·  @LK5911 Thats why the president doesn't get much credit because our men and women are facing the danger not the government all they're doing is setting at desk and this is freedom of speech don't like what i say get the fuck out or keep your asswhole remarks to your self! ty and good day

stunner8000 1 day ago

·  @coreyhxm Just because bin laden is dead doesn't mean america is safe by any means that was just a glimpse of what is really at there such as N Korea and China not to forget Cuba= Greatest dangers of the world too bad we don't rule them to keep them in check!... :)

stunner8000 1 day ago

·  jesus died for our sins, and american soldiers died for our freedom

doomedboy36 4 days ago 2

·  saw a bumper sticker that said "Does my flag offend you? Call 1-800-Leave-AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HavierBlue 4 days ago

·  @FullAvSykdom please, people have been hating on us since we started in 1776. 235 years later, we still don't care.

918Anon 5 days ago


helvetiadhfr09 6 days ago

·  @FullAvSykdom righttt...well keep smoking the reefer is obviously doing good things for you.

BMYarmak 6 days ago

·  Thank you Toby Keith for making this video for the troops. This song will give our troops such a boost. Songs like this help our troops. ThANK YOU US SOLDIERS IF IT WASNT FOR YALL WE WOULDNT BE FREE, WITH YOUR SACRIFICES YOU MAKE WE HAVE OUR FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bigdeer74 6 days ago

·  It took almost ten years too get Bin Laden. It just show you that the USA dosen't forget. Thank you Navy Seals.

george2482003 1 week ago

·  thank God for the freedoms we have

thank you to all the men & women in the army who sacrifice themselves every day to preserve our freedoms

my counsin just got back from egypt; his wife & 22 month old son were thankful to have him back home; i am glad he came home alive & well

MsGraywolf96 1 week ago

·  Hey Bin Laden, didn't you believe Uncle Sam put your name at the top of his list?

did you hear mother freedom start ringing her bell?

sorry you messed with the US of A?

I guess we "put (our) boot in your ass."

It took ten years, but we finally proved the 3000+ innocent people who perished on 9-11 died for our freedom. we're still free!

jeff65623 1 week ago

·  @FullAvSykdom Meant to say Reagen, not McCain.

FullAvSykdom 1 week ago

·  @BMYarmak guys are saying you are fighting for your freedom and american way of life. It's bullshit, my friend. Your freedom was washed away with the Patriot Act. The government can do whatever they want with you if they call you a terrorist. Witch hunt? Looks that way. And the two party system gives you the choice of either a conservativ party or an even more conservativ party. Bush? McCain? Clinton? Obama? They're all the same. Politics haven't changed shit with the different presidents.

FullAvSykdom 1 week ago

·  @BMYarmak No I'm not critisizing you for being most powerful. United States is an great successtory, and, as you said, it is well deserved. And I agree with you that peace will never be achieved without sacrifice. But in the old days, before the Vietnamwar, the whole world looked up to you and loved you. You had the whole world in your back. Now the rest of the world are afraid of you. Not a good thing. Iraq war and Vietnam war have absolutely nothing to do with security in America, still you

FullAvSykdom 1 week ago

·  So, FullAvSykdom, ur critisizing America for being the most powerfull country in the world? It seams like all the "haters" point that out. If ur country was the most powerful in the world, would u rather do nothing with it. We, Americans, worked for our power through sacrifice, faith, and partiotism. Promoting world peace is our main goal. Peace will never be acheived without sacrifice...apparently some retard brainwashed you. So if you want my advice, clean the shit out of you brain douche bag

BMYarmak 1 week ago

·  To anyone who says anything about America, piss on you. Who is the most advanced country in the world in pretty much all aspects of life? America. If you dont like the song or video, why would you even look it up. So keep your comments to your self. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

cougfanatic 1 week ago

·  @FullAvSykdom Delusional & ignorant?I can tell you're not an American & if you are in OUR country GET THE HELL OUT!!!

11111American11111 1 week ago

·  You are now the most powerful country in the world and can do whatever you want to any other country, and you use this power for your own benefit. The problem is that every empire comes to an end, and you americans are creating more and more enemies every day. What will happen when the american empire falls down? Do your enemies want revenge? Don't get me wrong, I DO like USA, and I consider you my friends, but after 9/11 a lot of americans seems to have become a bit delusional and ignorant...

FullAvSykdom 1 week ago

·  this song is for brain-damaged monkeys. have fun with that.

tenthinsight 1 week ago

·  we put a bullet in his head!!! now thats the american way!!!!

MegaBearslayer 1 week ago

·  @Zaxxen69 lol what about the DNA hmm? what do u care about a picture anyway you will just say it was photoshopped. why you looking up this song if you dont like it? keep beliveing in your conspiracys you need to take a look at yourself and understand your the sheep thats belives complete bs on the internet :P

shu333halfevil 2 weeks ago

·  rofl. No Body, No pic of body, no video footage of the raid. So many lies. You sheep keep letting Toby Keith jab you up the rump!

Zaxxen69 2 weeks ago

·  @LK5911 i agree with you and your father and i apprecate what the military men and women is doing for our country and yes our military needs respect if you dont like the usa then get out

stacyoto 2 weeks ago

·  Toby Keith is one good, true American ... and, patriot.

dlpine71 2 weeks ago

·  @Zaxxen69 thank u internet tough guy, but no one on here agrees with u. oh, and i think you're addicted to caps lock

Rapper937 2 weeks ago

·  instead of from the back he ment from iraq

mrfordfan 2 weeks ago

·  Immediately thought of this song when I heard Bin Laden was dead. "Cause we'll put a bullet in your head, thats the American way!".

