Digestive System Review

Know all answers to end of chapter questions, plus all worksheet questions.

Be able to define & explain all vocab.

Be able to answer the following questions.

I. Short Answer

1. The fleshy, fingerlike projection of the soft palate, which extends downward from its posterior edge, is the ______.
2. The upper, expanded part of the stomach lateral to the cardiac region is the ______.
3. Bile breaks large fats globules into smaller ones in a process known as ______.
4. Deglutition is another name for ______.
5. The amino acids that cannot be made buy the cells & therefore must be ingested are said to be ______.

II. Trace a piece of food from the mouth through the digestive system ending at the anus. Write your answers in the chart below the picture.

1 / 9. / 17.
2. / 10. / 18.
3. / 11. / 19.
4. / 12. / 20.
5. / 13. / 21.
6. / 14. / 22.
7. / 15.
8. / 16.

Identify the diagram.

III. Multiple choice:

1. When full, the stomach can hold approximatelyhow many gallons of food?
2. What is the middle section of the small intestine:
3. The “gatekeeper” of the small intestine that regulates food movement into it is the:
4. The primary function of the small intestine is:
5. Amylase is an enzyme that digests what?
6. Pancreatic enzymes for digestion are secreted into which section of the SI?
7. Swallowing & peristalsis both assist in what mechanism?
8. Name one of the carbohydrates that our digestive system can not break down to simple sugars:
9. Transport of digested end products from the GI tract to the blood or lymph is called?
The gastrointestinal tract includes the mouth, ______, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. A. liver B. larynx C. pancreas D. trachea E. pharynx
The accessory organs of digestion are ______A. pancreas and liver B. stomach & duodenum
C. pancreas, liver, illeum D. esophagus and duodenum
E. duodenum, illeum, and jejenum
Amino acids are the result of digesting ______A. carbohydrates B. proteins C. fats D. nucleic acids E. none of these
The function(s) of the digestive system is (are) ______
A. to ingest food B. to digest food to small molecules
C. to absorb nutrient molecules D. all of the above
E. none of the above
The enzyme amylase in saliva acts on ______
A. starch B. proteins C. fats D. nucleic acids E. glucose
The tongue forms chewed food into a bolus for swallowing
A. true B. false
The pharynx receives food from the mouth and air from the trachea
A. true B. false
The ______conducts the bolus from the pharynx to the stomach.
A. trachea B. pharynx C. uvula D. glottis E. esophagus
Sphinctalsis is a rhythmic contraction of the digestive tract.
A. true B. false
The stomach lies above the diaphragm.
A. true B. false
Food leaving the stomach is called ______.
A. bolus B. feces C. chyme D. rhyme E. cholestyme
The small intestine receives bile from the pancreas.
A. true B. false
The wall of the small intestine contains fingerlike projections called ______
A. rugae B. flagella C. villi D reticula E. extensions
The large intestine consists of the ______.
A. colon B. cecum C. rectum D. A and B E. A, B, and C
The first part of the small intestine is called the colon.
A. true B. false
The large intestine absorbs ______.
A. fats B. water C. sugars D. A and B E. A, B and C
The appendix is a projection of the ______
A. small intestine B. stomach C. colon D. cecum E. rectum
. The stomach is very acidic, about pH 2, due to the presence of ______.
A. NaOH B. H2O C. NaCl D. HCl E. NaHCO3
Bile is stored in the ______.
A. gall bladder B. pancreas C. small intestine D. kidney E. liver
Bile emulsifies fats.
A. true B. false
In the stomach, HCl ______.
A. kills bacteria B. breaks down connective tissue in meat
C. activates pepsin D. Both A and B
E. A, B and C
Most chemical digestion occurs in the
A. large intestine B. stomach C. esophagus
D. small intestine E. mouth
Matching: Match the number with its name.
Questions 23 - 32 refer to the diagram to the right
transverse colon
descending colon
ascending colon

Matching: Match the number with its name.
Questions 33 - 35 refer to the diagram to the right.
gall bladder
In the diagram of the head
to the right, structures 1, 2
and 3 are all
A. tonsils
B. salivary glands
C. mucus glands
D. adipose tissue
E. sinuses
The folds in the stomach :
A. are called rugae B. allow the stomach to expand
C. increase surface area for absorption D. Both A and B
E. A, B, and C
The structure that prevents food from entering the trachea is the
A. epiglottis B. uvula C. larynx D. appendix
E. none of these, the food enters the trachea after leaving the pharynx
Which of the following is a thin membrane that helps support the intestines?
A. uvula B. greater omentum C. lesser omentum
D. mesentery E. illeum
Which of the following structures contains bacteria which produce vitamin K?
A. illeum B. ischeum C. jejenum D. colon E. duodenum