Dear Hilda J. Barbour Elementary School Families,

The PTO would like to welcome all new and returning families to Hilda J. Barbour Elementary School! The PTO board has been hard at work planning for an exciting year filled with fun activities for our school community. We encourage parental involvement at all of our activities.

What is the PTO and who can be a member?

PTO stands for Parent-Teacher Organization. The PTO consists of parents and teachers working together to support and enrich all students. We support school staff, help promote student self-esteem, and assist in efforts to solve school needs through donations and fundraising.Membership is $10.00 per family for the school year. 100% of your membership fee goes directly back to our school!

Become a volunteer – why you should get involved!

Studies show that when parents get involved in their children’s education, grades go up, test scores improve, and they have fewer discipline problems. We could not run all of our events successfully without the help of our fantastic volunteers. Any amount of time is greatly appreciated! Please come join us at our PTO meetings and events. This is a perfect opportunity for your voice to be heard!

Please support our fundraisers! Last year we were able to provide over $10,000 in funds to upgrade the Judy Obringer Memorial playground, purchase a new laminator for the school, donate money for prizes for the HJB Book Camp, purchase gift certificates for teachers to use at the school Book Fair, and provide a luncheon to teachers during Teacher Appreciation week!

We look forward to seeing you during the Open House on Friday, August 14 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.


The Hilda J. Barbour PTO Board

President – Tammie Mirkay

Vice-President – Aimee Kenyon

Treasurer – BrandeRosner

Secretary – Sherry Pugh

Volunteer Coordinators – Lorraine Bittner, Gloria Greenwalt

Members at Large – Paige Wadleigh, Melissa Hutchings, Joey Waters