Carnival Queen, Princess, Rosebud Competition Rules

  • The competition is open to any female aged 14 years/over Queen, 10-13 years Princess, 8-9 Rosebud on the date of the competition.
  • Entrants must live within the borough of Skegness.
  • Entrants must attend a rehearsal for the competition, date to be confirmed.
  • The winner of the competitions will be given the title of Carnival Queen/Princess/Rosebud. These titles will be held until the following years competition.
  • The Carnival Queen/Princess/Rosebud MUST attend Carnival Day, and agree to attend at least 85% of all other events throughout the year. Dates for these events shall be given to the winners in plenty of notice, however some events may be last minute. Poor attendance may result in the surrender of their title.
  • Any prize awarded in the competition may be withdrawn or forfeited at the discretion of the Carnival Committee. Winners are reminded that they must fulfil their Carnival obligation satisfactory throughout the year maintaining standards required by the Skegness Carnival.
  • Dress Code is either Carnival attire or smart clothing at all times. The Carnival committee will provide a cape, tiara, sash and necklace of office to be worn at all times. Carnival Queen/Princess/Rosebud official attire sashes/tiara/necklace are not to be worn at any time other than on official Carnival duties accompanied by a Skegness Carnival chaperone.
  • These will be loaned for the use whilst the child holds the position, these items will be looked after and returned in the same condition at the end of their reign.
  • A Carnival chaperone will accompany the Queen/Princess/Rosebud at all events and functions; however, a parent or guardian is also welcome to attend any of the events or functions.
  • The Queen/Princess/Rosebud will be expected to make their own way to local events however; transport to and from events outside of Skegness will be provided.
  • Skegness Carnival is a community organisation raising funds for charity and cannot be held liable for expenses incurred by entrants whilst at Carnival events.
  • Use of mobile phones is not permitted whilst on official Carnival duties in the event of any matter arising which are not covered by the above items, the decision of the Skegness Carnival is final. Application Forms not filled in and returned by the stated date will not be entered into the competition. (30th June 2017). All sections are limited to the first 10 applicants. The judges for this competition are independent to the Carnival Committee and their decision will be final.
  • Print Name: …………………………………………………………………………………. Signed (Parent/Guardian):


I……………………………………………………………………………………………………. agree to look after and return: The Cape/Sash and necklace of office in good clean condition. Any lost or damaged items will be paid for by me. Date……………………………………………