The Pote Post

Room 107

February 8, 2013 612-926-0001 x24

2/11 / Tuesday
2/12 / Wednesday
2/13 / Thursday
2/14 / Friday
*Pizza Day
*Gym Day / *Prayer Service 10:15
*Library Day
*Music Day / *Spanish Day
*Gym Day
*All School Ash Wednesday Mass
*Dismiss from UC / *Subway Day
*Music Day
*Valentine’s Day Party
*Spanish Day / *Gym Day


Our essential question this week was “What is important to know about the moon?” Our story this week is titled Let’s Go to the Moon. Our phonics focus this week is the sound of long /o/ spelled o_e. We have long /o/ words on our spelling list. This week our words to know are: around, because, before, bring, carry, light, show, and think. Please practice these words with your child at home. We also worked with finding the main idea and supporting details of a story. In writing, we finished our big writing project-our reports on a President. Next week we will present them.


This week we continued working in Unit 5. We worked the number 100 which came in handy as we celebrate our 100th day of school. We will be working on 100 activities all next week too. This week we focused on partners of 100, which are very similar to partners of 10. We also practiced finding money amounts using the least possible number of coins. Finally, we practiced finding missing partners in teen addition problems using the make a ten strategy.


This week we had our final Art Adventure class. We learned about two different pieces: “Rainy Evening on Hennipen Avenue” and “Initiation Mask.” We loved seeing a piece of art that showed a local spot and had a great time making masks of our own. Thank you so much to our Art Adventure volunteers, Mary Cleary, Alison Hardy, and Faye Frohman for sharing the lessons with us. We look forward to seeing the art pieces in person on our field trip to MIA later in the year.

*Other News and Announcements

Next week we will be recording our President’s Day Report presentations. Our computer teacher Mrs. McManus is helping us upload our recordings. Please look for more information next week on an app that will allow you to view your child reading his or her report. The reports will be available for you to view up through conference time.

In this week’s BGE I sent home a conference slip. Please let me know your first and second choices for a conference time. I hope to send home confirmation slips in next week’s BGE. I also sent home the February book order. If you would like to order books, please have your order online or into me by Wednesday, February 13th.

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. We will celebrate with a small party where we pass out valentines. Please be sure your child has a valentine for each friend in class. I will be emailing a class list home to make sure everyone is included. Valentines can be homemade or store bought. If you decide to add a treat, please remember we do have peanut allergies in the room so if you could avoid products with peanuts or made in peanut product factories, that would be so helpful!

Please mark your calendars for some upcoming events . . .

2/12 Prayer Service 10:15 STA

2/13 All School Ash Wednesday Mass-Dismissal from the UC

2/14 Valentine’s Day

2/15 Out of Uniform Day

2/18 No School-President’s Day

2/27-2/28 Parent/Teacher Conferences

3/1 No School Parent/Teacher Conferences