Department of Community and Culture

Salt Lake City, Utah


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Members Present Representing

Mayor JoAnn B. Seghini, Chair Local Government

Gloria Froerer Rental Housing

David Luna General Public

Mayor Joe Piccolo Elected Officials

Jayne Wolfe General Public

David Wall Mortgage Lender

Marty Henrie Mortgage Lender

Stephen Blaser Manufactured Housing

Robert Snarr State Government

Megan Ryan Housing Advocacy

Craig Hackett Real Estate

Members Excused/Absent

Vince Clayton Home Builder


Gordon Walker Dept. of Community and Culture

Mike Glenn Dept. of Community and Culture

Shelli Goble Dept. of Community and Culture

Lora Rees Dept. of Community and Culture

Lisa Yoder Dept. of Community and Culture

Daniel Herbert-Voss Dept. of Community and Culture

Cris Rhead DHCD

Annette Despain DHCD

Clayton Fulton DHCD

Anna Leggett DHCD

Kathy Smith DHCD

Kristen Stewart DHCD


Kathy Kinsman AGO

Scott Warr Save Our Kids Utah

Kerry Bate HA of SL County

Welcome - The Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund (OWHLF) Quarterly Board Meeting was held at 324 South State Street, Room 501, Salt Lake City, UT. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am, by Mayor JoAnn Seghini, Chair.

Old Business

Item #1 – Approval of Minutes for the: Quarterly Board Meeting – July 31, 2008

Electronic Board Meeting – September 11, 2008

Electronic Board Meeting – October 6, 2008

Stephen Blaser motion and David Wall second to approve the minutes for the Quarterly Board Meetings held July 31, 2008, September 11, 2008, and October 6, 2008. The motion carried unanimously.

New Business:

Item #1 – Proposals

1.  Mt. Catherine Apartments

This project has been tabled for the January 2009 Quarterly Board Meeting.

Stephen Blaser motion and Jayne Wolfe second to table this project for the January 2009 Board Meeting. The motion carried unanimously.

2.  Gregson Apartments

Staff recommends that the interest rate for this loan, originally set at 6 percent, be reduced to 3 percent for the remaining 18-year term of the loan. This recommendation will still help to maintain lower rents for the special needs population which the project serves, as well as to physically maintain the property as quality low-income housing.

Jayne Wolfe motion and Stephen Blaser second to reduced to 3 percent for the remaining 18-year term of the loan. The motion carried unanimously.

New Action Items for Staff

1.  Portfolio/Aging Report – Change report to read under owner’s name, last name only.

2.  Multi-family Report - Who has turned in their bi-annual reports?

Adjourn: 11.00 am

Submitted by:

Lora Rees

Program Support Specialist

Division of Housing and Community Development,

Administer of Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund