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Vision Document for CYP

In 2006 CPYWT was established by the churches together in Coggeshall. Over these ten years many young people have been involved in programmes organized and led by Jules Caprioli- Blakeand previously Hannah Cooper. These young people have been given the opportunity to explore Christian faith in a variety of settings. Last yearthe Rev. Chris Davey, Jules Caprioli-Blake and Aimee McQuillan a member of the management team, began to consider the next phase of youth work in Coggeshall. At the centre of this is the retention of Jules as our youth worker, the skills and experience he brings with him, the resources required to support him in his work, the needs of young people both in terms of growing faith and any personal and social needs that they may have.

This document is a summary of:

  • The plans and discussion between Chris Davey, Aimee McQuillan and JulesCaprioli-Blake in 2016.
  • Feedback from young people and families involved in, or who support CYP. (CPYWT was relaunched in 2016 as “Coggeshall Youth Project” CYP )
  • Discussions with Chris Curtis, CEO Youthscape, a national organization providing faith based social and educational programmes for young people.
  • Diocesan plans and opportunities to support Youth Work.

Context : Youth work and Christian youth work nationally

•75 % of churches of all denominations do not have any youth work provision.

•There was considerable development of youth work in parishes in the 1990’s and the following decade. The nature of the currentwork is generally the same as it was then, however, there may be less of a focus on the older age groupand more focus on the younger years.

•The number of young people involved in Christian youth work activities is declining rapidly. Lambeth Palace has recognized this and undertaken work in response to this, to be published in the future. This is likely to release funds for youth work, although not imminently.

•Twenty, even ten years ago, the model of youth work, where young people attended a club/activity to socialize, met others, have sweets/snacks and play games may be perceived by today’syoung people as irrelevant. The rise of social media and technology meansthat young people have developed different friendship routes and patterns of communication. Methods and ways of engaging young people have to change in response to this.

•Youthscape commissioned their own research amongst their young people. The findings were that they needed and wanted information/discussion on mental health, sexuality, anxiety etc.

•There is a need to contextualize Christian faith in a modern world and this is a challenge for the Church in the broadest sense.

•It is not always easy for young people to identify with Christian faith/worship when there is, amongst some, for a variety of reasons, a suspicion of the motives.

•The challenge for youth work isto recalibrate Church and faith. New models of youth involvement will need to be innovative, relevant, and worthwhileto have impact.

Youth Work its strands and outcomes

Clubs, crafts ,sports, arts, enjoyment activities / Developmental
Activities or opportunities which provide experiences to promote or develop citizenship, values, purpose, health. Examples could be Scouts, Cubs, Girl Guides
Interventions or person centred work when needed, fixing things, support, resolving conflict, awareness and support for anger issues, social support when isolated, broken lives as a result of experiences, mental health support, / Spiritual/Missionary/Discipleship
Growing faith, understanding faith and belief, nurturing a Christian life, developing confidence in belief, faith and demonstration of them in a variety of ways


1.Into which strand do we put energy?

2.What is it we want to do given our staffing and resources?

3.Is there time for planning,development and training of the youth worker and volunteers?

CYP will need to

  • Think strategically as to how much time should be spent on the strands and which strand, or other work, shouldCYP consider? Does the current work meet the needs of young people in our communities? The young person and families’ survey will assist us in this. This survey was completed in January and a report will follow.
  • CYP should limit its priorities. It is suggested that we focus on three priorities over the next two to three years(these should be time framed with outcomes or ways of measuring /gauging impact). It may also be useful for the Trustees and Management teams to have their own priorities for the same time period e.g. Trustees to review the terms of reference of CYP and Management Group to consider how it best leads and supports the work of Jules and volunteers to deliver thesepriorities.
  • Accept that there will be risks involved and that support will be needed for Jules and volunteers etc. and establish ways of managing theseand the expectations of what will be achieved.
  • Review how the management or leadership committee/team cansupport the priorities and review and monitor them over the next two to three years.
  • Ensure that the community that the Trust serves is fully aware of and involved.

