Specialist Agricultural Quota & Entitlement Brokers

Telephone 01335 324594 Fax 01335 324584

Website www.ipaquotas.co.uk Email Issue No. 714

Today / Last Week / Change / 4 Weeks Ago / 1 Year ago
Clean / 0.10ppl / 0.10ppl / - / 0.10ppl / 0.15ppl
AMPE / 31.20ppl / 31.20ppl / 28.00ppl
MCVE / 33.19ppl / 33.19ppl / 32.24ppl
Producers in E & W / 10,681 / - / 10,681 / 10,718
£ : $ / £1.52 / £1.49 / +£0.03 / £1.53 / £1.59
£ : € / £1.17 / £1.16 / +£0.01 / £1.16 / £1.20
Crude Oil / £108 / £110 / -£2 / £114 / £125
Wheat / £203 / £200 / +£3 / £208 / £177
Soya meal / £375 / £388 / -£13 / £367 / £309

(Commodity and currency prices – source BOCM Pauls)

Milk Quota Available

Litres Available / Butterfat % / Price
1,587,098 / 3.89 / 0.10ppl
652,299 / 3.92 / 0.10ppl
804,449 / 4.00 / 0.10ppl

Should you require any information or prices on available milk quota, please contact

Tescoand Sainsburys up Cost of Production prices

Tesco have announced its new Arla and Wiseman COP milk price for the next period will increase by 1.19ppl from April

to give a base price, for those who participate in the Promar costings, of 32.77ppl.

By comparison the Sainsbury’s model, which is based on different criteria, stands at 32.05ppl following a 0.46ppl farm gate milk price rise for its Wiseman, Arla and Dairy Crest producers from April 1st.

1.32ppl milk price increase for M&S suppliers from February 1st

This takes their standard litre price to a chart topping 33.50ppl

Record breaking Global Dairy Trade Auction as quantities plummet and WMP prices smash the $5,000 tonne barrier

This week’s Fonterra Global Dairy Trade Auction set new records with its achievements. In total only 82 bidders out of 185 who participated were successful, and the quantity of product on offer was a pitiful 15,994 tonnes. This was a drop of 27% on the 21,922 tonnes sold only two weeks ago, and a massive 70% drop in the quantity offered in November.

Notable prices were:

·  The all products weighted average was up 14.8% in two weeks to average $4683tonne;

·  The WMPaverage price was up +21.2% in two weeks to average $5116 / tonne (Note contracts for May delivery showed a +22.8% increase and August contracts a +23.4% increase demonstrating demand is expected to remain strong until the new season’s milk comes through.)

·  The SMP average was up +7.7% to average $4050 / tonne - the highest recorded since June 2011

·  Cheddar cheese was up +13.7% to average an all time record price of $4315 / tonne, and matching the previous record set in July 2011

·  The butter average was up +13.7%. However this is a relative newcomer to the auction.

The main demand driver for the auctioned products was stated to be China, where demand is extremely strong and indeed world industry analysts and bean counters Rabobank predict this strong demand for world dairy products will continue for at least the next six months.

The demand from China, coupled with the dramatic drop in product quantities offered for sale at the auction has left less for others to bid at and they are now scratting around the world market for anything they can find.

The southern area of the North Island of New Zealand has received some long over-due rain this weekto the tune of 100mm, but the situation elsewhere is still grim.

Dairy Crest Auction causes more ill-feeling

Dairy Crest’s on-line auction for the machinery plant and equipment at its Fenstanton and Aintree processing sites is seemingly causing a lot of ill feeling and aggravation. Auctioneers Troostwijk have taken payment from some buyers and then told the winning buyer they cannot have the goods and that “we will be returning your money”. Other buyers claim they were simply ordered off the site by security. One buyer is claiming he is taking legal advice over his position and is collectively forming a consortium of buyers who have wasted time on the auction

Last minute boost for entitlement trading as strong rumours suggest England will use the existing Entitlements as the basis for the new scheme

Following on from our news item in last week’s bulletin it appears the signs all point towards those who hold Entitlements as being in the driving seat when the new CAP system comes in. In addition to the likelihood that farmers will use their existing Entitlements to claim in 2013, 2014 and 2015 under the existing scheme there is a European Council proposal that member states will be given the option to role forward existing Entitlementsto the new system. This is believed to be the favourite route for England to take.


For Sale: Ian’s very reliable IZUZU Crew cab pick-up is for auction

(Ian has replaced his pick up with an identical model)

The old one is for sale without reserve on Ebay starting at 19.00 tonight (Friday) and ending Easter Monday at 19.00. To view the car click on http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271175885795?ssPageName=STRK:MESCX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1557.l2649

Or insert ebay item number 271175885795 – from 7pm tonight.

Assistant Herdsperson position North Yorkshire

For a progressive modern 200 cow dairy & arable unit on 350 acres near Bedale.

Herd milked by Lely Robots for 13 years and recently been complimented with an automated feeding system

Day to day duties to form part of a rota assisting the herd manager in all aspects of running the unit, looking after the herd and general farm work duties including some tractor work at seasonal busy times.

Candidates need to be experienced with Dairy cows, computer literate and willing to work as a team on call with others.

On site accommodation consisting of 1 bed property is available together with a competitive package including regular time off

Please apply by email to or call 01677 424284

All views expressed in this bulletin are those of Ian Potter Associates and a shed load of dairy farmers. It is necessarily short and cannot deal with the various issues that arise in any detail. As a result it must not be relied on as giving sufficient advice in any specific case. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content but neither Ian Potter Associates nor Ian Potter personally can accept liability for any errors or omissions. Professional advice must always be taken before any decision is reached