Written / Basic / Proficient / Advanced
Organization of Ideas
____X 2 =____/10 / 3 – Plot is disorganized and hard to follow
2 – Plot is not evident or not supported / 3.5 – Plot is evident with some support which may be general or limited / 5 - Plot is thorough with enhanced detail
4 – Plot is evident with sufficient detail
See Coding below
____X 6 =___ /30 / Many grammatical errors
3- (30-39)
2 – (40 or more) / 3.5 Some grammatical errors
(20-29 errors) / Proper use of grammar
5 – (0-9)
4 – (10-19)
____ X 2=_____/10 / Many errors in use of accents, punctuation and spelling
3 – (11-15)
2 – 16+ / 3.5 – Some errors in accents/punctuation and spelling
(6-10) / Proper use of accents/ punctuation and spelling
5 – (0-2)
4 – (3-5)
Accurate Use of Verb Tenses
____X 6 = ___/30 / 3 – Three tenses used accurately
2 – Two or less tenses used accurately / 3.5 – Four tenses used accurately / 5 - Six tenses used accurately
4 – Five tenses used accurately
___X 4 = ___/20 / 3 – Sentences with occasional use of descriptors
Ex: The big monster scared the children.
2 - Simple sentences with no elaboration
Ex: The monster scared the children. / 3.5 - Adequate use of descriptors (adv, adj, etc.) in sentences.
Ex: The big monster scared the little children. / 5 – Complex sentences
Ex: The giant, hairy monster suddenly frightened the young children with his loud roar.
4 – Sentences with more complete use of descriptors
Ex. The giant monster frightened the young children with his roar.

Spanish 4 Written Rubric

Name ______Score ____/100

** Papers should be a minimum of 400 words in length.Two points for every 10 words short of the requirements will be subtracted from your total score up to a 20 point maximum deduction.

Correction Codes for Errors:

WT- wrong translation (me llamo es)

WW- wrong word (él es mucho gracioso, ¿ Cuando hermanos tienes?)

WP- wrong pronoun (A Juan se gusta, Ellos les despiertan)

WO- word order (Pedro es un estudioso chico)

SVE – subject/verb ending (La clase hablan, Tú hablo)

WVT – wrong verb tense (ex: using preterite when imperfect should be used)

CT - contractions (vas a el parque, es el libro de el profesor)

EW – extra word (tengo dos los libros, el un día, a se lava la cara)

MW- missing word (Yo no veo ___ nadie, A mí ____ gusta cantar)

AGR- agreement (Elena es una chica muy bonito, Las clases son interesante)

DC- double conjugation (Yo quiero voy al cine, Me gusta bailo)

AP- accents/punctuation (joven, jovenes, si/sí, tú/tu, ¿___?)

SP- spelling (disordenado)


Count each type of error only once. For example: If a student misspells the same word multiple times, count it as one error. However, a second misspelled word is a second error. The same will be true for grammar errors.

If verb tenses are used correctly but misspelled OR CONJUGATED INCORRECTLY, score the error under grammar only, NOT UNDER ACCURATE USE OF VERB TENSES. (ex: Yo era cansado.) The student is using the imperfect which is the right tense. However they should use ESTAR which is a grammar mistake.

Be sure to make copies of all documents to include student writing and rubrics. Send the original rubrics to testing.

Revised March, 2012