M.A. (SOCIOLOGY)CBCS Syllabus2011
Document code : / SYLLABUS MASOC 2011
Revision No: / 00
Name of Faculty / ARTS
Faculty Code / AR
Programme Name : / MASTER OF ARTS (Sociology)
Programme Code : / MASOC
Effective from: / JUNE-2011
Sem / Combination code / Old paper
Code / Paper Code / Paper Type / Paper Name / Marking scheme / Total Mark / Credit / Remarks
External / Internal
The / Pra / The / Pra
1 / 23 / Socc 101 / MASOC101CC / CC / Classical Sociological Tradition (CST) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
1 / 23 / Socc 102 / MASOC102CC / CC / Research Methodology (RMT) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
1 / 23 / Socc 103 / MASOC103CC / CC / Gender and Society (GSC) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
1 / 01 / Socect 104 / MASOC101ES / ES / Perspective on Indian Society (PIS) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MASOC101ES-103ES
1 / 02 / Socect 105 / MASOC102ES / ES / Sociology of Tribal People (STP) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MASOC101ES-103ES
1 / 03 / Socect 106 / MASOC103ES / ES / Political Sociology (PSC) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MASOC101ES-103ES
1 / 01 / 107 / MASOC101ID / ID / Family Welfare & Counseling (FWC) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MASOC101 ID-102ID
1 / 02 / 108 / MASOC102ID / ID / Indian Diaspora (IDP) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MASOC101 ID-102ID
Sem / Combination code / Old paper
Code / Paper Code / Paper Type / Paper Name / Marking scheme / Total Mark / Credit / Remarks
External / Internal
The / Pra / The / Pra
2 / 23 / Socc 201 / MASOC201CC / CC / Theoretical Perspective in Sociology (TPS) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
2 / 23 / Socc 202 / MASOC202CC / CC / Method and Techniques in Social Research (MTS) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
2 / 23 / Socc 203 / MASOC203CC / CC / Social Change and Development in India (SCD) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
2 / 04 / Socect 204 / MASOC201ES / ES / Social Movment in India (SMI) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MASOC201ES-203ES
2 / 05 / Socect 205 / MASOC202ES / ES / Education and Society (EDS) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MASOC201ES-203ES
2 / 06 / Socect 206 / MASOC203ES / ES / Criminology (CRM) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MASOC201ES-203ES
2 / 03 / 207 / MASOC201ID / ID / Sociology Of Aging(SAG) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MASOC201 ID-202ID
2 / 04 / 208 / MASOC202ID / ID / Indian Society (IST) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MASOC201 ID-202ID
Sem / Combination code / Old paper / Paper Code / Paper Type / Paper Name / Marking scheme / Total Mark / Credit / Remarks
External / Internal
The / Pra / The / Pra
3 / 23 / Socc 301 / MASOC301CC / CC / Rural Sociology (RSC) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
3 / 23 / Socc 302 / MASOC302CC / CC / Social Demography (SDM) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
3 / 23 / Socc 303 / MASOC303CC / CC / Sociology of Development (SDP) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
3 / 07 / Socect 304 / MASOC301ES / ES / Environment and society (EST) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MASOC301ES-303ES
3 / 08 / Socect 305 / MASOC302ES / ES / Sociology of mass communication (SMC) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MASOC301ES-303ES
3 / 09 / Socect306 / MASOC303ES / ES / Sociology of Voluntary organization (SVO) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MASOC301ES-303ES
3 / 05 / 307 / MASOC301ID / ID / Population And Society (PAS) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MASOC301 ID-302ID
3 / 06 / 308 / MASOC302ID / ID / Human Rights And Society (HRS) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MASOC301ID-302ID
Sem / Combination code / Old paper / Paper Code / Paper Type / Paper Name / Marking scheme / Total Mark / Credit / Remarks
External / Internal
The / Pra / The / Pra
4 / 23 / Socc 401 / MASOC401CC / CC / Regional Sociology (RGS) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
