
Canterbury Tales Pilgrim Project

English IV

Part I

Read your character's information from the Prologue to the class. If they have not read it before, they definitely need to hear it. This may be their only chance. You should practice reading the selection aloud several times before you read it to the class. This is important. If you do not know how to pronounce a word, look the word up or ask someone how the word is pronounced.

Part II

Draw your character according to the characteristics that Chaucer gave him/her. Read carefully about your character to see if physical descriptions are given and then adhere to those. If Chaucer does not give a specific description, then you have some freedom. Your drawing, however, should be in keeping with Middle Ages tradition,wardrobe, and looks. (This assignment is not being given to see how well you can draw comic book figures or Star Wars characters. You will make a better grade if you draw your character neatly, using bright, clear colors.) Use the entire sheet that you are given for your drawing. Don't create a drawing that can't be seen past the first row. Use color so that your character can be seen. Someone else can draw your pilgrim, but you can’t blame the artist for your poor grade should the drawing not look like the character that Chaucer describes. You are responsible for telling your artist what Chaucer says about this character.

Part III

Using writings of Chaucer, tell the class about your character.

  1. What is their social status?
  2. Describe their dress.
  3. What are their Physical Characteristics?
  4. What are their personality traits?
  5. What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage?
  6. Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he has failed his faith?
  7. What faults might this character have according to Chaucer?

Presentation skills are important. Don't get in front of the class and then rush through your presentation as if terrorists will strike you dead unless you finish in 15 seconds. You are the one who knows about your character. Take your time and help your classmates get to know your character, too. Speak slowly and clearly. Make eye contact with your students. Teach your character.

All classes will compete with each other on finished product. Independent judges (teachers and other staff members) will come and vote for which class did the best job on drawings and quantity/quality of your information. The winning class will receive dessert from ME.

Have fun and get people to help you with this. You have to teach your character, but you can get help from your classmates so that you are not up there alone.

Canterbury Tales Pilgrim Project Rubric

Pilgrim ______

Part I15pts.______

Read your character's information from the

Prologue to the class.

Part II25pts. ______

Draw your character according to the characteristics

that Chaucer gave him/her.

Part III50pts. ______

Using writings of Chaucer, tell the class about your character.

  1. What is their social status?
  2. Describe their dress.
  3. What are their Physical Characteristics?
  4. What are their personality traits?
  5. What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage?
  6. Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he has failed his faith?
  7. What faults might this character have according to Chaucer?

Part IV10pts. ______


Extra Credit if you dress up1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Total ______