Church, NGOs and our grassroots connections. To end the session an exercise was given to draw up a map of our Provinces’ networking.

3.  The second session on Communication was conducted by Sr Shalini. It began with an exercise for sisters to become more aware of how to deal with communication gaps. The input included exercises to deal with the following topics.

·  What is real communication

·  Models of communication

·  Perception of reality

·  Communication as an agent of social change

Practical steps for communication with JPSM:

Attending to communications, When sending Province news to JPSM office – highlight the subject and keep the communication short. Invite participation on issues of current events e.g., JP Journal; International Women’s Day, Peace Day etc.

Prepare our plans and present to the Unit leadership team.

Afternoon Session 12th November, 2006 Sr Aruna

The afternoon session was chaired by Clare Nolan.

The session began at 2.00pm with the JP Journey sharing of the Unit Sri Lanka – Pakistan by Sr. Madonna and the Unit of Korea by Sr. Stephania Kong.

Clare asked the participants to go into groups by Provinces and to share with each other the Network mapping we had done individually in the morning. After the sharing we were instructed to choose a priority of our Unit. Once we chose a priority we were to name the most important need and three other needs the Province would require to take our priority further.

Out of this perspective, we were asked to think of our role in this. What do we need as individuals to help our Unit? What are the things we see that our own Unit needs?

Before we went for a tea break, Clare reminded us that when we are aware of our need we can set a goal and start to make a plan for what we shall do the next day.

After the tea break we came together to listen to the JP Journey of the Vietnam Unit. After this we were guided to work in three writing committees until 5.00pm.

The following work was assigned for each writing committee:

1.  A letter to the Congregational Leadership Team regarding the JP contact workshop

2.  A letter to the participants of the next JP contact Workshop to be held in Latin America

3.  A statement condemning the illegal raid on the Good Shepherd Contemplative Sisters house in the Philippines

We ended the day with the Eucharistic celebration which was fully and creatively prepared by Christine and Margaret from Australia.

November 13, 2006, morning- Sr. Alicia Andres


1. Development of the Justice and Peace Initiatives: The experience of Singapore-Malaysia- Gloria Bon, JP Contact of Singapore-Malaysia Province

Gloria shared about the various initiatives done by the Province. She talked about the JP activities done with the kindergarten children that helped raise their level of awareness. They commemorated international day celebrations like the Day of Peace and the Day of the Elderly. The children have many activities like the musicale of children’s rights that also raised funds. These funds were given to the victims of the Indonesian earthquake, victims of war in Lebanon and Vietnam.