4 / 23 / Socc 402 / MASOC402CC / CC / Industry and Society in India (ISI) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
4 / 23 / Socc 403 / MASOC403CC / CC / Sociology of Religion (SOR) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
4 / 10 / Socect404 / MASOC401ES / ES / Dissertation (DST) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MASOC401ES403ES
4 / 11 / Socect 405 / MASOC402ES / ES / Sociology of Disaster mgt. and planning (SDP) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MASOC401ES-403ES
4 / 12 / Socect406 / MASOC403ES / ES / Urban society of india (USI) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MASOC401ES-403ES
4 / 07 / 407 / MASOC401ID / ID / Women in India the Changing Profile (WIP) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MASOC 401ID-402ID
4 / 08 / 408 / MASOC402ID / ID / Rural Development (RDP) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MASOC 401ID-402ID
Programme code : / MASOC / Programme Name : / M.A. SOCIOLOGY
Course Code / MASOC101CC / Semester : / 1
Course type : / Core Course / Total Credit : / 04
Teaching time
(hours) / Examination Marking scheme
(hrs) / Practical
(hrs) / Internal
(Marks) / External
(Marks) / Total
4 X 15 = 60 / 30 / 70 ( Paper of 3 hrs) / 100
Objective / To introduce the students to the different thinkers viewed the societal changes from different perspectives. To understand the issues related to development of Sociology as a science Acquaintance with the writings of classical thinker would equip the students with theoratical insights to know, analyse and interpret the social scenario around then and would also familiarize them with the different sociological perspectives and theories.
No. / Topic
No. / Content / Hrs. / Marks
W + % / Credit
1 / 1.1 / Modernity of Social Theory :
Social & Intellectual Forces : Ideailsm vs. Empiricism : Intellectural Background in Freedom, German, British. (Biographical Accounts) .
2 / 2.1 / Contribution of Karl Marx :
Materialism & Theory of Social Change :
Theory of Capitalism: Class struggle; Theory of Surplus Value.
3 / 3.1 / Contributions of Emile Durkhiem : Social Facts :
Division of Labour : Suicide' Elementary Forms of Religious Life.
4 / 4.1 / Contribution of Max Weber:
Ideal types: Social Action; Theory of Authority; Bureaucracy
5 / 5.1 / Vilfredo Pareto
classification of logical and non logical actions.
Classification of residues and derivatives. Theory of Social change - Elites and masses, Types of elites and their circulation.
Reference Books :-
No / Book Name
1 / Wilhelm, Outhwaite and Mulkay M. : Social Theory & Social Criticism, Blackwell, New York, 1987.
2 / Bottomore, Tom (ed.) Karl Marx : Selected Writign in Sociology &Social Philosophy, New York, 1956.
3 / Stammer, Otto (ed.) Max Weber & Sociology Today, Oxford 1971.
4 / Mevack, George : The Origins of Materialism, New York ,1971.
5 / Rhoads, John, K. Critical Issues in Social Theory, Pennsylvania, 1991.
6 / Hook, Sydney : From Hengel to Marx (Studies in the Intellectual Development of K. Marx), New York,1956.
Programme code : / MASOC / Programme Name : / M.A. SOCIOLOGY
Course Code / MASOC102CC / Semester : / 1
Course type : / Core Course / Total Credit : / 04
Teaching time
(hours) / Examination Marking scheme
(hrs) / Practical
(hrs) / Internal
(Marks) / External
(Marks) / Total
4 X 15 = 60 / 30 / 70 ( Paper of 3 hrs) / 100
Objective / This course plan aims to provide exposure to the fundamentals of various research techniques and methods. It tries to build upon the basic assumptions in adopting different methodologies for different kinds of research themes. It includes certain philosophical ideas underlying the emergence of different methodologies in social sciences.
No. / Topic
No. / Content / Hrs. / Marks
W + % / Credit
1 / 1.1 / Philosophical Roots of Social Research
Empirialism, Rationalism, Positivism foundation of Social research and its critique - Comte, Durkheim and Weber
2 / 2.1 / Nature of social relity and Approach to it.
Positivism, Phenomenology, Ethnomethodology and Symbolic Interactionism Interpretative Understanding.
