CHY 4U Spanish Conquistadors Assignment – Feb. 2016

·  PURPOSE: To research the impact of Columbus on the natives of the Caribbean, Cortes on the Aztec people of Mexico, and/or Pizarro on the Inca people of Peru, and to determine if the Spanish are responsible for “crimes” they committed during the age of exploration. To present evidence to a panel (Ms. Gluskin) in role as your character (or his/her descendant) in 1550. To reflect on how Historical Thinking Concepts apply to your research, your testimony and the class discussion. Also, to show some familiarity with Taino, Aztec, or Inca civilization prior to European contact.


Native / Spanish
Bartolome de Las Casas – author of A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies / Ferdinand and Isabela – King and Queen of Spain
Native of the Caribbean / Missionary (Dominican friar) (e.g., Fray Vicente with Pizarro)
Native of Mexico / Encomendero in Caribbean
Native Incan / Encomendero in Mexico
Miner of gold in Caribbean / Encomendero in Peru
Miner of silver in Mexico / Columbus
Miner of gold/silver/mercury in South America / Cortes
Moctezuma – Aztec emperor / Pizarro
Atahualpa – Inca emperor / Pope ___
Missionary – sympathetic to natives / Juan Gines de Sepulveda – author of The Second Democrates: or the Just Causes of the War Against the Indians
Cabeza de Vaca – author of Relacion / Royal official (magistrate)
Native suffering from disease / Governor or member of the Council of the Indies (e.g., Nicolas de Ovando – Hispaniola)
Charles V of Spain
Hernando de Soto (Conquistador with Pizarro)


-  Gov’t/administration (how they changed how places were run, led, administered, e.g., through the governorships and the Council of the Indies, by their treatment of native leaders such as Moctezuma and Atahualpa)

-  Labour supply and treatment / encomienda (labour, tribute, mining, New Laws of 1542, colonists = encomenderos, Requerimiento)

-  Disease and health (epidemics)

-  Christianization/evangelization/conversion (effect on native cultures, adaptations, missionaries/friars – especially Dominicans, by force or by choice, Las Casas)

-  Massacres, military conquest

-  Las Casas and his dissenting opinion

-  Economic and trade and tribute benefits to Spain; Spanish desires to colonize and settle the New World

-  Spanish attitudes toward the natives

-  Officials in Europe (the Spanish Crown, Popes, Holy Roman Emperors, conflict between Crown and colonists over feudal view of colonists as vassals on land distributed by the Crown)


·  NOTES: Individually prepare research notes using at least 3 sources in addition to the textbook. Proper format includes bibliographic information at the top, page numbers in the margin, indication of facts/ideas and examples (either vertically in columns or horizontally with arrows or colours). Notes must be handwritten. No notes = 0 for the entire assignment. In fact, the assignment will not be accepted without notes.

·  ORAL: Prepare a brief in-role statement to the panel outlining evidence of your position on the crime question and your argument as to how/why your evidence supports your crime answer. Time limit for testimony is 1 minute. Please do not repeat evidence that any other witness on your side will use. Do not attempt to cram in multiple examples or read your written profile. You may be asked to respond to a few questions during the debate/discussion portion of the class following all testimony.


Part 1: On the day of the panel, individually submit a 1 page (typed, double-spaced) written profile of your character and evidence of your answer to the crime question plus your argument about why/how the evidence supports your crime answer. Since your testimony will be time limited, this is your opportunity to give multiple examples (minimum 3) of evidence for your argument. It should be written in first person, in role. You may use simple embedded citations (Author, page #).

Part 2: One day after the oral portion, individually submit an additional 1-2 page (typed, double-spaced) analysis applying Historical Thinking Concepts to the crime question. It is your choice how many you use. Your job is to use critical thinking to analyze how HTC relates to what you researched and what the class discussed during the testimony and ensuing debate. Make sure to explain your thoughts; don’t just state them. Write in third person, academic style. Personal reflections may be in first person.

Suggestions for HTC Connections:

à  Significance: of the character you chose in light of the context; significance of the events you chose to highlight in your evidence (use criteria or don’t bother doing this concept)

à  Continuity and Change: progress and decline (according to whom?), attempts to maintain continuity by natives, Spanish use of native themes to make Christianity appealing

à  Cause and Consequence: unintended consequences (use causal vocabulary)

à  Historical Perspective: motivations; how might the characters have felt at the time?

à  Ethical Dimension: can we condone racist behaviour despite the fact that we’re not supposed to be presentist?


·  K, T, A, C (see rubric)


·  Divide roles amongst group members; avoid overlap of testimony; decide on order of testimony to the panel.


·  Text pages 47-53, 55 (including Las Casas – Sepulveda debate) – for background (sections that are relevant to your region only).

·  See Las Casas PSD in Unit 1 handout package.

·  No use of Internet during library time – use it at home or before/after school: see the 2 websites listed on the bottom of the Age of Exploration Overview page in your unit 1 handout package.

·  Any websites that you choose to use have to be assessed by you for reliability, meaning they are credible sources (e.g., a university rather than a fifth-grade history project; Wikipedia is not an acceptable source for gathering evidence - it is a starting point only, should you wish to use it as a jumping off point). See CRAAP document on Ms. Gluskin’s blog to assist you in evaluating the quality of websites.

·  See Ms. G’s blog for other tips.

·  Sample assignments will be shown in class.