March 29, 2016

Present: Ted Delisi, Jon Eddison, Les Gage, Jamie Lagarde, Yvonne VanDyke, Sheila Wojcik

GUESTS: Yvonne Suttles

STAFF: Traci Berry, Jerry Davis, Lisa Dennis, Dave Foster, Kelly Kamerer, Matt Williams


I.  Call to Order

Ted Delisi called the meeting to order at 8:30am. Attendees were reminded that a quorum of Goodwill Education Board directors constitutes a meeting and as such, discussions are subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act (TOMA) and are considered public record. This session is open to the public.

The Goodwill Education Board approved the February 18, 2016 meeting minutes as presented.

MSC (LG/JE); All were in favor; none opposed.

II.  Superintendent Comments, Traci Berry

Approaching the budgeting phase for the school(s). Their fiscal year reflects the school calendar. We will take a different approach to the budget than what was used last May/June, which was based on assumptions from Indy. Now that we have our own data and results, we have more experience to create a tighter budget.

Enrollment average is 325; attendance is budgeted at 70%. Our challenge is to replace the 40 students that are graduating and those that drop off. Student replacement rate is higher than anticipated. We test various methods to keep students engaged; however, if they bring down the productivity of other students, we would rather transition them out. Staff continue to learn what engages the 17-26yrs. old students. We have a high attendance rate, and a waiting list for the adult school.

Additional funds can be generated from an endowment to fill financial gaps, but from a state funding perspective, they look at the number of individuals in seats.

On average, 68% of those in state jail do not have a GED or diploma. After meeting with Windham ISD’s school superintendent, we realized that The Excel Center can deliver curriculum within the jail, and help individuals (17-26yrs. old) get their diplomas before being released into our community. Providing this service furthers our mission and creates link for individuals to Goodwill. This pipeline of services is offered at minimum cost and will generate revenue. The jail will provide two classrooms for us to teach up to 50 individuals, starting June 1, 2016.

III.  Finance Report(s), DAVID FOSTER

Income Statements for September 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 was reviewed.

Excel Center for Adults (827):

·  Expenses are under budget;

·  Item “Due to Excel Center 828” shows only on IS for District 227827. This account is not reportable to the state, and therefore, not part of our financials. It reflects a shared expenses between District 227827 and 227828 and will balance out to zero at the end of the term.

Excel Center (828):

·  Expenses are in line with budget. Some expenses were shifted to the Supplies line.

·  Exceeding revenue. Donations and local contributions are being deposited into this schools’ account, for ease of disbursement. Because the cash balance is strong, a lower contribution from Goodwill was needed.

·  Errors in budget were corrected when the object codes were adjusted.

·  The previous IS showing “Bank Fees” was correct, however, the amount budgeted was high. The bank fee structure is in line with other accounts.

·  Item “Mis Op Costs” is a contingency fund; have not had to use those funds, as of yet. We expect to remain underspent for the rest of the year.

·  “Supplies M/O” was changed. Assets were purchased as part of the Startup Grant and will be recognized in the 2016-2017 fiscal year.

Clarifications offered on Income Statements presented. Question was raised on whether there are funds set aside to replace depreciated items. We are hoping that a foundation will be established that can pay for these types of expense, otherwise the expense will be included in future budgets.

IV.  Administrator Report(s), Matt Williams

Today, we have 75 students ready to graduate and 80-110 students that have done coursework and are prepped to take their final test. While waiting for testing dates, students can attend Career Training classes, in partnership with GCTA. Starting April 20th, a GCTA Career Training course will be added to the bell schedule for GEC.

The GCTA has seven programs started a result of working with Business Solutions. Students work with life coaches to find jobs with Goodwill Staffing Group that allow them to stay in school.

We are backfilling alumni, and following up with alumni, some of which have returned to GEC to help assistant other students.


-look at data longitudinally

VI.  Adjourn

Meeting was adjourned at 9:34am.