EGOLF TC2 Helpdesk items in2014 - actions agreed

(ongoing actions/discussions)

Helpdesk item / relevant test method / subject / outcome / meeting where final decision reached & number of report of meeting / Status
N717 / Lintel test in the furnace / CEN TC 125 shall be informed that lintels can be tested and classified for fire resistance with EN 1365-3 (beam test). This will lead to a more severe test compared to the end use situation. If lintels are incorporated in a wall test, they cannot be classified since it is the whole system that is tested, i.e. the wall.
Chair of CEN TC 125 (masonry), Andrew Smith, replied on 10/11/2014. He has forwarded information from L Boström to convenors of WG3 Ancillary Components (includes lintels) and WG4 Test Methods and will inform us of their evaluation in due course. / Oct 2014 N743 / Item closed (pending evaluation by CEN TC 125)
N722 & N742 / EN 1366-10 / Hot mode table & classification / An email group has been formed with five participants who are asked to share their comments with Gary Blume and determine the right way to test and classify smoke dampers in hot mode and whether an EGOLF Agreement or Recommendation is needed.
Action taken forward to Autumn 2015 meeting.
Action taken forward to Spring 2016 meeting.
Since CEN TC 127 WG2 TG4 are collating information in preparation for revision to EN 1366-10, Gary will now address this helpdesk item direct to the TG when they meet on 11th May.
Action G Blume / Oct 2014 N743
March 2015 N764
October 2015, N792rev1
April 2016
N811 / Action G Blume
N719 / Edge effect loadbearing constructions / Solution agreed has been published as EGR 78.Item closed. / Oct 2014 N743 / EGR 80
N720 & N730 / EN 1363-1 / Verification wood studs loadbearing samples / Solution agreed has been published as EGR 85. Item closed. / Oct 2014 N743 / EGR 85
N721 / prEN 15269-11 / Overlapped curtains / Whether an unsewn overlap in the curtains will lead to failure of integrity by the gap gauge.
It is important to remember that the gap gauge can be inserted parallel to the curtains and not just perpendicular to the curtains.
See document N472 and N469 Use of gap gauges in testing smoke curtains:
The 500 mm is a minimum length for the gauge in the standard
You can apply the gauge in any direction through the specimen.
This is a failure as long as we are convinced that there is a straight path through the elements allowing a gauge diam. 6 to be moved aside for 150 mm.
It suggested to bring this question to the attention of CEN TC127/WG3 so that they can take it into consideration when working with the standard.
In addition it is noted that according to lab. members only curtains up to 3 meters have been tested.
EGOLF advise that rules allowing increases of height should be based on some test evidence. It is today possible to test heights up to 9000 mm.
TC2 agreed to provide solution to problem for attention of CEN TC 127 WG3.
This topic was omitted from meeting discussions. Niall Rowan offered to look at this question and supply information at next meeting.
Action to be taken forward to meeting in October 2016.
Action N Rowan / Oct 2014 N743
March 2015 N764
October 2015, N792rev1
April 2016
N811 / Action: N Rowan
N732 & annex / EN 15037-3 / Statically inactive filler blocks for slabs / Filler blocks cannot be for fire resistance. The solution to the problem is to inform the CEN TC responsible for this product standard as well as fire sector group. However, no reply from CEN re. request (06/11/2014) for contact details convenor CEN TC 229.
Chariman reported he has not received reply from CEN TC 127. / Oct 2014 N743
April 2016
N811 / TC2 chairman to decide if it is necessary to forward to FSG.
N733 / EN 1363-1 / Performance criteria loadbearing specimens / There is no need for any clarification on this point. It is stated in EN 1363-1 that the datum values shall be established not more than 5 minutes before commencement of the fire test.
No EGR is required. / Item closed
N734 / EN 13381-4 / Virtual point graphical approach / The TC2 task group agrees with the view below submitted by Mr. Korzen from BAM. This solution should be captured in the minutes of the meeting and helpdesk report. No EGR is needed.
The virtual point, mentioned in Annex E.2 of EN 13381-8:2013, is not a data point according to EN13381-8:2013.
Table 2, which is mentioned in
“For any nominal thickness requiring a curve fit plot, a minimum of six data points will be required. The additional data points shall be accommodated within the minimum data set from Table 2 or Table 3.
The curve shall be a parabolic least squares fit and may pass through the virtual point.”
according to Annex E.2 of EN 13381-8:2013 shows very clearly that the six data points have
to be in the interval between Smin and Smax. I.e. this table excludes the virtual point as a data point.
Table 3 is out of discussion because according to of EN 13381-8:2013 (p. 20)
“For a full assessment then the same approach and number of sections given in Table 2 shall be used.” / Oct 2014 N743 / Item closed
N735 / EN 1364-3 / gaskets / An increase seems to be more logical than a decrease.
The proposition is thus to allow only increase (up to 50%) but not decrease. The first sentence of EN 1364-3 § is confusing and could be clarified. The second sentence is deemed to give the correct information.
An EGOLF agreement should be issued and CEN informed.
EGR 90 published 13/04/2015 / EGR 90
2014-10 / EN 1364-3 / curtain wall increase in width / There is some conflict between EN 1364-3 § and § 13.2.1. A recommendation cannot be issued (it would contradict the standard). Efectis NL agreed to raise thisquestion with proposal for attention of CEN TC127 WG1.
Action: TC2 chairman will include this draft EGR in his liaison report to CEN TC 127 / Item closed
N737 / EN 13381-4 & -8 / Definition fabricated sections / It is proposed to follow the proposition of Geoff Deakin (convenor of TC127 WG1 TG5 dealing with these standards) :
In the context of the current edition of EN 13381-4 and -8, "fabricated sections" should be understood as "only sections made of plates assembled at right angles to each other by continuous welding, and resulting in I or H cross sections that remain uniform along the length of the profile".
The current edition of EN 13381-4 and -8 doesn't deal with all other fabricated sections (e.g. presence of internal voids, bolted sections, changes of plate thickness or tapers).
No EGR required / Item closed
N744 / ETAG 018-2 / Primers and topcoats / In ETAG 018-2 this is done according to the procedure Additional insulation efficiency. The procedure is unclear, especially when comparing the different variations topcoats and primers. Two options have been suggested as shown in document N744. It is suggested to use option one.
Marek Łukomski (ITB)prepared a draft recommendation on the interpretation of this method in ETAG 018-2, using option one.
The SG sent this draft EGR to Gunter Hoppe at DIBT, who is convenor of the group developing ETAG 018-2 standard. He replied that EOTA is using ETAG 018-2 and converting this into the new EAD format and that the group would look at the EGOLF paper when reviewing the new EAD in written consultation with the members of the working group. / Oct 2014 N743 / Item closed (pending outcome review by EOTA)