Huntington International Fellowship

Application Form

In order to apply for this fellowship, you must submit the following information:

1. Two Letters of Recommendation:

You are responsible for contacting the individuals listed on your application form. You may wish to confirm with the individuals that they have written on your behalf. No special form is required.

2. Budget Sheet:

Please fill out the attached budget sheet with as much detail as possible. Travel agents and study abroad program administrators should be able to provide most of this information.

3. Personal Statement:

Include a one-page, single-spaced explanation of your interests and plans and how study abroad relates to your career goals.

4. This Cover Sheet.

First Name Last Name

OSU ID Number

College of Enrollment


Major Minor GPA

Local Address

Local Phone Email

Permanent Address

Permanent Phone

Country of Destination
Dates of Proposed Study

Names of individuals submitting a letter of recommendation





Return application and supporting documents by the online deadline to:

Huntington Fellowship Selection Committee

Center for Languages, Literatures and Cultures

100 Hagerty Hall

1775 College Road

Columbus, OH 43210

Contact: Diane Birckbichler ()
CLLC Direct: (614)292-4361

Important Notice:

  1. Travel Warning Policy and Supplemental International Insurance

In countries under a current Department of State Travel Warning or other locations designated high risk, undergraduate students cannot use scholarship awards for study abroad programs and/or individual international projects outside of venues approved by Ohio State.Approved programs are communicated on the OIA website via the study abroad search engine:

Graduate and professional students may petition the International Travel Policy Committee for approval a minimum of three months prior to proposed travel. Countries currently on Department of State Travel Warning can be viewed at: For further information on the policy and/or the petition process, please contact Dru Simmons, international risk manager, (), Office of Risk Management and Insurance.

Ohio State students traveling to international locations for the purpose of study abroad, undergraduate or graduate/dissertation research, internships or independent study are required to enroll in the university’s supplemental international insurance which is provided through HTH Worldwide. The insurance includes coverage for medical, evacuation, repatriation, emergency assistance, and political security and natural disaster. Students participating in study abroad programming coordinated through the Office of International Affairs are automatically enrolled in the supplemental international insurance. Students who are traveling abroad independently may enroll on-line for the supplemental insurance. For instructions:

I have read, understood and will comply with the statements above concerning my application for the Huntington International Fellowship.


Huntington International Fellowship Budget Sheet

First Name Last Name

OSU ID Number

Country and City of Destination

Dates of Program

Name of program

Short Description of Program


Travel $

Lodging $

Meals $

Program/ Tuition $

Books/ Material $

Other (explain) $

Total $

For payment processing purposes only

Are you currently employed at Ohio State? (Please circle one) Yes No

What is your residency status?

US Citizen (Please circle one) Yes No

Resident alien or permanent resident (Please circle one) Yes No

Nonresident alien (Please circle one) Yes No
If yes, please type the country of residency