Torah Studies – Statutes #559-570

Statute Summary:

(#559) The Sin offering is holy and is offered in Yahweh’s Presence (Lev. 6:25). (#560) The Trespass Offering is most holy and is like the Sin Offering (Lev 7:1-2, 7). (#561) The Peace Offering may be either male or female from the herd and is without blemish (Lev. 3:1). (#562) The Grain Offering is fine flour with olive oil and frankincense. It is an offering made by fire which Yahweh receives as a sweet aroma (Lev. 2:1-2). (#563) If the congregation or an individual sins ignorantly, when they learn of the sin, the Sin Offering must be brought (Lev. 4:13-14 & Leviticus 4:27-28). (#564) If a person swears falsely or steals, in addition to offering a Sin Offering, he must restore the full value of his neighbor’s loss with 20% added beyond (Leviticus 6:1-7). (#565) The Sin Offering given must not be beyond anyone’s means. Yahweh allows less-expensive sacrifices as Sin Offerings for poor people (Leviticus 5:7-11). (#566) To be forgiven, we are to specifically confess the sins that we have done and make restitution to the ones (including Yahweh) whom we have wronged (Numbers 5:6-7). (#567) A Burnt Offering is to be offered as part of the spiritual cleansing process after having a menstrual cycle, stoppage of the blood flow after having given birth to a child, and after having a discharge of blood or an oozing wound (Leviticus 15:13-15, 28-30, 12:6-8, 14:2-10). (#568) The blood of the sacrifices from the Burnt Offerings is to be poured out on the altar of Yahweh for our Atonement (Deut. 12:27). (#569) The Priests are to partake of the consecrated offerings (Exodus 29:33). (#570) The consecrated meat of an offering not eaten within the appointed time, must be burned with fire on the third day (Leviticus 7:17).

Leviticus 1, 2, and 3

Leviticus 6:8-9 “And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Command Aaron and his sons, saying, This is the Law of the burnt offering: It is the burnt offering, because of the burning upon the altar all night unto the morning, and the fire of the altar shall be burning in it.”

Leviticus 6:14-17 “And this is the Law of the meat offering: the sons of Aaron shall offer it before the LORD, before the altar. And he shall take of it his handful, of the flour of the meat offering, and of the oil thereof, and all the frankincense which is upon the meat offering, and shall burn it upon the altar for a sweet savour, even the memorial of it, unto the LORD...”

Leviticus 7:11-12 “And this is the Law of the sacrifice of peace offerings, which he shall offer unto the LORD. If he offer it for a thanksgiving, then he shall offer with the sacrifice of thanksgiving unleavened cakes mingled with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil, and cakes mingled with oil, of fine flour, fried.”

Leviticus 5:5-6 “And it shall be, when he shall be guilty in one of these things, that he shall confess that he hath sinned in that thing: And he shall bring his trespass offering unto the LORD for his sin which he hath sinned… for a sin offering; and the priest shall make an atonement for him concerning his sin.”

Statutes 559-570 continued

Key Word Study: Directions: Look up each keyword (underlined in the verses of the prior page) in your Strong’s Concordance. Fill in the table below.

Key Word / Strong’s Number / Hebrew Word / Meaning

The Significance of Each Kind of Sacrifice:

·  Ram

– Represents ______

·  Bullock

– Represents ______

·  Lamb

– Represents ______

·  Goat

– Represents ______.

·  Dove

– Represents ______.

·  Fine Flour

– Represents ______.

Statutes 559-570 continued

There were Five Offerings in the Old Testament:

1.  Burnt Offering

2.  Grain Offering (sometimes called a Meat Offering)

3.  Peace Offering

4.  Sin Offering

5.  Trespass Offering

This study is intended to completely cover the remaining Statutes on the subject of Sacrifices. Because Blood Sacrifices are necessary for our forgiveness when we have had other gods before Yahweh and because grain sacrifices are an acknowledgement that Yahweh is our only God, having brought us out of slavery to sin; the Statutes regarding offerings and sacrifices should be placed under the first Commandment: Exodus 20:1-3.