3 / 3.1 / Logic of inquiry in Social Science Research
•Theory building in Social Research
•Measurement and Scaling
•Scientific Method
  • Research Design

4 / 4.1 / Explanatory design : - Descriptive design
4.2 / Diagnostic :- Experimental
4.3 / Historical design :- Comperative design
5 / 5.1 / construction
5.2 / Report writing
5.3 / Use of Computer in Social research.
Reference Books :-
No / Book Name
1 / Bailey, Kenneth D. : Methods in Social Research, MacMillan Publishing Co, New York, 1982.
2 / Black, James A., and Champion, Dean J. : Method and issues in Social research : John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New york, 1976.
3 / Bose, Pradip Kumar : Research Methodology; ICSSR, New Delhi, 1995.
4 / D. A. de Vaus; Surveys in Social Research; George Relen and Unwin, London; 1986.
5 / Giddens, A; Positivism and Sociology; Heinemann, London; 1974.
6 / Hughes, John; The origins of scietific Sociology; Tavistock, London, 1970.
7 / Punch, Keith; Introduction to Social Research; Sage Publications, London, 1986.
8 / Education's Book.
Programme code : / MASOC / Programme Name : / M.A. SOCIOLOGY
Course Code / MASOC103CC / Semester : / 1
Course type : / Core Course / Total Credit : / 04
Teaching time
(hours) / Examination Marking scheme
(hrs) / Practical
(hrs) / Internal
(Marks) / External
(Marks) / Total
4 X 15 = 60 / 30 / 70 ( Paper of 3 hrs) / 100
Objective / The course seeks to account students with theoretical understanding of gender sensisation. It is also to get informed abou the model of action for improvement of the status of womena nd to be aware of the diverstiy in values and problems of women from different part and states of india.
No. / Topic
No. / Content / Hrs. / Marks
W +% / Credit
1 / 1.1 / Basic concepts in Gender studies
•Gender, Equity, nature and Gender
•Sexual division of labour
•Women in family - socialization.
2 / 2.1 / Prevailing Theories
Liberal, Marxist, radical, Socialist, Feminist, Neo-Liberal
3 / 3.1 / Feminist movement
•Origin of feminist movement
•Feminist Movement current trends, women leaders in social reform.
4 / 4.1 / Profile of women in contemporary India
•Demographic status .
•Policies and programmes of the state.
•Sex ratio, Age of marriage
5 / 5.1 / Contemporary issues
Environment :- Women's Right
Violence :- Widow
Education :- Work
Health :- Political Participation
Reference Books :-
No / Book Name
1 / Whelham, Imelda : Modern Feminist Thought, Edingurgh : Edingurgh University press, 1997, pp. 1-25, 106-124, 144-166.
2 / Myers, Kristen, Anderson et al (eds.) Feminist Foundations; Towards Transforming Sociology, New Delhi; Sage, 1998, pp. 141, 76-90.
3 / V. Geetha and Rajadurai, S. V. : Towards a non-brahmin Millenieum, Culcutta; Samya, 1998, (Last, Chapter). 1995, Introduction only.
4 / Sarkar Tanika & Urvashi Butalia : Women and the Hindu Right, New Delhi; Kali for Women, 1995, pp. 1-9, 244-269.
5 / Vaid, Sudesh & Sangari Kumkum; Recasting Women; Essays in Colonial History, New Delhi : Kali for Women, 1989, pp. 1-45, 127-179.
6 / Chakravati, Uma; REwriting History, New Delhi : Kali for Women,1998, chapter - 3
7 / Kumar, Radha; History of Doing, New Delhi : Kali for Women, 1993, (whole book)
8 / Satya Murthy, T. V. (ed.) Region, Religion, caste, Gender and Culture in Contemporary India, New Delhi : OUP, 1996, pp. 87132
9 / Mies, Maria & Shiva, Vandana ; Eco-Femenism, New Delhi : Kali for Women, 1993, Introduction only.
10 / Krishnaraj, Maitreyi (d.) : Concept Series, vol. I, II and III, Mumbai, S.N.D.T., 1989.
11 / Gandhi, Nandita & Shah, Nandita : Issues at Stake, Mumbai; Popular Prakashan, 1992, Introduction only.
12 / Sen, Illina : Space within the struggle, New Delhi : Kali for Women, 1992, Introduction only.
