March 19, 2015 – 7:30 P.M.
Members Present
Fr. Tim LaBo
Harry R., ChairpersonVirginia P.
Jim M.Michael R.
Pat S.Joy H.
Bill S.Lucille Giambalvo
St. Rose of Lima Representatives: Miguel and Sam
A.Meeting called to order - 7:30 P.M.
B.Fr. Tim opened meeting with prayer
C.Review of Old Business
- Minutes from 2-19-15
Harry noted minutes to be added to website each month upon approval/edits; website is currently under construction. Harry suggested schedule of events be posted on front of bulletin in the future as was done in the past
- Discuss role of Pastoral Council to increase both parishes’ support for decisions re: potential reduction of masses and services
D.New Business
- Plans for Ministry Fair April 11-12, dedication of Memorial Pillar and Time Capsule.
Pastoral Council to have a table; name tags have been made for new Council members.
Decision:Father to dedicate Pillar andinsert materials into Time Capsule at 9:15 A.M. April 12, 2015; notation to be made to open Capsule in 25 years(Father Tim to follow up)
Father looking into placing a statue of Jesus Holy Redeemer atop the pillar; cost approximately $1500. Father also noted 3 photos (similar to trophy plaques) taken from 100-years history of Holy Redeemer Catholic Church to be place on top panel of pillar along with list of Pastors who have served the parish.
Campaign to be held in future to raise funds for the Church and to add to remaining portion of pillar
- Continue discussion of potential loss of priest(s) and how to best continue to serve needs of both parishes - held for future discussion
- Discussion of framework of Parish Strategic Plan and timeline
Michael R. reviewed previous discussions of the committee
- Need to determine the initial areas to focus on;
Priorities previously established:
-harmonizing ministries
-deepening faith
- Need to coordinate multiple plans; get a good sense of parish and community demographics – Joe Belinski is a good resource. Currently 1200families in parish.
- Need to coordinate with school plans for finance, building, etc.
ACE program to begin 7/1 in the school; Strategic Plan to be incorporated.
- Hospitality – need to address:
- ways to make the narthex more welcoming
- ways to better welcome visitors
- Need to focus Leadership – catechists trained and certified; specifically Certified Catechetical Leaders. This will also address deepening faith and growing leaders. Faith Formation Department needs to grow to encompass all ages. Plan is underway to hire a second coordinator as current assistant has taken a position in the Diocese. Future plan to have 3 coordinators/roles: children (Baptism and elementary school), youth and young adults, adults.
Need to do more to support the newly married – reinstate FOCUS, retreats, email blast to newly married.
- Harmonizing ministries – includes looking at ways to address possible loss of 1 priest. Currently there are 11 weekend Masses between Holy Redeemer and St. Rose.
-Change number of Masses per weekend
-Fewer Holy Day Masses
-More bi-lingual Masses especially on Holy Days
Father Tim is working with the Diocesan Office of Vocations to possibly house seminarians on our campus while they are working in area parishes. This would give seminarians a good feel for the modern-day parishes.
Current seminarian Juan leaves May 1; hope to have another seminarian.
- Discussion of framework of Parish Disaster Plan and timeline
Harry contacted the Diocese and the County. Two types of disasters – declared such as hurricane in which case there are many resources within the community and undeclared such as a shooting, fire, etc. in which case the Parish needs to have a plan.
HRCSchool has a plan in place; a copy will be requested.
County has a template; Holy Redeemer and St. Rose will work together.
Need to designate council members to follow up on items
Michael to forward his committee report for inclusion in minutes
- New Music Minister – Louis Canter has begun
- Elizabeth Ruiz (Faith Formation) has taken position in the Diocese; position has been posted
- Vickee Carino now working with Michael Gonzalez in Finance; Maria Faversani is receptionist in the Parish Office
- Confessionals construction – plan to put into next year’s budget; approximately $23,000-28,000
- Chiller System replacement in the School – probably looking at another chilled water system. Plan is to tack on Social Hall and then additional buildings on campus in the future. Initial cost approximately $125,000-150,000, $250,000 to add other buildings. New system to be more efficient and cost effective.
Currently waiting for third bid
In the event of failure of current system, units are available for rental at a cost.
- Current debt – $1.3 million; goal to retire debt in 2-3 years
- Parish subsidy to School ($150,000) currently going into a Capitol Expense Fund; plan to continue same amount next year; School is currently carrying itself.
- Sent $100,000 to Diocese for Holy Redeemer Savings Account; plan to send same amount again.
- St. Rose currently has $3.9 million in its Building Fund
Harry suggested eliciting parishioner input as to future direction of the parish. Father to consider ways to address this.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucille A. Giambalvo
HRC Past Cncl 3-19-15