RIEEA Annual Meeting Minutes

January 12, 2016

Board Members Present: Elisabeth Bux, Lauren Parmelee, Rupa Datta, Shareen Knowlton, April Alix, Nicole Souza, Paul Dolan, Samantha Polon, Jim Murphy, Bridget Kubis Prescott, Rachel Holbert, Reada Evans, Denise Poyer, Wendy Fachon, Molly Allard

Other Participants: Jeanine Silversmith (RIEEA Coordinator) and RIEEA general membership

Location: Rhode Island College Faculty Center

·  Welcome, Introductions, and Thanks by Elisabeth Bux

·  2015 Year in Review

o  As a partner in the 2015 Rhode Island Spring lower and Garden Show, RIEEA coordinated all the activities in the Kids Adventure Zone and engaged schools in a Dream Outdoor Classroom Design Contest. RIEEA’s display garden, A Garden Edventure, took third place in both the People's Choice and Critic's Choice Award categories. Preparations are currently underway for RIEEA’s participation in the 2016 show taking place February 18-21 in Providence.

o  RIEEA members began participating as environmental education experts in ongoing professional and leadership development for RI teachers and principals through GEMS-Net (Guiding Education in Math and Science Network). RIEEA is continuing and expanding this collaboration through 2016.

o  With funding from the EPA, the New England Environmental Education Alliance will convene eight highly coordinated summits and conferences to advance climate change education in each of the six New England states. RIEEA is working with the RI Chapter of the US Green Building Council to plan a full day workshop for educators, school architects, landscape designers, and others on March 16, 2016.

·  Business Meeting

o  Motion to approve last year’s minutes, seconded, approved by body.

o  RIEEA Treasurer Report 2015

§  We started with a balance of $12,592

§  We generated $12,263 in revenue

·  Memberships

·  34 Individual

·  40 Organizational

·  Annual Meeting fees & raffle

·  Flower Show Income

·  Donations and fundraisers

·  Grant from Westerly Land Trust

§  We spent $18,919

·  Flower Show Expenses

·  RIEEA Coordinator

·  P.O. Box fee

·  Professional Development grants

·  Website design and database work

·  Business and other consultant fees

·  Membership fees for NEEEA, NAAEE, and ECRI

§  Balance at the end of 2015 was $7,327

o  Board nominations and elections of officers

§  The following returning board members received nominations for a two-year term:

·  Bridget Kubis Prescott, Save The Bay

·  Reada Evans, Private Contractor

·  April Alix, Providence Parks Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership

·  Nicole Souza, Norman Bird Sanctuary

·  Andrea Stein, Roger Williams Park Zoo

·  Samantha Polon, Providence Children’s Museum

·  James Murphy, Rhode Island College

·  Rachel Holbert, Norman Bird Sanctuary

§  The following new and returning board members received nominations for a one year term:

·  (returning) Lauren Parmelee, Audubon Society of Rhode Island

·  (new) Kelly Shea, URI GEMS-Net

§  No additional nominations from the floor

§  Motion presented and seconded with no objections

§  The following slate of officers was presented:

·  Elisabeth Bux, President

·  James Murphy, Vice President

·  Bridget Kubis-Prescott, Treasurer

·  Denise Poyer, Secretary

§  Motion presented and seconded with no objections

§  Two people coming off the board this year, Shareen Knowlton and Rupa Data, were thanked. Kristen Swanberg was also recognized for her service to RIEEA in 2015.

o  Business Meeting Concluded

·  Preview of 2016 Flower Show Kids Adventure Zone

o  Ian Didow , Designer of RIEEA’s Flower Show Exhibition

·  Panel Presentation: Successful Models of Environmental Education in Formal Settings

Ray Allsworth, Fourth Grade Teacher, William D’Abate Elementary School

Rebecca Dinerman, Preschool Teacher, Fishing Cove Elementary School

Shana Kennedy, Full Service Community Schools Coordinator, YMCA

Joshua LaPlante, Head of School, The Greene School

Kelly Shea, Teacher-in-Residence, University of Rhode Island GEMS-Net

Moderator, Kimberly Kowal Arcand, Visualization Lead, NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory,

Chandra X-ray Center/Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory