Appendix A-Ramos

Dr. Adolfo R. Ramos


·  2001, Doctor of Arts, Physical Education, Middle Tennessee State University. Murfreesboro, TN.

·  1996, Masters of Science, Physical Education, Middle Tennessee State University.

·  1992, Bachelor of Arts, Physical Education Teacher Education,

University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico.

Professional Experience:


Aug 2013 – Current, Assistant Professor, Physical Education Teacher Education, Department of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation, Southeast Missouri State University.

·  PE 216, Team Sports

·  PE 217, Individual Sports

·  PE 321, Teaching Techniques of Physical Education

·  PE 370, Secondary Physical Education Field Experience

·  PE 408, Adapted Physical Education

·  RC 220, Leadership and Group Dynamics

Aug 2012 – May 2013, Adjunct in Physical Education, Department of Health and Human Performance, Middle Tennessee State University.

·  PHED 4900, Secondary Physical Education Teaching Methods

·  PHED 4901, Secondary Physical Education Practicum

·  PHED 4940, Teaching Net Wall Games

·  YOED 4110, Directed Teaching (Student Teaching Experience)

2005-2012, Assistant Professor in Physical Education, Department of Kinesiology, Recreation and Sport, Western Kentucky University

·  PE 100, Lifetime Fitness and Wellness (Face to Face/Web)

·  PE 101, Introduction to Bowling

·  PE 101, Introduction to Team Handball

·  PE 101, Introduction to Tennis

·  PE 101, Introduction to Volleyball

·  PE 123, Movement Themes and Concepts II

·  PE 212, Striking and Invasion Sports

·  PE 320, Methods in EMC Physical Education

·  PE 321, Physical Education Curriculum

·  PE 322, Field Experience in Physical Education I

·  PE 415, Field Experience in Physical Education II

·  SEC 478, Teaching Methods Secondary Physical Education

·  ELED 490, Student-Teaching Elementary Schools

·  SEC 490, Student-Teaching Secondary Schools

·  UC 499, General Studies Capstone Experience

2009 - Guest Instructor, University of Puerto Rico, Department of Physical Education and Recreation. Organizacion de Actividades Was invited to do a presentation for physical education pre-service teachers over proper formations to be used to manage movement tasks and different methods to provide feedback at the elementary school level.

2002-2005 Head Volleyball Coach (Men’s & Women’s)/Physical Education Lecturer, Elms College

As Head Volleyball Coach and Lecturer in Physical Education I had the responsibility to build both the Men’s and Women’s programs. I scheduled practice sessions, pre-season, season, and off-season workouts as well as supervised students’ academic standing. I also taught courses for the Coaching Minor and activity courses.

·  PED 112, Fundamentals of Volleyball

·  PED 135, Introduction to Tennis

·  PED 201, Psychology of Sport

·  PED 202, Exercise Physiology Applied to Conditioning

·  PED 203, Coaching Minor Internship

1994-2000 Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA), Middle Tennessee State University

1992-1994 Physical Education Teacher, Colegio La Milagrosa, San Juan, PR.

Research Interests:

·  The learning of novel motor skills (Feedback)

·  Teaching Methods and the Use of Technology in Physical Education Teacher Education

·  Student's Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)


Ramos, A., Esslinger, K., Pyle, E., and Whitlock, S. (2012). The Practice of Videotape Analysis to Augment Pre-Service Teachers Use of Class Time. Kentucky Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Journal, Volume 50, No 1, 29-38.

Ramos, A. (2011). Technology Integration in Teacher Preparation: Pre-service Teachers Perspectives, Kentucky Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Journal, Volume 48, No 2, 7-15.

Navalta, J.W., B.K. McFarlin, T.S. Lyons, A.R. Ramos, and S.W. Arnett. (2011). Intra- and Interrater Reliability of Morphologically Evaluated Lymphocyte Apoptosis in Trained and Untrained Observers. Biology of Sport, 28, 223-226.

Ramos, A. (2009). Organizing Movement Tasks: Options for the “2-Long-Lines” Kentucky Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Journal, Volume 45, No. 1.

Ramos, A. (2006). Learning Novel Skills Through the use of Verbal Strategies, Kentucky Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Journal, Volume 42, No. 2.

In Progress:

Physical Education Pre-service teachers’ ability to provide congruent feedback.

Videotape analysis to enhance Physical Education Pre-service teachers’ teaching skills using QMTPS.


Esslinger, K., Whitlock, S., Pyle, E. and Ramos, A. (2011). Fine Arts and Physical Education Need Higher Order Thinking Too! (Abstract from Hawaii International Conference on Education Proceedings).

Esslinger, K., Pyle, E., Ramos, A., and Whitlock, S. Are These Boots Made for P.E? (2010). (From KAHPERD Proceedings).

