Sutton Selectmen’s Meeting

June 25, 2015

Called to order at 6:00PM by Tim Simpson, Chairman

Attending: Tim Simpson, Selectmen, Scott Spencer, Selectmen, George Colburn, TownClerk, Gail Weed, Assistant Town Clerk, Larry Seymour, Fire Department, Dan Jackson, Norm Patenaude, Pike Industries; Tim Cramer, Black Top Paving, Paul Brouha, Gary Leach, Tata & Howard, Pat Jackson, Mary Gray, Joe is in Kentucky

Scott made a motion to accept the minutes from May 28, 2015 with a correction that all the selectmen were concerned about warranty work on any new truck that the company should be responsible for picking up the truck and returning it. Tim seconded the motion with corrections. Tim called for a vote to accept the minutes as corrected. Motion passed

Scott made a motion to approve the June 18, 2015 special Meeting minutes for bridge and trucks. Tim seconded the motion. Discussion: After the meeting adjourned, Tim spoke with Western Star with the final figure to purchase the new truck is $94,000.00. Tim called for a vote. Motion passed.

Scott made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report of 6-25-15. Tim seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Tim called for a vote. Motion passed

Other business:Opening Paving Bids:


Black Top$392,003.00


Discussion: Sutton received money from the state up to $175,000.00, our budget will have $125,000.00; we have to put in $220,000.00. We will borrow the money and take it out of the next year’s budget. Each year we try toputin $125,000.00. We don’t know how long it will be before we are able to pay and we don’t know how long the state will take to pay us. We should have it paid by December 1, 2015 with paying $125,000 being paid by November 10th, 2015.

Scott made a motion to award this paving project to Pike Industry for $372,013.00: Tim Seconded motion. Discussion: Culverts: Pike will get with Rick to work the schedule out, but Pike stated by mid-July they should be able to start the paving project. Tim called for a vote to award Pike the bid for $372,013.00 for the paving project. Motion passed.

Mowing Bids:1 pass and 2 pass mowing bids (Sutton budgeted $8,500.00 for 2015 budget)

Kirby Mountain Lawn 1 pass = $2,900.00 and 2 pass = $5,800.00

Walt Neborsky Jr 1 pass = 3,800,00 and 2 pass = $7,800.00

Scott made a motion to award Kirby Mountain Lawn for 2 passes for $5,800,00. Tim seconded motion. Tim called for a vote. Motion passed

Tim asked Rick about coming from North Ridge onto Route 5A, maybe Scott could call Shawna about clearing that corner since it is very difficult to see up the road.

Larry Seymour – Fire House: There should be bills to be paid. Larry Seymour for a pressure washer that was missed before and also Larry Seymour for the Gear Dryer; a Lawn Mower from JB Colton. This money was coming from the $17,000.00 for contents. There are some bills from Dana for working on the fire pond and there is a bill to the Fire Department for hiring an engineer and parts from the St. Johnsbury. Larry explained this was all included in the loan. The pond has cost of $32,400.00 so far and Norbert has not submitted any bills. The engineer has come and it is still too wet to work on it.

Gary Leach, Tata & Howard: There is a property issue that needs to be resolved. There is some conflicting property data with the school and town. 2.7 acres is being leased from Davis by the school. Gary went over the plans for the building; leach field and explained the materials being used to construct. Gary needs a signed permit to send in with the paperwork. The funding from USDA stated that it has been approved; we will receive the letter shortly for confirmation. In order to advertise we need all the paper work done and signed. Gary will contact the surveyor and Tim will contact the land owner to allow us to use the field.

Roadside trash: Tim has not looked into it yet, this trash was out of the town’s right-of-way. We do not want to set precedent of picking up trash around town. We are sympathetic with the problem, but the selectmen feel that this is not up to the town to deal with.

Paul Brouha: VETEL sent an application for our information. It was left at the office on the 13th at 4:20PM by UPS but when we came in Monday morning it was gone. We should try to get a copy of the file for our files. Paul explained this tower is in Burke.

Planning Commission, Mark Barrett has resigned, but will stay until the position is filled.

A letter of interest was received by Chip Devenger. Paul will send the selectmen Mark Barrett’s letter of resignation.

Scott made a motion to accept the resignation of Mark Barrett from the Planning and Zoning Board. Tim seconded the motion. Tim called for a vote. Motion passed.

Scott made a motion to appoint Marlin “Chip” Devenger to the Planning and Zoning Board to replace Mark Barret’s term. Tim seconded the motion. Tim called for a vote. Motion passed.

Tim opened a letter of interest from Marylou Lamont for the Zoning Administrator position (this is to take Ron Trembley’s place)

Scott made a motion to appoint Mary Lou Lamont to the Zoning Administrator’s position to pay the same as Ron gets paid. Right now there could be a change to an hourly position rather than a salary. Paul Brouha explained that according to the state statute the Zoning Chairman interviews any new candidates then would make a recommendation to the selectmen one way or another. Tim suggested that we send Mary Lou to Paul Brouha to interview and see her credentials. He will also explain what the position entails. There was no second on the motion. Motion failed.

Tim explained we have a letter of interest from Mary Lou Lamont for the position of Zoning Administrator’s position that the selectmen had asked Paul Brouha to make an appointment with Marylou for an interview and explain the position and report back to the selectmen at the next meeting.

Paul Brouha brought a letter to the selectmen for their signature about people with too many junk vehicles in their yard.

Tim made a motion to table sending a letter for the problem with notion of going after people with too many junk vehicles until the state statutes are looked into for the next meeting. Scott seconded. Tim called for a vote. Motion passed

George explained that there is a mandatory Town Clerk’s course in Jay that he will attending on August 3, 4, 5 and 6. He may be driving back and forth each day to avoid the cost of room. He will monitor his health since we don’t feel that is necessary, there is money in the budget for this.

Mary Gray, Lister updated the selectmen about the grant money from the State for matching funds for the office maps. Mary spoke with the original mapper, Russell Graphics and received a quote to update our maps for a cost of $4,300.00. Mary recommended that they go with Russell Graphics since this will only be an update since 2007 and not start over with the matching grant money from the state.

Tim made a motion to go with Russell Graphics to update our town maps and not pursue the state grant. Scott seconded the motion. Tim called for a vote. Motion passed.

Mary presented a letter for the consideration of land value changes. Joe was not here a suggestion was made to let Joe look at the letter and vote at the next meeting when they are all here.

Gail reported that Peter Morsette stated that the town is not liable for a dog destroying personal propertyhe stated that the town does not want to start going down that road.

Correspondence and Invoices were reviewed and checks and warrants were signed.

Scott made a motion to adjourn at 8:03 PM Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed


Mary Gray, Clerk