Create Categories
First we need to create categories for your assignments. We will create all of your categories here and then you can choose the ones you’d like to use for each class from this ‘bank’.
Here you will give your new category a name, points etc.
The default setting is to include scores for the assignments in this category in the final grade. You may uncheck this box if you do not want these scores in the final grade calculation.
Final Grade Setup
This will tell PowerSchool how to calculate the grades for your classes.
We will set up our Semester grades to include the final grades from both quarters and the exam (midterm or final), and our Quarter grades to calculate grades either by total points or by categories (however you prefer to set up your grading).
First, choose 2010-2011 from this dropdown menu so that you are looking at all of your classes for the year.
**You will be able to copy the grade setup from one class to another as long as they are in the same grading period (10-11, S1 or S2)
Choose a class, click on the ‘Grade Setup tab’, and choose ‘F1’ for the reporting term. You should see a hierarchy of reporting terms like the one above.
Double click on S1 which will open up the S1 window below. The default for calculating grades is ‘Total Points’, change this to ‘Term Weights’.
Change the weights for Q1, Q2 and E1 to 40, 40, 20 by double-clicking in the weight box. Click the save button in the bottom rightcorner when you’ve finished. Double click on S2 and change the weights for Q3, Q4 and E2 as well and click the save button.
If you calculate your Quarter grades by ‘Total points’ you will not need to change the Quarter grade setup as that is the default setting.You may skip ahead to the Copy Class Grade Setup section.
Calculate Quarter grades using Category Weights
** You will be able to copy the setup for these Quarters so only need to set up one quarter for the class.
1.Double-click Q1 and choose ‘Category Weights’.
2. Choose ‘Category Weights’.
3. Click the ‘add category’ button.
4. Choose which categories you want to use for this course.
After you have entered the weights for all of the categories, click the save button on the bottom right.
You can now copy this Q1 grade setup to the other Quarters.
On the next popup window, choose the quarters you’d like to copy the category weights to, most likely Q2, Q3 and Q4.
You then click ‘Next’ and it will confirm your choices, click ‘Finish’ and it will change Q2, Q3 and Q4 to match Q1.
Copy Class Grade Setup
To copy a class grade setup to another class (they must be the same grading term 10-11, S1, S2, so you will have to manually set up one class for each term if you have both yearlong classes and semester classes), click on ‘tools’ on the top menu and then choose ‘copy final grade setup’.
Choose ‘entire class’ and click ok. In the next popup window you will then choose the classes you wish to copy the grade setup into. (If you select a class with a different grading term it will immediately give you an error.)
Click ‘next’ when you are finished and it will ask for confirmation, then click ‘finish’ and it will copy the grade setup.
Entering Assignments
Copying Assignments
In the popup window that appears:
-Check the assignments you’d like to copy, click ‘next’
-Check the classes to copy the assignments to
-Choose to keep or change the existing due date
-Click ‘ok’
Entering Scores
If you right click within a score box, you are given these choices. To fill all the scores for an assignment with the same score, choose ‘fill scores’.
To enter a comment associated with this assignment for a particular student, click ‘show score inspector’.
You may enter a comment and score
on the score tab, or click the comment tabto view the ‘canned’ comments.
The mode buttons will give you
different views of the assignment scores.
Student view shows all of the scoring information for one student at a time. Use these arrows to step through the students.
Creating Reports
Use the reports available through the gradebook to provide a paper orelectronic copy of information.You canpersonalize each report by entering a custom title or including a top note,bottom note, and signature line. There are eight types of reportsavailable, and they can be presented in three output types: PDF, HTML, orText Export (CSV).
• Attendance Grid - Use to mark attendance manually. Format
to print for specific dates or no dates.
• Category Total Report - View a summary of category totals
for a student or class. Choose to report a specific term or all
• Final Grade and Comment Verification - View final grade
information for your students. Select to include all final grade
information or specific information, like final grade only.
• Individual Student Report - View a summary of class
information per student similar to a progress report. Choose
what grade information is printed as well as the date range.
• Missing Assignment Report - View a list of students with
assignments not scored or missing. Select to print the student
number instead of name so the list may be posted.
• Scoresheet - Print a paper copy of grade and assignment
data. Choose to print all categories or one category, and select
to include final grades and assignments.
• Student Multi-Section Report - View final grade information
for all of a student’s sections, not just your class. Choose
specific terms to include.
• Student Roster - View student demographic information.
Select to include a variety of student information and even
format a column to keep track of money collected or permission