13 / Patil, Sharad : Dasa-Shudra Slavery, Pune : Sugawa Prakashan, 1991. pp. 1-34.
Programme code : / MASOC / Programme Name : / M.A. SOCIOLOGY
Course Code / MASOC101ES / Semester : / 1
Course type : / Elective Subject / Total Credit : / 04
Teaching time
(hours) / Examination Marking scheme
(hrs) / Practical
(hrs) / Internal
(Marks) / External
(Marks) / Total
4 X 15 = 60 / 30 / 70 ( Paper of 3 hrs) / 100
Objective / The students will have acquired afacily adequate and comprehensive understanding on Indian Society in all its multi-faceted dimensions. Their course is aimed at sensitizing them to the diversity as well as inter-connectedness of theoratical perspecties on Indian Society, thereby adding depth as well as insight to their undrsanding of the subject.
No. / Topic
No. / Content / Hrs. / Marks
W +% / Credit
1 / 1.1 / Indian Society nature of its culture, religion, caste (Brief Introduction and Rural society discussion).
2 / 2.1 / Theoretical perspective
•Indological / Textual (G. S. Ghurve).
•Ethnography [Caste, Tribe brief] (Riseley, Amthowom)
•(3) Structural - functionalism (M. N. Srinivas, S. C. Dube).
3 / 3.1 / Debates on Indian Social Institutions
•Family, Kinship and Household (Joint Versus nuclear, household versus family)
•Village (phases)
•(c) Urban Setting (going beyond rural - urban continuum)
4 / 4.1 / Bases of Social Stratification in India
5 / 5.1 / Sociological understanding of colonial India through colonial
ethnography the census, district gazeteers and the imperial gazeteer.
(Special reference to Gujarat)
Reference Books :-
No / Book Name
1 / Desai I. P. : I & Others
2 / DeSouza, P. R. ed. 2000 : Contemporary India - Translations (New Delhi : Sage)
3 / Dhangare, D. N. 1993 : Themes and perspectives in Indian Sociology (Jaipur, Rawat)
4 / Dube, S. C. 1973 : Social Sciences in a Changing Society (Lucknow University Press).
5 / Durnont, Louis 1970 : Homo Hierachicus : The Caste System and its implications (New Delhi : Vikas)
6 / Karvem Irawati 1960 : Hindu Society : An Interpretation (Poonam Deccm College).
7 / Momin, A. R. 1966 : The Legancy of G. S. Ghurve A Centennial Festschirifi (Popular Prakashan, Bombay)
8 / Mukharjee, D. P. 1958 : Diversities People's Publishing House, Delhi
9 / Oommen, T. K. and P. N. Mukharjee (Eds.) 1986. Indian sociology : Reflection and introspections, Popular Prakashan, bombay.
10 / Singh, K. S. 1992 : The People of India : An Introduction, Seagull books, Culcutta.
11 / Shah, A. M. : Economist and Anthropologist
12 / Singh Y1986. Indian Sociology: Social Conductioning and emerging Concerns,Delhi Singh Y. 1973. Mordanisation of India Tradition, Delhi. Thomsom Press.
13 / Srinivas, M. N. 1960. India's Asia Publishinhg House, Bombay
14 / Tylor Stephen, India : An Anthropological Perspective.
15 / Hardman, David 1996, Freeding the Bani Peasant and Usurers in Western India, Oxford University Press.
16 / Lannoy, Richard 1971 : The speaking Tree, A Study of Indian Culture and Society, London, Oxford University Press.
17 / Marriott, McKim 1990 : India through Hindu Categories Sage, Delhi.
18 / Mohn, R. P. and A. S. Wilke, eds. 1994, International Handbook of Contemporary Developments in Sociology, London, Mansell.
19 / Singer, Milton and Bernard Cohn. eds. 1968m, Structure and change in Indian Society Chicago : Aldine Publishing Company
20 / Singer, Milton, 1972 : When a Great Tradition Modernizes, Delhi, Vikas.