MarkCM07 2 weeks ago

·  I wonder if anyone but a boot in his ass ? I know it had to be damn tempting !

SSduckclub 2 weeks ago

·  @danpnnstt I agree with you 100%, but the resentment for America that ultimately led to the 9/11 attacks started back int he 80's specifically, and even arguably earlier during the Cold War.

Us giving weapons to a foreign country full of communists for them to fight a war against a neutral country doesn't sit well with some people I guess.

t3hPoundcake 2 weeks ago

·  you said toby keith buttlicker well i was in te military and i say love or leave it god bless the usa and my military friends and our country does not take over other countrys we just take evil assholes out like bin laden

markcolwell1965 2 weeks ago

·  i still get goosebumps listening to this song

08krecker 2 weeks ago


Zaxxen69 3 weeks ago

·  @Zaxxen69 Wake up, asshole. 9/11 had NOTHING to do with us occupying other countries. That happened AFTER the attacks. If you are going to start making asinine comments about our government or military at least get your damn facts straight.

The War in Iraq started March 20, 2003 in order to remove Sadaam Hussein from power.

Afghanistan was invaded October 7, 2001 in RESPONSE to 9/11.

Where are you getting your information that we were attacked because of military bases in other countries?

danpnnstt 3 weeks ago

·  @Zebra902 well I only preach the truth:)

HunterCNixon1439 3 weeks ago

·  I don't like country music but you can bet your ass this song is on my ipod, and I've been blasting it down the halls of my dorm for last 2 days.

Osama got our boot in his ass and our nuts on his forehead. Rot in hell you cocksucker.

mungill0 3 weeks ago 3

·  @LK5911 Or OIL means freedom...jackass..

TheMetalguitar13 3 weeks ago

·  we showed Bin Laden he'd be sorry. we shoved OUR boot us his ass and sang the american way...by killing him!

tstouder22 3 weeks ago

·  @HunterCNixon1439 That gave me a good bedtime laugh!

Zebra902 3 weeks ago

·  @Zebra902 they don't keep me safe

·  kyle7499 3 weeks ago Thank you to all the men and women serving our country, I am proud to be an American, and Toby put it best with this song! I have waited for this day for a 9 1/2 years. A huge applause goes out to the Navy Seals and the rest of the troops who have served over seas, are currently serving, and those who have given their lives to this great country. God Bless the United States of America!

sweetheart11mylove 3 weeks ago 2

·  Rest in Hell you SON-OF-A-BITCH!!!!!!!

lisahater2 3 weeks ago

·  This song gives me goose bumps since all came true...

hsmith19751 3 weeks ago 2

·  The SEALs did their job, they put a boot in that islamic extremeist one and for fucking all, goodbye million dollar mansion.

TheEpicTy 3 weeks ago

·  the boot is firmly in his ass for allt ime!!! wtg Navy Seals

ANNEAVES 3 weeks ago

·  Thumbs up back to you coreyhxm! lol.

JaImErS718 3 weeks ago

·  I'm in no way a country fan,but this is truly fitting. God Bless America,And have fun in hell Bin Laden.

bdc1439 3 weeks ago

·  We finally put a boot in that man's ass

JackieJax41 3 weeks ago

·  I hope Bin Laden and Hitler are getting pineapples with nails, glass, and razor blades shoved up their asses by the ghosts of the Founding Fathers.

336kgf 3 weeks ago 2

·  IT WASN'T JUST A BOOT UP THE ASS FOR bin laden IT WAS A BULLET IN HIS HEAD and it will be the same for who ever tries to replace him. GOD BLESS everyone involved. i'm Scottish and have been waiting for this day fince 9-11 just as much as you. they should NOT have burried him at sea (if they really did) they should have hung his skull on the top of the new building at ground zero


rustyknightgrandpa 3 weeks ago

·  I hope they were blaring this song out as they took the towel headed bastard out!!!!!! God Bless America, the CIA and our troops thrpoughout the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now let's just NUKE the rest of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9SweetRevenge 3 weeks ago 3


Good Work boys you've rid this world of a great evil and have avenged the dead of not just the victims of 9/11 but vitims of other tragic events that he was responsible for

Crazyphil2008 3 weeks ago 2

·  Those brave Navy Seals put a boot up Bin Landens ass as well as a bullet in the HEAD

suemgp55 3 weeks ago 2

·  We Got Him!!!!! Kicked Bin Laden in the ASS!!!

suemgp55 3 weeks ago

·  5/1/45 Adolf Hitler confrimed dead

5/1/11 A worthless piece of shit confirmed dead....

Before god sends him to hell i hope they allow every man woman and child who died on 9/11 in heaven step out the pearly gates to kick his ass

23wakey 3 weeks ago 8


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·  We did not tire, did not waver, did not falter, and damn sure didnt fail!!

kpo1303 3 weeks ago 6

·  Am I the only one who had the urge to blast Toby Keith songs today? lol i think not! its about time they found Bin Laden and killed his ass! I'm so PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! A huge thanks to our Military who fight for our freedom everyday!

LifeSUXAzzCrak 3 weeks ago 5