Ramos, A. (2010). Organizing Movement Tasks. (From KAHPERD Proceedings).


Ramos, A. (2010). "Faculty Research Scholarship Award", $1,500.00. Awarded. To invite Studiocode Representatives for a 2-Day Seminar.

CHHS Space and Facilities Committee (2010). PROVOST’S INITIATIVES FOR EXCELLENCE. Awarded. $5,760 to purchase Smart Power Strips for Academic Complex and 192 CHHS offices.

Ramos, A. (2009). "Provost Award", $20,000.00. Awarded. Used to purchase four iMac computers for the Physical Education Pedagogy Lab and Studiocode® Video Analysis Software.

Ramos, A. (2008) Junior Faculty Grant, "Comparative Study between physical educators here in Kentucky and in Talavera, Spain", looking at the methodology and curriculum used by teachers in Spain. $2,000.00. Awarded.

University Service:

·  Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Committee. Member of the Hispanic Student Recruitment Ad Hoc Committee. Southeast Missouri State University.

·  2010 Studiocode® 2-Day Seminar. Designed and developed a 2-Day Seminar to instruct P.E.T. E. program faculty and students on the proper use of the Audio/Video Analysis Software.

·  2007-2011 (WKU) Space and Facilities Committee member.

o  Through this committee the Department of Kinesiology, Recreation and Sport has received over $50,000.00 in grants for Classroom Improvement and Research/Teaching Equipment Needs.

o  This committee also received a $6,000.00 grant.

Curriculum Revisions (WKU):

·  2009 - 2011 The Physical Education Teacher Education (P.E.T.E.) faculty concluded a major revision and modification to the Program’s Curriculum for approval of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).

o  Proposal to Revise A Program, Current program reference number: 587

Current program title: Bachelor of Science in Physical Education

o  Proposal to Make Multiple Revisions, PE 112, Fundamental Movement

o  Proposal to Make Multiple Revisions, PE 320, Teaching Physical Education



2002 – Current American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD)

2013 – Current Missouri Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (MOAHPERD)

2010 – Current Puerto Rico Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (PRAHPERD)

2005 – 2012 Kentucky Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (KAHPERD)


·  2010 Elected as At-Large Board Member West, Kentucky Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (KAHPERD).

·  2010 Elected member of the Awards Committee, Kentucky Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (KAHPERD).

Conventions and Conferences Attended:

National Convention American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD).

·  St. Louis, 2014; Charlotte, 2013; Boston, 2012; San Diego, CA, 2011; Indianapolis, IN, 2010; Salt Lake City, UT, 2006.

Southern District Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Conference, SDAHPERD.

·  Charlotte, 2013; Orlando, FL, 2012; Greensboro, NC, 2011;

Chattanooga, TN, 2007.

2013, Missouri AHPERD, Lake Ozark, MO.

2010, 2011 Puerto Rico AHPERD. San Juan, PR.

2005 - 2011 KAHPERD Conventions.

2010 KAHPERD Summer Workshop, Bowling Green, KY (June).

2007 Teacher Quality Summit, Louisville, KY. (Nov.).


2014 National Convention American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD).

·  “Preservice Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge and View of Teaching”

Y. Lee, M. Kang, & A. Ramos.

2012 National Convention American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD).

·  Ramos, A., Esslinger, K., Pyle, E., and Whitlock, S. Technology Integration to Enhance Physical Education Teacher Preparation.

2012 Southern District Health, Physical Education Conference.

·  Ramos, A., Esslinger, K., Pyle, E., and Whitlock, S. Preservice Physical Education Teachers Management of Class Time.

2011 Puerto Rico Alliance of Health, Physical Education and Dance.

·  Ramos, A. “Diseño de Actividades de Destrezas y Movimiento”.

2011 Southern District Health, Physical Education Conference. Greensboro, NC.

·  Ramos, A. “Learning Novel Skills Through the use of Verbal Strategies.”

2011 Hawaii International Conference on Education.

·  Esslinger, K., Whitlock, S., Pyle, E., and Ramos, A. Fine Arts and Physical Education Need Higher Order Thinking Too!

2010 KAHPERD Convention, Lexington, KY.

·  Ramos, A. Organizing Movement Tasks

·  Esslinger, K., Pyle, E., Ramos, A., and Whitlock, S. Are These Boots Made for P.E? Looking at Current Policies in Regards to Dressing Out in Physical Education.

2008 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, American College of Sports Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana.

·  Navalta, J. W., McFarlin, B. K., Lyons, T. S., Ramos, A. R., Arnett, S. W., Schafer, M. A. "Intra- and Interrater Reliability of Morphologically Evaluated Lymphocyte Apoptosis in Trained and Untrained Observers.”


Fluent in English and Spanish