The Five Offerings in the Old Testament

Name of Offering / Elements Offered / Purpose of Offering / Yahweh’s Portion of the Offering / Priest’s Portion of the Offering
Burnt Offering
Lev 1; 6:8-13; 8:18-21; 16:24 / Bull, ram or bird (dove or pigeon for the poor); wholly consumed; no defect / Entire animal / Skin (to be sold)
Grain Offering
Lev 2; 6:14-23 / Grain, fine flour, olive oil, incense, baked bread (cakes or wafers), salt; no yeast or honey; accompanied burnt offering and peace offering (along with drink offering) / 1.  Priest's own offering: Entire portion to God
2.  Others: Memorial portion (a handful) / 1.  Priest's own offering: none (all the remainder to be burnt)
2.  Others: all the remainder (had to be eaten within court of tabernacle)
Peace Offering
Lev 3; 7:11-34 / Any animal without defect from herd or flock; variety of breads / Fatty portions (fat covering inner parts; fat tail, kidneys, lobe of the liver) / Breast given to High Priest (wave offering), right foreleg given to officiating priest (heave offering)

Statutes 559-570 continued

Name of Offering / Elements Offered / Purpose of Offering / Yahweh’s Portion of the Offering / Priest’s Portion of the Offering
Sin Offering
Lev 4; 5:1-13; 6:24-30; 8:14-17; 16:3-22 / 1.  Young bull: for High Priest and whole congre-gation. The blood was to be sprinkled in front of the veil and put on the horns of the altar of incense (see notes)
2.  Male goat: for leader. The blood was to be put on the horns of the altar of burnt offering
3.  Female goat or lamb: for common per-son. The blood was to be put on the horns of the altar of burnt offering
4.  Dove or pigeon: for the poor. The blood was to be put on the horns of the altar of burnt offering / Fatty portions (fat covering inner parts; fat tail, kidneys, lobe of the liver) / 1.  Atonement for High Priest and congregation: none (all the reminder was to be burnt outside the camp where the ashes were thrown)
2.  Atonement for others: all the reminder (had to be eaten within court of tabernacle)
Trespass Offering
Lev 5:14-19; 6:1-7; 7:1-6 / Ram / Fatty portions (fat covering inner parts; fat tail, kidneys, lobe of the liver) / All the remainder (had to be eaten within court of tabernacle)

Statutes 559-570 continued

"When more than one kind of offering was presented (as in Numbers 6:16-17), the procedure was usually as follows:

  1. sin offering or trespass offering,
  2. burnt offering,
  3. peace offering and grain offering (along with a drink offering).

This sequence furnishes part of the spiritual significance of the sacrificial system. First, sin had to be dealt with (sin offering or trespass offering). Second, the worshiper committed himself completely to God (burnt offering and grain offering). Third, fellowship or communion between the Lord, the priest and the worshiper (peace offering) was established. To state it another way, there were sacrifices of expiation (sin offerings and trespass offerings), consecration (burnt offerings and grain offerings) and communion (peace offerings)." (A portion of the table and the above information are extracted from the Study Bible.)


Daily the priest offered 1 lamb in the morning service and 1 lamb in the evening service. On a Sabbath, 2 additional lambs were offered after the morning service.

Seven high days are designated in Leviticus 23 (verses 7, 8, 21, 25, 28, 30-32, 35-36). These high days are Sabbaths. They were to be treated like the seventh day Sabbath, even though they could occur on a day other than the seventh day (Sabbath, now called Saturday) of the week - which was the normal Sabbath. On a high day, besides the daily regular offerings, the priest offered 2 additional lambs after the morning service, and additional sacrifices for the day. These seven high days were:

  1. The 1st day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Abib 15)
  2. The 7th day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Abib 21)
  3. The Feast of Weeks (Sivan 6)
  4. The Feast of Trumpets (Tishri 1)
  5. The Day of Atonement (Tishri 10)
  6. The 1st day of the Feast of Tabernacles (Tishri 15)
  7. The Last Great Day (Tishri 22)

The types of animals sacrificed all point to different aspects of Messiah’s Roles in our lives, as we have already seen. But the numbers of animals sacrificed also bears a significant message, adding greater depth of understanding. No part of the sacrificial system was random or without meaning.

Statutes 559-570 continued

Besides the daily regular offerings, additional sacrifices were offered on special festivals:

Bulls / Rams / Lambs / Goat
New Moon
Feast of Unleavened Bread (daily)
Feast of Unleavened Bread (total offerings in 7 days)
Feast of Weeks (Pentecost)
Feast of Trumpets
Day of Atonement (see notes)
Feast of Tabernacles – Day 1
Feast of Tabernacles – Day 2
Feast of Tabernacles – Day 3
Feast of Tabernacles – Day 4
Feast of Tabernacles – Day 5
Feast of Tabernacles – Day 6
Feast of Tabernacles – Day 7
Feast of Tabernacles – 7 Days Total
Last Great Day

Meaning in the Numbers:

