January 7, 2013

MEMBERS PRESENT: Frank “Bud” Sankey, Bill Cunkle Secretary, Terri Cunkle.


MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: By Vice Chairman Bud Sankey at 9:12pm at

Goshen Township Building located at 116 Knobs Rd., Shawville.



SECRETARY’S REPORT: The minutes from the previous meeting were read. Being no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved as presented by a motion from Bill and a 2nd by Bud.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The December’sTreasurer’s Report was reviewed and approved with a motion from Bill, second by Bud.


After review of the SALDO changes made by Andy Gates a motion was made by Bill to let Mr. Gates advertise for a public hearing. A second was received by Bud. They would like to do this if possible at the second meeting of the month on January 24. Terri will contact Mr. Gates.

Terri advised of the message from Mr. Gates concerning the T. Lee Taylor Rd. It is in his opinion to have Curry & Associates survey the existing road place it correctly on the dockets and perhaps abolish the one currently on the dockets. A motion was received by Bill to follow Mr. Gates’ advice followed by a second from Bud.

The Owens septic permit was presented as questioned by Bud at the last meeting. Rob Singer, SEO was notified. He stated that the permit has had no activity since issued so hedid a site investigation on Friday January 4th, 2013. He did report that there was water hooked up to the recreational trailer and that he did speak to Mr. Owens and he stated that he just hooked up in the basement of his new construction. Terri noted that she contacted the water authority and he has been a metered customer since June of 2012 with a consumption of 18,000 gallons. Mr. Singer feels that more investigating needs to be completed and that he will wait for notification from the supervisors. Bill and Bud were in agreement that Mr. Singer should per sue the investigation and perhaps they should visit the site with Mr. Singer. Terri will contact Mr. Singer for his further suggestion and advise the supervisors.

Bill and Bud will be attending the Fire Company’s monthly meeting on January 16th, at 7:00pm to discuss with them the new social hall updates. They were to attend the December meeting but were informed that they do not meet in December.

Terri noted the price for the blinds for the social hall were approximately $55.00 per window. Approval to purchase was made with a motion from Bud followed with a second from Bill.

The supervisors were brought update on the following;

  • RES royalty check of $1938.24 was received for the Condon Rd.


A motion from Bill was made for Terri to split the cost of a Webinar with Girard Township for QuickBooks training in the amount of $25.00 on January 16th and 23rd at the Goshen office. It was followed with a second from Bud.

Terri asked if she could place an ad in the Progress’s Bridal supplement advertising the social hall for rent. She stated that she thought the cost would be approximately $85.00. The motion carried by Bill with a second from Bud.

The Supervisors were informed on the following:

  • P&N permit renewal was received
  • Illegal dumping complaint received for a report on Trout Run.
  • NRG Energy has now acquired GenOn

ROADWAY REPORT: Dave was not present for the roadway report but Terri reported that she received word from RES that they would like the deadline for the load count on the Knobs Road to be extended to the 15th of each month. Bill made a motion that this could be done if they gave a daily road count like Swisher and ECA. Bud followed with a second. Terri will notify them. Bud then suggested that we may want to think about getting a road counter every now and then for not only information but also for image. Terri stated that Barry Mays will do this for free and that all that has to be done is notify him.

In other business several correspondence were reviewed and payroll time sheets were approved and signed. The bill list was presented and reviewed with a motion to accept by Bud and a 2nd by Bill.

ADJOURNMENT: Being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Bud, 2nd by Bill, with all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 10:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Terri Cunkle,
