OCTOBER 6, 2009

7:30 P.M.



Dr. Murray Cohen, President

Mr. Michael Mueller, Vice-President

Dr. Barbara Breitman, Secretary

Mr. Alan Steinberg, Treasurer

Mrs. Camille Baker

Dr. Mark Elfont

Mr. Yuri Khalif

Mrs. Leslie Movsesian

Mr. Nathan Murawsky

Dr. Marykay Feeley

Superintendent of Schools

It is the position of the Lower Moreland Township Board of School Directors that there is a need to have open lines of communication to the public so that opinions and input from the community can be expressed, heard and taken into consideration. As a result, there will be three opportunities for public comment during School Board meetings.* Public comment will be received as follows:

1. At the conclusion of the public work session, held on the first Tuesday of the month.

2. At the beginning of the public Board meetings for items which are on the agenda and which will be voted upon that evening.

3. Prior to adjournment of the public Board meeting for items which are not listed on the agenda.

It is hoped that these procedures will help to keep open the lines of communication between the Board and the public. We look forward to your input and involvement and the meaningful dialogue which will ensue.

If you wish to address the Board, please complete a card, indicating your desire to speak, and place it in the box next to the sign-in sheet. When called upon to speak, please identify yourself by name and address and limit your remarks to three minutes, thereby giving others an opportunity to speak.

Questions should be addressed to the presiding officer of the Board. If a response cannot be given at the time of the meeting, the concern will be relayed to the proper parties and a response will be provided through a telephone call, a subsequent letter or at a later Board meeting.

*The agenda for both the work session and public Board meetings are available for review by any interested community member by 10:00 a.m. on the day before the scheduled meeting as well as being posted on the district website. (www.lmtsd.org)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Open Work Session – Public Observation Only

I. Pledge of Allegiance – Mr. Murawsky

II. Personnel

A. Request approval, with regret, the resignation for retirement of Mrs. Marge McCarthy, Accounts Payable Specialist, effective December 31, 2009, per the attached.

No Comments.

B. Request approval, with regret, the resignation for retirement of Mrs. Sylvia Cantor, Murray Avenue School Secretary, effective January 4, 2010, per the attached.

No Comments.

C.  Request approval of the Mentors for the 2009-2010 school year, as attached.

No Comments.

D. Request approval of Ms. Amber Spindler as a per diem elementary substitute teacher for the 2009-10 school year. All clearances on file.

No Comments.

E. Request approval of Ms. Cheryl Kalinoski as a high school instructional assistant for the 2009-10 school year, effective October 7, 2009 at a rate of $12.86 per hour. All clearances on file.

No Comments.

F. Request approval of Ms. Kristin Jermyn as a Murray Avenue math instructional assistant for the 2009-10 school year, effective October 7, 2009 at a rate of $12.86 per hour. All clearances on file.

No Comments.

G. Request approval of Mrs. Katherine Kammerle as a Pine Road Title I math instructional assistant for the 2009-10 school year, effective October 7, 2009 at a rate of $12.86 per hour. All clearances on file.

No Comments.

H. Request approval of the following Supplemental Contracts for Extra Curricular Activities for the 2009-10 school year:

High School

Tech Crew (Not Dramatics), John Haldeman, Level I, 2.0 units, unit total $640

Orchestra, Sarah Gulish, Level I, 6.0 units, unit total $1920

Assistant Soccer, Matthew Crouch, Level I, 8.0 units, unit total, $2560

Chess Club, Tonee Beck, Level I, 7.0 units, unit total $2240

Mock Trial, John Haldeman, Level III, 7.0 units, unit total $2590

Dramatics Light and Sound, John Haldeman, Level II, 4.0 units, unit total $1380

11th Grade Class Sponsor, John Cendrowski, Level I, 6.0 units, unit total $1920

Football Cheerleaders, Yvonne Gillick, Level I, 4.5 units, unit total $1440

Dramatics: Fall Director, Leah Henry, Level I, 4.0 units, unit total $1280

Drama Club, Leah Henry, Level I, 4.0 units, unit total $1280

No Comments.

Murray Avenue

Dramatics-Music, Ashley Bridgewater, Level I, 2.0 units, unit total $640

Assistant Boys Basketball (Gr.7-8), Level I, 5.0 units, unit total $1600

No Comments.

I. Request approval of the Requests to Attend Professional Meetings, as attached.

No Comments.

J. Request approval of the Saturday Detention rate of pay for the 2009/10 school year of $34.17 per hour.

Mr. Mueller asked about the rate and Dr. Feeley responded that it is the same rate as 2008/09.

Mrs. Movsesian asked is substitutes are reviewed and evaluated. Dr. Feeley informed that Board that there were informal reviews in the past but a more formal procedure will be discussed at the next Administrative Cabinet meeting and will be presented to the Board thereafter.