Programme code : / MASOC / Programme Name : / M.A. SOCIOLOGY
Course Code / MASOC102ES / Semester : / 1
Course type : / Elective Subject / Total Credit : / 04
Teaching time
(hours) / Examination Marking scheme
(hrs) / Practical
(hrs) / Internal
(Marks) / External
(Marks) / Total
4 X 15 = 60 / 30 / 70 ( Paper of 3 hrs) / 100
Objective / The tribal folks constitute a significant segment of Indian society. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive understanding of tribal people in terms of their distribution and concentration, demographic feature , social structure and cultural patterns with the help of illustration from tribal society in India and Gujarat.
No. / Topic
No. / Content / Hrs. / Marks
W +% / Credit
1 / 1.1 / Tribal communties in India & Gujarat; demographic strength and distribution distinctive features of tribal communities.
2 / 2.1 / Perspective, Programmes and Politics in the Post-Colonial Period
(a) Isolation
(b) Assimilation
(c) Adaptation
(d) Acculturation
e) Protective Discrimination and Triba Welfare.
2.2 / Relationship with Tribal and Forest Tribal and land
3 / 3.1 / Scheduled Tribes : The Fourth world : Colonial Construction and problems of definition : Tribe, Jati, Varna, Adivasi, Indigenous Aborigines.
4 / 4.1 / Changes in Post colonial period in tribal economy, society, Culture, Polity and religion.
5 / 5.1 / Issues of Tribal Identity
Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Uttaranchal, Tribal Welfare Programmes in Gujarat
Reference Books :-
No / Book Name
1 / Bailey, F. G. Tribe, Caste and Nation, OUP, Bombay, 1960
2 / Singh K. S. : Tribal Movement in India Vol. I & II, New Delhi : Manohar Prakashan, 1982.
3 / Bose, A., Nangbri, T. & Kumar, N. (eds.) (1990). Tribal demopgraphy and development in North-East India, Delhi : B.R.
4 / Furer-Haimendorf, C. V. (1991) Tribes of India : The struggl for Survival, Delhi : OUP.
5 / Mehta, P. L. (1991). Constitutional protection to Scheduled tries in India in retrospect and Prospect, Delhi : H. K.
6 / V. H. Joshi, Madhusudan Mistry : Tribal situtation in India.
7 / Banerjee, M., 1964 Primitive men in India, The Indian Publications, Ambala
8 / Singh, K.S. (ed), 1972 Tribal situation in India, Indian Institute of Advanced studies, Simla
9 / Chauhan, B. R., 1970 Towns in Tribal settings, National Publishing House, Delhi
10 / Vidyarthy, L. P. & B.K. Rai 1977 The Tribal Culture in India Concept, Delhi
11 / Ghurye, G. S. 1959 The Scheduled Tribes Popular Prakashan, Bombay
Programme code : / MASOC / Programme Name : / M.A. SOCIOLOGY
Course Code / MASOC103ES / Semester : / 1
Course type : / Elective Subject / Total Credit : / 04
Teaching time
(hours) / Examination Marking scheme
(hrs) / Practical
(hrs) / Internal
(Marks) / External
(Marks) / Total
4 X 15 = 60 / 30 / 70 ( Paper of 3 hrs) / 100
Objective / In modernised societies the political system has become one of the most dominant components of the total social structure, Accordingly, the major objectives of teaching this course are : To acquaint the students with the nature and functioning of political system(s), and the political processes. To generate in the minds of students an awareness of their status and role as citizens of the state. To make the students aware of the prerequisite of sound democratic political system and its vulnerability
No. / Topic
No. / Content / Hrs. / Marks
W +% / Credit
1 / 1.1 / Definition, nature and subject matter and methodology of Political Sociology, distinctive approach of Political Sociology Interrelationship between political system and society. Sociological & Political relationship with other social Science,
2 / 2.1 / Political Culture-meaning and significance. Political socialization-meaning, signification and its agencies.
3 / 3.1 / Elite theories of distribution of power in society (with reference to Mosca, Pareto. R. Mitchies and C. W.Mills and others). Indian Thinkers : Gandhi, Ambedkar, Nehru..
4 / 4.1 / Bureaucracy, its characteristics, type, significance in politcal development with special reference to India. Political Process in India : Role of caste, Religion, Regionalism and language in Indian Politics.
