The meaning and importance
Of principles of teaching
How Principles of Teaching are Derived
Sound principles of teaching are formulated from carefully observed facts or objectively measured results which are common to a series of similar experiences; such as, they must be carefully distinguished from assumptions of so-called armchair philosophy which are made up largely of purely theoretical principles not based on experience, reality, investigation, or experimentation.
Function and Scope of Principles
When general principles are used to stimulate, direct, guide, and evaluate the conduct of life, they are translated into means and measured of actions. Only actions can change things in the direction of unity and stability.
Teaching and learning as used in this text, are not synonymous. Continued teaching results in some learning both by the teacher and the pupil. Teaching is the stimulus, and learning is the response. The quality of learning attained by the pupil is related to the quality of teaching done by the teacher. Better teaching should always bring about better learning and better learning should always should always show better teaching.
Principle of Teaching and Common Sense
Common sense may be defined as the right kind of personality in action. It is practical intelligence and tact in behavior. Common sense is a product of individual experience gained through contact with practical problems of life and though lessons derived from success and failure.
Techniques and Principles
A technique is a method or a way of doing things. A good technique is skillful and rapid; it gets the task at hand done according to the plans, specifications, or objectives associated with it.
The starting principles of teaching
And learning
The starting principles of teaching deal with the nature of the child who is to be educated.
It should aim simply to insure the free development of those potentialities with which nature endowed the child.
These new thoughts from Emile reveal the nature of the New Education and disclose a sure basis for a science of teaching founded on the principles of learning.
The Task of the Teacher in Developing the Nature of the Child
To make teaching effective and learning productive, the teacher must know the nature of the child to be motivated, directed, guided and evaluated.
The goal principles of teaching
And learning
Educational aims cannot be determined apart from the purpose of society which maintains the school. The purpose of any society is determined by the life value which the people price.
The Philosophical Aims Education in the Philippines
Education shall aim to develop moral character, personal discipline and civic conscience, and develop the attitudes among our youth strength moral and ethical standards. It must also impart the skills, instill the attitudes and spread the values that are essential to rapid and sustained economic growth.
New education for national development
Pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 6 A, it is hereby declared a policy of state to maintain the highest quality of education for purposes of national development. The Presidential Decree No. 6 A, known as Educational Decree of 1972, states to be the policy of government to insure, within the context to a free and democratic system maximum contribution if the educational system to the attainment of the national development goals:
(a) To achieve and maintain an accelerating rate of economic development and social progress;
(b) To assure the maximum participation of all the people in the attainment and enjoyment of the benefits of such growth; and
(c) To strengthen national consciousness and promote desirable cultural values in a changing world
To this end, Section 2 of the Presidential Decree no. 6 A of 1972, states that the educational system shall aim to:
(a) Provide for a broad general education that will assist each individual, in the peculiar ecology of his own society, to (1) attain his potential as a human being; (2) enhance the range and quality of individual and group participation in the basic function of society; and (3) acquire the essential educational foundation for his development into a productive and versatile citizens ;
(b) Train the nation’s manpower in the middle level skills required for national development;
(c) Develop high level professions that will provide leadership for the nation, advance knowledge through research, and apply new knowledge for improving the quality of human life; and
(d) Respond effectively to the changing needs and conditions of the nation through a system of educational planning and evaluation.
To facilitate the accomplishment of the economic development of the country, The National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) has been organized to pursue a well-ordered program of economic development, and the strengthening of the National Board of Education as the ultimate authority in a programmed development of Education. These two government agencies are to synchronize the needs of industry-accelerated economic development and social progress of the country and society.
The program for the economic development of the country calls for the revamping of technical education in the Philippines and the forging of closer cooperation between the educational, government and educational sectors. The revamp is geared at making technical education more responsive to the needs of industry and country’s economic besides helping attain national economic and social goals. Technical education is the sine qua non to economic and industrial development Technical education must go along with the development of industry to bring about such progress.