Beaver Scout Report
AGM May 2017

Beaver Scout Leader (Skip)Kelvin Cuffy

Assistant Beaver Leader:Jacqui Cuffy

Young Leaders:Chris Hutton

Occasional Helpers:Vacant

The growth of the Beaver Colony

This time last year, I reported having 16 young children in the section. This year I am pleased to announce that our numbers have increased, we now have 18 active Beavers in the colony.

During the past 12 months, we have taken in 14 new beavers, and have had 12 leavers, 5 of the leavers did go onto the Cub section. Chris Hutton, also joined this section as a Young Leader

Activities achieved

Christmas party, St. Georges day Parade in Clacton, Christmas Carol service, Easter Camp at Thorrington, visit to space kingdom, Visit to Acorn Village (Care home) and Remembrance Sunday service.

Remainder of this term

Last month we had a Log Chew, few activities ideas were discussed, the main seven ideas are; Playing Football, visit to a forest, trip to Colchester Zoo, visit to Space Kingdom, swimming, making cup cakes and a summer camp. I am currently working on achieving at least four of the above.

As well as the above the children will continue to do various activities each week that will go towards earning their badges.

Firstly, I would like to say a massive“Thank you” to Jacqui for all the support she has given me both at home and in Scouting. I’m sure some of you must be saying “Jacqui must have the patient of a saint, living, working and scouting with kelvin”

Secondly, a big thank you to Chris, for his valued help that he has given both Jacqui and myself.

Thirdly, a big thank you to Jacqui, Kevin, Nicola, Chris and Lesley, for their help at this year’s successful Easter Camp. It is not an easy feat, taking 18 young children away, on an overnight camp.

And yet another big “Thank you” to all the children in Bradfield Beaver Colony past and present. I said it last year, and I will say it again this year, I believe that I have the best behaved children in the district. I am so proud of you all.

To finish of I would like to say a big “Thanks” to you, the parents, guardians, nans for encouraging and bringing your children to Beavers each week.

Without the above this Beaver section would not be the success it is now.


End of Report.

Yours in Scouting

Kelvin Cuffy (Skip)

Beaver Leader

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