5 / 5.1 / Political Parties : characteristics social composition of parties, recruitment, mass participation, political apathy, its causes and consequences (with special reference to Gujarat, Analysis of recent election result.)
Reference Books :-
No / Book Name
1 / Dowse, R. E. & Hughes 1971 - Political Sociology, New York, Basic Book.
2 / Horowitz, Irwing L. 1972 - Foundation of Political Sociology, NEw York, Harper and Row.
3 / Hisenstadi, S. N. (El.) 1971. Political Sociology, York Basic Book.
4 / Kornhauser, W. 1971. The Political and MAss Society, Penguin.
5 / Kothari, R. 1979, Politics in India. Orient Longmens Ltd.
6 / Merton R. K. 1952 (ed.) - Reader in bureaucracy. Gience the Free Press.
7 / Key V. O. 1964 - Politics, Parties and Pressure groups, Crowell, New York.
8 / Mills C. W. & Hans Gerth. 1946 - Essays in Sociology, Oxford, New York.
9 / Samuel P., Huntington, 1969 - Political Order i changing Socoieties. Yale University Press : New Haven,
10 / Almong A. Gabriel et. al.1973, Crises, Choice and change : Historical Studies of Political development, Boston.
11 / P. Blau, 1956 - Bureaucracy in Moern Society, Random House, New York.
12 / Lipset S. M. 1959 - Political Parties, giencko Free Press.
13 / Bendedict ANderson, 1983 - Imagined Comunities : Reffection on the Origin and spread of Nationalism, Beso, London.
14 / Dipti Kumar Biswas (1989) - Political Sociology, Firma KLM Private, Culcutta.
15 / Rajani, Kothari 1973 (ed.) - Caste in Indian Politics - Orient Longmans Ltd. 1973.
16 / Barrington Moore Jr., 1958 - Political Power and Social Theory. Cambridge, Harward University Press.
17 / Mitra, Subraha K. 1992 - Political Protest and participation Local Eids and the politics o development in India. Routledge.
18 / Marris, Jones, W. H. 1982 - Government and Politics in India. Cambridge.
19 / Jangam R. T. 1990 - Textbook of Political Sociology, Oxford and 1BH Publishing Company, New Delhi.
20 / UH[gN= X]S, v EFZTLI HGTF 5F8L" v ;[g8Z OMZ ;MxI, :80Lh I]lGJl;"8L U|\Y lGDF6" AM0"4 VDNFJFN
22 / CZJg; 5M,4 ZFHSLI ;DFHXF:+
Programme code : / MASOC / Programme Name : / M.A. SOCIOLOGY
Course Code / MASOC101ID / Semester : / 1
Course type : / Inter Disciplinary / Total Credit : / 04
Teaching time
(hours) / Examination Marking scheme
(hrs) / Practical
(hrs) / Internal
(Marks) / External
(Marks) / Total
4 X 15 = 60 / 30 / 70 ( Paper of 3 hrs) / 100
No. / Topic
No. / Content / Hrs. / Marks
W +% / Credit
1 / 1.1 / FAMILY : Characteristics of family, Importance of family, Functions of family, Family disorganization, Therorictical approaches to family -Functional Approach-Parsons, Marxist approach
2 / 2.1 / TYPES OF FAMILY : Nuclear family, Joint family, Extended amily, Break down of Joint family, Charges in family system, Unit of Production, Industrial family, female headed family, Post industrial-home based,
3 / 3.1 / Marital Disharmony : Causes and remedies, Family Tension,Working mothers, Domestic violence, Breakdown of Marriage.Changing Family patterns, Equal Status of Women, Joint Mate Selection, and weakening of family norms.
4 / 4.1 / Women, Law and Family . Family Courts, Legal Aid Programmes,Marital Disputes and Counselling, Women Rights, Empowerment of Women, Laws of Marriage, Divorce, Inheritance, Succession and Adoption.
5 / 5.1 / Counselling : Nature, Scope, Functions And Needs. Counselling Approaches, Cognitive, Behaviorist, Psychodynamic and Transpersonal. Techniques of counselling . future of guidance and counselling.