The development plan includes the priorities identified early last year, others that have emerged over the last few months and which have been discussed by the Management Committee in January 2017.

Bold /Green - In place

Underlined / Amber - underway

Italics/Red Not in place

March 2016 –March 2017 / March 2017 - 2019 / Actions : when and who / Outcomes
Development of CYP including one hour football to Monday evenings at Honywood for which AMCQ has secured funding until March 2017 with reapplication planned
Jules to update FA training by May 2017 / Management Committee and Trustcommittee to consider priorities from below (Include the feedback from the YP and families survey in January 2017).
  1. Internship/Volunteer post for September 2017- 2018.
  1. Review current clubs & worship activities
/ Management committee meeting to agree priorities.
Trustees to consider the priorities.
Questionnaires are to be analyzed and report distributed.
Contact with Diocesemade in December 2016 Bishop Roger who spent an evening with Gateway in February and is very supportive of our work and need for an intern.
Advertise for Internship Post and secure funding, hopefully, from the Diocese. Consider supplementary needs for the post holder, accommodation, expenses etc.
Consider supplementary skills to strengthen CYP provision
MC members to be part of
appointment and process.
Funding bid successful from Parish Council. For Techno Zone. Purchasing of equipment during March. Large screen from PK.
Pop-up-kitchenbeing built,Jules to build into the programme of activities.
Establish Techno zone and pop up kitchen to start inApril 2017, making them a regular provision within activities planned.
Develop worship opportunities in Coggeshall. Discussion and plans underway using feedback views .Plans for Youth Worship agreed with Revd. Chris to commence in September.Further discussions to take place in April.
Look at Messy Church models or Play and Pray sessions for younger age groups, and decide on what, how often and where.
Dates in place for March and Mother’s Dayfor Youth presentation
Review of Kelvedon input.( Jules assists Clergy). Meeting planned for February 2017
Earls Colne ongoing review / Agree priorities in February 2017. Ensure Management committee and Trustees have discussed and finalized time frames.
Regular updates from Jules and Management committee to meet deadlines and to review progress
IF AGREED, appointment made in June/July to build in time for Jules to start mentoring Internee.
Range of worship services for youth every 2/3 months. Gain feedback from Young People.
Regular report to Management Committee from Kelvedon
& Earls Colne
Monitor impact across CYP
Develop the possibilities of assisting with Youth work in Kelvedon.
In Place, review to be planned for February 2017Feedback is awaited. /
  1. Be a presence at local events,establish methods of highlighting the work of CYP to access funding streams nationally and locally.
/ Plan publicity for CYP in local media and local events, to improve awareness of CYP work
Link and Courier article to coincide with presentations from CYP to congregations.
Information boards being designed to be used in local events and public spaces.
Publicity hand out drafted.
Review ways of giving.Develop funding streams deadlines with AMC & Vanessa Balch in order to increase and stabilize funding from 2017-2019
Other areas of fundraising and publicity
Scripstock August 2017
Carnival July 2017
Coggeshall Plan / Community served by CYP is aware of its work, events and impact.
See how and when these can be used.
Funding streams increased and plans for 2019 onwards prepared
To be more proactive in equipping our volunteers as recognition for their work.
Due to maternity leave, three paid volunteers are now employed andfully DBS checked. /
  1. Development of Jules and Volunteers through training programmes.
/ Ensure that Jules has at least two development opportunities a year to look at his own spiritual and professional development using both the Diocese and national Youth Work programmes
Jules attending residential March 2017
Volunteers to use their experience to support further study. Joanna Clark and Jules to look at opportunities for accreditation of current roles of volunteers. / Jules to feedback on personal development and that of Volunteers to Management committee.
Link this to review of CYP. Work and range of activities to be discussed.
Volunteers given accreditation for work.
Use to recruit more volunteers.

Updated February 2017