Action points for Patients Participation Group

Monday 27th June 2016 7pm to 8.45pm

Those Present: John Cormack, Karen Bache, Linda Denston, Peter Wyatt, Bill Lewis, Ian Gillard Chair, Deb Anderson, Audrey White, Julie Gillard note taker.

Minutes of Last Meeting and Matters Arising

Agreed and signed off by Chair. No matters arising

1) PPG Members: Actual and Virtual:

  • Regular attendee record to be kept for Actual PPG Members attendance. IG
  • Patients who wish to know what is happening but do not wish to attend or be actively involved will be called The Virtual PPG and have news and information sent to them by e-mail. IG/ST to discuss.
  • For info an Agenda was sent to the “Active” PPG (27) for this meeting with very few replies and only 8 attendees.

2) Greenwood PPG Objectives

  • For more information regarding PPG activities and responsibilities visit: It was agreed that while a PPG’s main responsibility is to the patients and the care they receive it was felt that our PPG’smain objective and focus is to fund raise for the surgery.
  • The care we receive from the Greenwood team is excellent and second to none.

3) SWF Combined PPG

  • BW gave the meeting an update regarding the situation with this group which at the moment is going through a planning stage to identify objectives and priorities. Bill to update PPG members when appropriate.

4) Sainsbury Development

  • BW gave an update regarding the above which looks to be moving forward, Bill will make further enquires and update the group when he has more news.

5) SWF Health & Social Care Group

  • PW gave a detailed update on the formation of this group and the town councils involvement. Peter is now the group’s Council representative and will work closely with the other people involved. Peter Blackman, David Birch and Mrs Birch.

6) Fund Raising

  • In total we are estimated to achieve c£11k from our most recent crowd funding exercise, well done everyone. BW to place a thank you in the Focus.
  • The jars that have been placed on the reception desk, suggested by Janet Wade have worked very well c£150 in two weeks.
  • Next fund raising idea is to organise a patient…Walk 4 Greenwood, we’ve pencilled in the 11th September for this, IG to produce outline plan.

Fund Raising Cont’d:

  • IG to investigate possibility of OTC medicine manufactures advertising on the waiting room screen.
  • Generally felt that a regular donation from patients e.g. Direct Debit was a non starter.
  • EI to continue to explore the possibilities of the surgery, or part thereof, becoming a charitable organisation. Once establish we will consider a text donation scheme.
  • A raffle to guess the number of bricks it took to build Greenwood was discussed, on hold while Dr John counts the bricks!

7) Dr John update

  • PPG suggested “without prejudice” that JC should accept the monies on offer for past underfunding, by the deadline of July 4th
  • JC raised the issue of OTC medices often being cheaper than on prescription.
  • Meds budget received, an improvement but still lower than The Pratice.
  • Recent visit by Dr Les Bran Chelmer Healthcare, JC to update next meeting
  • IG to drop Ann-Marie Garrigan Chair of the PRG a note re funding which JC will follow up on.
  • The chair of The Practices PPG knew nothing about the extension of their lease.
  • JC suggested that he was considering reducing locums hours and covering himself, IG raised concerns which the meeting agreed, that he already worked too many hours.
  • JC mentioned Trish’s fund raising event at The Royal Tiger this Friday

Next Meeting: Monday 5th September 2016 at Greenwood Surgery