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Clerk Mr. R Wright
1st December 2015
You are cordially invited to attend the Meeting of Wimblington Parish Council which will be held in the small room of the Parish Hall on Tuesday 8th December 2015 at 7.00 pm.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Chairperson or Clerk should you have any problem with any agenda item.
Yours truly
R Wright
A resolution under section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 that as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the special confidential nature of the business to be transacted must be proposed if any item should be discussed in Committee.
1 Apologies for Absence
1a The Chairman to report additional items for consideration which the chairman deems urgent by virtue of the special circumstances to be now specified
The Chairman to introduce Mr Patricia Amos the new Clerk who will commence her duties on 1st January 2016. The retiring Clerk will be retained as a Consultant for one year to assist the new Clerk.
2 Confirmation of minutes - To confirm minutes of meeting held on 10th November 2015
3 Crime report
Shed Break in -Break in logged with the police and the crime reference number is CF0475931115.
Cllr Rose met the Forensics man there at lunchtime and no prints or anything can be taken as not enough surface area.
Ladders have been taken (there were other items on display which could have gone as worth scrap metal value, but they're still there).
Option 1 - Dummy system - £150
Install four Dummy CCTV Cameras
Install four A4 CCTV warning signs
Option 2 - Working CCTV system -£475
Supply & Install
4 day/night weather proof 720p cameras - 4 A4 CCTV warning signs
1 digital recorder - Includes all cabling etc
Requirements are a double 240v socket
All four cameras would be hard wired to the digital recorded the recorder should be housed some where secure it can be placed in a metal cabinet for an extra cost of £80. A monitor or TV is required this can be second hand or to supply a new screen £100
The system can be linked to the internet for remote viewing anywhere in the world but requires an internet connection in the hall
4 Fenland District council – Report by Cllr M T Davis
5 Cambridgeshire County Council – Report from Cllr Connor
6 Matters Arising
a) Street lights – Further to minute 1016/15(a)
b) New Cemetery – Further to minute 1016/15(b)
7 Payments
a) The members to consider and approve the following accounts for payment
R Wright salary
Mrs M Moulton booking duties
Cambs CC Clerks pension
Lisa Duff Cleaning hall
SSE Electricity at hall 99.61 4.98 104.59
Ridgeons Concrete – lights 33.99 6.80 40.79
Anglian Water Water – hall 73.49
Water – cemetery 99.44
WMPF 9.33
b) To consider income & expenditure for 2016/2017
c) Risk Management & health & Safety – To review policies/procedures – Cllr Clarke to report
8 Planning
Observations on the following applications
FYR15/1005/F The Anchor Inn Norfolk Street – change of use
FYR151042/F S Newstead North Witchford Lodge Lyon Walk – glazed canopy
FYR15/1050/TRTPO R Barker 30d March Road – works to Ash tree
9 Highway Matters/Street Lighting/Transport
a) Street lights reported issues
b) Footpaths and highway issues
10 Recreation Ground
a) WMPF – The Chairman to report.
b) Parkfield – Report
11 New Cemetery/Churchyard
a) New Cemetery – The Clerk to report
b) Wimblington St Peters Church
12 Parish hall
General matters
13 Fun Day/ Christmas lights
14 Correspondence & Other matter
15 Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 8th December 2015