Notes of Meeting 6 March 2013

Present:Alan Barham, Nigel Brown, John Dennis, John Hoadly, Sheree Hyder, Bruce MacQuarrie, Phil Sayer(Chair), Marisa White, Mark Carnt,

Leigh Mounser.

Apologies:Mike Baldwin,Simon Foulkes, Roland Gooding,Lynn Keeley,

David Metcalfe,Grahame Ward,

ItemNo / Minutes / Action by:
1. / Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes of 12 December meeting were agreed as a true and accurate record.
Agreed notes are published on Kent Trust Web
2. / Matters Arising
  • Response to Automatic Fire Alarm (AFA) by Kent Fire & Rescue Service (KFRS)
As from April 2012 the KF&RS have required a phone call to confirm all calls received from automatic fire alarms 6:00am-6:00pm are genuine prior to responding. As from 1 April 2013 the same requirements will apply to the hours 6:00pm-6:00am.
The Group have previously expressed theirconcerns and felt these changes to be totally unacceptable. The loss of a school building has an impact on children’s’ education and effects the wider community (eg parents)
Initial work on identifying premises with AFA systems installed indicates that these are limited in numbers.
Kent’s H&S team are preparing guidance to alert/remind schools of KF&RS new response policy and of the need to have appropriate fire safety processes in place.
It was agreed that representatives from Kent Fire & Rescue and KCC H&S team would be invited to the next SCG.
  • CRB Checks
Anofficer working group has been set up to produce a short policy document formalising current best practices in place / BM/SH
3. / Terms of Reference & Membership
The current Terms of Reference were last reviewed in 2009. Given the ending of the BSF and the Primary Capital Programme, the James Review proposals and the restructure of the Education and Property departments in 2011 & 2012 it would seem appropriate to revisit the Terms of Reference and membership.
It was agreed that the group would review the current terms of reference, suggested amendments to be forwarded to SH by 22 March for discussion at the next SCG meeting, 5 June.
Any membership amendments appertaining to Academies representation should reflect SFF arrangements. / All
4. / Capital Strategy & Future Funding
BM advised the Group of the details of the recent schoolcapital fundingannouncement from Government (published 1 March). The announcements were originally due in November/December 2012.
The Kent allocation is as follows;-
  • Grant LA maintenance) £15.8m 1 year
(includes modernisation
  • Basic Need £38.5 m 2 years
  • Total Formulaic Grant to Kent £54.3m
  • School Devolved Capital £3m
In addition the following national programmes were announced
Targeted Basic Need £982m.
This is for urgent basic need. The funding to be allocated by a bidding process. The DfE expect to see proposals for free schools, academies and the expansion of good and outstanding schools. The closing date for bids is 30 April 2013. The LA will be responsible for submitting bidshaving regard to its statutory responsibilities for the provision of school places.
Demographic Growth Capital Fund £80m 2013-15
Available for growth in 16-19 and SEN 16-24, generally to meet demand as a result of increased participation rates. The closing date for bids (to be submitted by LAs on behalf of schools) is 30April 2013
Details are available on Government Website. BM to circulate the web link to the group.
The Group considered the ELS capital investment plans noting the funding streams set aside for basic need, maintenance and modernisation. In planning the capital budget assumptions have been made about the amount of Government funding to be provided in support of school capital investments. The implications of the recent funding announcements need to be considered and may affect the planned funding streams.
Noted that the Group would be consulted with regard to the development of the modernisation programme.
Condition Maintenance Programme 2013/14
SH to circulate the proposed (draft) list of works to the group. / BM
5. / National Condition Surveys
The EC Harris sample surveys undertaken for data appraisal purposes should be completed for Kent schools this month (March 2013). The EFA are undertaking evaluation of the condition data submitted by LAs and this should be complete in October.
Kent is to continue with a 3 year rolling programme of condition surveys.
Data gathered from the surveys (either via LA’s own surveys where they are validated or the new national condition surveys) will be used as the basis for capital maintenance funding allocations for the Comprehensive Spending Review.Schools are encouraged to review their condition data and to advise KCC Property Group (Contracts Manager for their area) of any concerns over accuracy.
The programme of national condition surveys are high level and it is the expectation of the Government that LAs will continue with their programmes of more detailed school condition surveys
6. / Maintenance Contract
MC gave the group an overview on how the monthly Building Maintenance Performance Monitor summary is collated from a range of criteria and works.
The group suggested it would be helpful, for future meetings, if the Quarterly Building Consultants meeting notes were summarised in bullet point format and that a trends report is made available showing movement in performance. / MC
7. / Class Care
LM advised that current financial practice prevents Academies from contributing to a shared classcare fund. This is being investigated with Finance. For this reason amongst others there is limited interest from Academies in classcare
Academies do still have the opportunity to buy into package 3 which covers statutory surveys, use of the contact centre and access to Contracts Managers.
AB suggested that Academies should be made more aware of their statutory responsibilities and what services are available to them from the LA.
The group felt the Head Teachers Briefing forum would be a suitable platform. Hilary Williams can advise on the forum meeting dates.
The Funding Forum Executive to raise with Ian Hamilton the issue of Academies contributing and making use of a shared classcare fund. / LM
8. / Farewell to Bruce MacQuarrie
After working for KCC for 38 years Bruce is leaving, taking early retirement.
On behalf of the group PS thanked Bruce for all his good work for the group over the many years, sinceits initial inception as the Asset Management Advisory Group.

Next Meeting Venue: 8am for 8.15 start

5 June2013 Pent ValleySchool, Surrenden Rd, Folkestone, CT19 4ED

25 September 2013 To be confirmed

11 December 2013 To be confirmed

Contact: Sheree Hyder 01622 694771