III. Buildings and Grounds

A. Request approval for PTA to use the high school snack shop on Mondays and Fridays throughout the school year beginning 10/2/09 from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. to sell snacks. No fee.

No Comments.

B. Request approval for PTA to use the high school cafeteria 9/22, 9/23, 9/24 and 9/25 from 10 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. to etch students’ calculators. No fee.

No Comments.

C. Request approval for PTA to use the high school conference room for monthly meetings on 10/7/09, 11/2/09, 1/6/10, 2/8/10, 4/5/10 and 5/5/10 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. No fee.

No Comments.

D. Request approval for HVAA to use the high school and middle school gyms from September 2009 to April 2010 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends (as available). No fee.

No Comments.

E. Request approval for Six Row Productions to use the auditorium 2/19/10 from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. for a pop show. $3000 fee, plus tech, custodial, and security fees.

No Comments.

IV. Business and Finance

A. Request approval of the check list dated 10/1/09 in the amount of $1,070,187.58.

No Comments.

B. Request approval to initiate a voluntary payroll deduction for PSEA-PACE, per the attached.

Dr. Elfont asked about the benefit. He was concerned that the Board is granting another benefit without any give and take from the Association. Dr. Breitman asked what percentage of employees contributed – Dr. Feeley was to ask. Dr. Breitman was also concerned because of the politics behind the organization. Mr. Murawsky asked if the Board can approve noting that the Board would like the Association to work better with them in the future. Dr. Elfont responded no. The board then had a long discussion regarding benefits and contracts. The Board agreed to remove the motion from the public meeting and hold further conversations with the Association.

C. Request approval for Barbacane Thornton & Company to audit the Lower Moreland Township Tax Collector’s financial report of school district taxes for the year ended December 31, 2008, per the attached.

No Comments.

V. School Board

Recommend approval to amend the 2009-2010 agreement with the parents of student number 5883816029 to attend ATG Learning Center and Eastern Center for Arts and Technology.

Mr. Burkholder explained the situation and that the change would benefit both the student and the District. Dr. Elfont asked if Eastern was involved in the conversations and Mr. Burkholder responded yes.

VI. Discussion

1. Proposed Science Labs for Murray Avenue – Mr. Jay Clough, Mr. Jim Kieffer

Dr. Feeley provided an overview of the District’s facilities. Jim Keiffer then reviewed a powerpoint related to Murray Avenue science labs, high school planetarium conversion and Murray Avenue lockers. Mrs. Movsesian asked how many labs there will be. The Board asked numerous questions related to the current science program and the presentation itself. The Board agreed to put the Murray Avenue science lab project on the next agenda for authorization to proceed. The Board then had a long discussion about the new high school configuration and how the school would look thereafter. Additionally the Board had another lengthy discussion about lockers at Murray Avenue. The Board ultimately decided to move forward with the high school option B for the planetarium conversion and will put it on the next agenda for authorization to proceed. Mr. Keiffer then reviewed the safety concerns at Murray Avenue and the final decision not to make any structural improvements but rather make internal changes. Mr. Keiffer lastly reviewed sprinkler systems at the high school and Murray Avenue and provided cost estimates for both.

2. Painting Schedule

Dr. Feeley provided an overview of the painting/fixing up of the Murray Avenue gym vestibule area as well as painting within the gym. Dr. Elfont expressed concerns about finishing the job for a volunteer. Mr. McGuinn reviewed the potential painting project and the Board agreed to move the project towards doing the job next summer.

3. Annual Report Honorable Mention

Dr. Feeley reviewed the award.

4. Alumni Inaugural Weekend – Mrs. Movsesian

Mrs. Movsesian reviewed the website information for the alumni and also the upcoming activities.

5. Overview of Gifted Education (Pine Road only)–Mrs. Blakeman, Mr. Burkholder

Mr. Burkholder and Mrs. Blakeman reviewed the gifted program at Pine Road. The Board asked about numbers and percentages of gifted students. A long discussion ensued about the gifted program and program delivery models.

6. MAGNA Awards – Dr. Feeley, Dr. Richmond

Dr. Richmond indicated that she reviewed the awards at the Curriculum committee meeting. She also handed out the new high school profile.

7. Calendar Printing and Mailing Costs

Dr. Feeley reviewed the calendar costs and a thought of going green in the future. Dr. Elfont talked about keeping the calendar but seeking advertisements. The Board ultimately decided to continue with the calendar and to look for more township contributions and selling advertisements.

8. Building Use Request, as attached with Board Policy

Dr. Feeley reviewed the request for a travel basketball organization to use the Murray Avenue gym. The Board directed the administration to negotiate the price.

VII. General Information

The next regularly scheduled Public Meeting of the Board will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 in the High School Board Room.

These minutes are in summary form and are not in any way to be viewed as official.