Worksheet 8 – College/Emerging/Young Adults

NameFaye Nguyen Person #36865471

Reference: Craig and Dunn Chapters 12-13

  1. Dialectical Thought – Define and Give an Example

The decisions are not always as clear and it requires a carful analysis of pros and cons to come to a stabilized decision. It seeks to synchronize observations and ideas that seem opposing. One example is spousal abuse

  1. Postformal Thought – Define and Give an Example

Postformal thought is when decisions are based on logic, intuitionand experience. The thought that recognizes the importance of context. An example is that being a doctor require you to have a higher level of thinking.

  1. Schaie’s Stages of Adult Thinking

3a. How many stages/periods are there and what are their names?

There are sevenstages

Acquisition, Achieving stage, Responsible stage, Executive stage, Reorganizational, Reintegrative, and Legacy-creating stage.

3b. Which period is associated with young adults? What are the hallmarks of this period?

The Achieving stage is associated with young adults. They use their skills that they learned to arrange their careers and lifestyles.

3c. What is the immediate successor stage to the stage of young adults?

Social responsibility period

4. Erikson’s Developmental Tasks

4a. What is the task for young adults?

Intimacy vs. Isolation such as building mutually relationship with others

4b. Describe the 2 eventualities of this task. (Successful and Unsuccessful)

Intimacy vs. Isolation: The young adult during this developmental stage feels a form of success when they feel loved or have found love which refers to the intimacy. In isolation the individual feels unsuccessful if they do not find love or a sense of being loved back.

  1. Describe Normative and Idiosyncratic Events

Normative events are common and it happen often, and is also predictable. Taking place at roughly the same stage for everyone.Idiosyncratic events are spontaneous and is not predictable so they may cause distress.

6. Age Clocks – Define and Matching (Examples)

A. Biological Age – An individuals position with regard to his or her lifespan. Effected by genetics and life style.

Ex- 80 yr old man with diabetes

B. Social Age – An individual’s current status compared to social norms.

C. Psychological Age – An individual’s current ability to cope with and adapt to social and environmental demands.

BJake is 36, and lives with his parents

CJennifer is 41, but can still behave in a way congruent with ego-centrism

A Jeff is 56, but is very active and thus has excellent cardiovascular health

7. Havighursts two main objectives for young adulthood arecareerand family.

8. Sternberg - What are the 3 components of love?

There are passion, decision/commitment, and intimacy

9. Work

9a. Jerry is very disillusioned about his job. He doesn’t like the hours or the environment, but it’s the only way he can support is family – this is an example of an extrinsicfactor

9b. Jessica works for a charity. Her compensation is modest, but she finds it very fulfilling and wouldn’t trade it for the world – this is an example of anintrinsicfactor.

10. Holland’s Theory of Careers

10a. Describe – A career model which attempts to categorize an individual’s personality type onto 1 of the 6. Those 6 are realistic, artistic, social, enterprising, investigative, and conventional

10b.What personality type would you consider yourself, and how has that informed your career ambitions? (No wrong answers  )

Mine would be realistic, and social because I can connect well with other people. I’m very outgoing and I look at life in a positive but practical way so I guess that would make me realistic. I enjoy interacting with people like helping them out so that make me fall under social career model.