Forensics Syllabus


Phone: 502-255 7781

Textbook: Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science, Pearson Prentice Hall 2004


Course Description: This class is a one-credit science class designed for juniors and seniors as an upper level elective. It will include an overview of all the various components of forensics along with the methodology and application of this science to our world today. Attention will be given to current events in forensics and the connection between forensics and film, students will be required to write 8 reports based on television programs related to forensics. Students will participate in multiple labs testing evidence. In addition, this class requires all students to read a book relative to forensic science and compose a content specific final draft of a writing piece

Course Objectives: Students will…

·  Recognize the major contributors to the development of forensic science

·  Describe the various components of physical evidence, toxicology, serology, trace evidence, fingerprinting, firearms, and fires and explosions

·  Complete investigations of virtual crime scenes using the methodology learned in the classroom

·  Develop analytical and critical thinking skills using actual forensic case histories

·  Develop their technology skills through research and on line investigations

Class Outline - Dates may change as the semester progresses

Content / Student Assessments
Semester One Material
Ch. 1 & 2 - Introduction/Crime Scene
Ch. 3 & 4 - Physical Evidence
Ch. 5 & 6 - Organic and Inorganic Analysis
Ch. 7 & 8 - Microscope Analysis Hair, Fiber, Paint / Daily Questions, Quizzes/Tests
Case Readings
Internet Assignments
Group Activities
Television Report s(4)
Midterm Exam
Semester II material
Ch. 9 & 10 - Drugs and Alcohol
Ch. 11 – Arson & Explosives
Ch. 12 - Forensic Serology
Ch. 13 & 14 – DNA
Ch. 14 – Fingerprints / Daily Questions, Quizzes/Tests
Case Readings
Internet Assignments
Group Activities
Television Report s(4)
Final Exam

Note: Schedule, assessments and labs are subject to change, as dictated by snow days, assemblies, etc.

Student Supplies

Students need to have with them in class each day their book, writing utensil(s) and their notebook/binder. I recommend all students purchase a scientific calculator (especially because they will use them throughout their science and math courses). Students will also be required, on occasion, to have project supplies, such as poster board, markers, glue, etc.

Forensics Syllabus

What can you expect from me?

·  Fairness, courtesy, and respect

·  Prepared lessons

·  Consultation regarding your progress in this class

·  Review of Work

·  Prompt return of paperwork

·  Help with developing concepts and completing work

·  Attention to expected appropriate behaviors with respect to student interactions and student/teacher interactions

·  Clear expectations and guidelines

·  Interesting demonstrations and lab assignments

·  Enthusiasm about science and school

·  A caring attitude toward you regarding your development as a student and a person

What I expect from you

·  Fairness

·  Courtesy

·  Respect

·  Attention in class

·  Hard work

·  Completion of lessons and assignments

·  Attention to projects and presentations

·  Peer respect and tolerance

·  Compliance to established classroom behavior expectations

·  Asking when help or clarification is needed

Forensics Syllabus

Critical Remarks:

·  This class will allow students to be involved in a variety of hands on learning experiences. It is imperative that each student observes and follows all lab safety rules at all times

·  Parents should be aware that students will have independent reading assignments and homework on a regular basis.

·  Tests will be scheduled well in advance with adequate notice for all students. Students will have study guides prior to tests. Tests will be given at the end of each chapter and will not be limited to the traditional type tests. Presentations and projects will also be given as test assessments.

·  Students are expected to complete independent research and a written portfolio piece from that research. Each student will receive a clear outline of the project, timelines for completion of the various parts of the project, and scoring criteria for each portion of the project.

·  All students will be involved in discussion regarding plagiarism and the methods for citing sources. Any evidence of plagiarism will result in a zero for the written part of the project.

·  Daily work will count 50% of the student grade and tests will count 50% of the student’s grade.

·  Students will be allowed to make up missed lab assignments after school. Arrangements can be made with me to work out a time that is convenient for both of us.

·  If students are absent the day of a test they will be allowed to make that test up before or after school. Students will have 2 days to make up the test. Arrangements should be made with me to arrange the time.

·  Students who are absent during an extended project are NOT allowed extra days for completion. The time lines are given prior to the beginning of a project and students are expected to complete the work within that time frame. If they should miss a class during which computer lab time is scheduled they may work before or after school in the computer lab but will not be granted an extended day.