Constitution of Layton High Laytones Lace and Lyrics


1. The purpose of the Layton High School Laytones choir, as well as Lace and Lyrics, is to dedicate ourselves as musicians in the performing arts to unify and bring together people as we perform as a group.

2. As a club, we will maintain a member-friendly environment for members to sing, dance, and enjoy music.

3. Laytones, Lace and Lyrics are dedicated to performing and setting a high standard for the performing arts.

a. As we are a group dedicated to performing, one of our most important goals is to become unified and grow as a group.

b. As we become unified we will grow and will find it easy to dedicate ourselves to performances.

Article I: Membership

1. To join the Layton High School show choirs (Laytones, Lace, or Lyrics), a person will be expected to come and perform at yearly tryouts. He/She will be expected to sing a vocal solo as well as dance.

2. Students must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher, and will never have an F in choir.

3. Any member of the current school year must be dedicated to the class for the entire year, unless moving from the area. Dropping out of class will result in a “U”.

4. All participants must meet Layton High School club requirements.

5. Students will be expected to participate in all practices, ALL fundraisers, and events that have and will be scheduled, including Large Group Festival, All State, TOUR, Extravaganza, Spring, Winter, Fall concerts, Temple Square Concert Series, and others as seen fit by the director.

6. As this is a show choir each student will be expected to sing and/or dance at their highest ability at every meeting.

7. Attendance is mandatory unless otherwise stated by the presidency, and confirmed by the director.

a. Unexcused absences will be treated as an apathetic attitude. Thos who acquire more than two will be removed from the program.

8. As a member of these groups, remember that you are always representing the school. Always be on your best behavior.

9. Failure to adhere to the above mentioned rules and guidelines may result in suspension or expulsion from activities and performances related to the Laytones Lace and Lyrics.

Article II: Officers

Leadership of the show choir will consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and one Section Leader for each vocal selection.

The responsibilities of the officers is as follows.


Preside and schedule meetings.

Lead daily warm ups if required by the teacher, OR if there is a substitute.

Delegate jobs and responsibilities to the class members

Inform the choir of the presidency’s decisions.

Assist in running/ heading all fundraisers

Vice President

Be in charge of sound equipment set up

Preside if the President is not present

Attend all fundraiser activities with the president


Take notes on meetings

Create notes, text notices, make phone calls, etc.

Keep up the bulletin board

Dance Captain:

Refine choreography the choir is learning

Make any necessary changes with the approval of the director

May request a scheduled practice outside of class time from the presidency.

Section Leaders;

Make sure their section knows their parts

May request a scheduled practice outside of class time from the presidency.

Article III: Amendment Procedures

This constitution may be amended to keep up with the times.

The presidency must be in agreement to change the constitutution.

I have read and agree with the Constitution of Layton High School Laytones, and will meet the requirements and obligations associated with this group.

Name Date