In Hebrew, the letters of the Alephbet also have numeric value. Decoding the meaning of each Hebrew letter/number adds a deeper understanding into the total significance or prophetic message. So the numbers of sacrifices also give us beautiful portraits of the Messiah, as follows:

Number of Animals Sacrificed / Hebrew Alephbet Letter/Number / Spiritual Meaning of that Letter/Number
1 / / Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet – like our “A”. It is also the number 1. Aleph is a letter formed from three parts: two hands and a nail… The nail is the vav, which is drawn in the middle. The upper hand is the yod, representing Yah’s Hand reaching down to lost mankind. The lower hand is the yod, representing our hands connecting upwards to Yahweh through the sacrifice of Yahshua – Who was nailed to the Cross for us. The Aleph means that there is only one God. And salvation is only through Him – Revelation 1:8 & 11
2 / / Bet is the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet – like our “B” or “V”. When a bet is drawn with a dot (shown) it is a “B”. But when a bet is drawn without the dot, it is a “V”. It is also the number 2. Bet is the Hebrew word for House and for Temple. Bet is the number of division and of unity. Yahshua DIVIDED Himself from His Father’s House and came to earth to UNITE us with Heaven. Yahshua IS the Temple (John 2:19 & 21, and Revelation 21:22). By uniting with Yahshua, we become part of Yahweh’s Temple (His Church).

Statutes 559-570 continued

Number of Animals Sacrificed / Hebrew Alephbet Letter/Number / Spiritual Meaning of that Letter/Number
7 / / Zayin is the seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It is like our “Z”. The Zayin means “a weapon.” It portrays an axe or a sword. “The Sword of the Spirit” is the “Word of God” (Ephesians 6:7). And the Word became Flesh and dwelt among us. Zayin is the first letter in Zamir, which is Hebrew for “singing praises to God”. Because the Zayin starts this word, we know that singing praises to God is a WEAPON against the Devil. Zayin is also the first letter of Zakar, which means to “earnestly remember.” We are to Remember the Sabbath – and Remember the Law of Moses – Malachi 4… This is a vital weapon against becoming enslaved by the enemy.
8 / / Chet is the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet (pronounced like a guttural KH). Chet means “new beginnings” or “new life”. Chet also stands for “chen” the Hebrew word for Grace. The first time the word Grace is found in Scripture refers to Noah, who found GRACE in the Eyes of Yahweh (Genesis 6:8). Noah was the 8th person saved on the Ark (2 Peter 2:5). There were 8 people on the Ark from whom new life began on Earth. There will be a new heaven and a new earth on the 8th day – or 8th millennium (Revelation 21:1-5, Isaiah 66:22).
9 / / Tet is the ninth letter of the Hebrew alphabet – equivalent to our “T”. Tet in ancient Hebrew means “A snake” or “to Surround”. Tet stands for Judgment and also for Fruit. It signifies that Yahweh surrounds His people to deliver them from the Serpent and to remove the snake’s seed from us – that we will only bear Yahweh’s Fruit – Galatians 5:22. It takes nine months for the fruit of the womb to form. Our Saviour is called “the Seed of David” nine times in Scripture.
10 / / Yod is the tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet – equivalent to our “Y”. Yod in ancient Hebrew means “the Hand” (hands have 10 fingers). Yod signifies WORK done with the Hand. Yahweh worked forming man with His Hand. He also wrote the 10 Commandments with His Hand. The Hand is not only working, it is grasping – showing “MINE.” When we have Yahweh’s Grace empowered work in us, we will be obedient to His Commandments – as we do He claims us as Mine.
11 / / Eleven is formed by the aleph and yod showing 1 and 10. The significance and meaning joins both numbers. When put together, it also means “to slaughter” and “woe”. It shows that Yahshua was slaughtered on our behalf, our woes falling upon Him. It also shows that for those who reject Yahshua, spurning His Sacrifice, a day of slaughter is coming with unutterable woe.
12 / /

Twelve is formed by the bet and yod showing 2 and 10. The significance and meaning joins both numbers. Twelve shows Yahweh’s Governmental perfection. Solomon appointed TWELVE officers over Israel (1 Kings 4.7). Yahshua chose TWELVE apostles to initiate His kingdom on earth, and He said to them: " … you also shall sit upon TWELVE thrones, judging the TWELVE tribes of Israel." (Mat 19.28). There are TWELVE cardinal constellations in the Mazzaroth. New Jerusalem has TWELVE gates and TWELVE foundation stones.

Statutes 559-570 continued