Nepean Girls Hockey Association

2006-2007 Board Meeting

DATE: March 28, 2007

TIME: 7:00 p.m.

PLACE: Day Care Room - Walter Baker Center

PRESENT:Cathy Devenny, Gordon Powers, Mary Lou Zywicki, Lynda Rozon, Joanne Erbach, Allan Marcille, Pat Walsh, Michele Evans, Judy Ramm, Vicki Marcille, Alex Kincaid, Janet Diotte and Paul Brennan.

REGRETS: Linda Watson, Kelly Ford and Charlie Pilson.

GUESTS: Jackie Nuttall.

1.0 Call to Order

- Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m. – chaired by Cathy Devenny

2.0Review Previous Minutes

- Motion was made by Mary Lou Zywicki to approve the minutes of the February 21, 2007 meeting.

2nd – Judy Ramm


3.0 Reports

a) Bingo – reported by Jackie Nuttall

- In process of applying for our bingo license for May and June.

- Currently have 8 NGHA volunteers working at bingo – 4 desk workers and 4 floor workers. Not all volunteers want to work the desk.

- The bingo will now be using paid employees for the floor workers so we will only supply the 4 desk workers.

- Also the revenue split from the bingo is changing from 60-40 to 47-53.

- This means the amount of money we pay out to the volunteers is decreasing from 8 workers @ $50.00 each to 4 workers @ $50.00 each but the revenue we earn from the bingo is also decreasing.

- Jackie does not feel our profit margin will go down and NGHA will still make money on the bingo.

- Jackie proposes continuing with 8 volunteers for May and June as there is a training component for the desk workers and she is also concerned that the Bingo Hall will not be prepared with paid employees to work the floor.

- Jackie will gradually decrease the number of volunteers booked over May and June.

- Jackie will send out email to all volunteers explaining that floor workers are no longer needed.

- Currently renew bingo license every 3 months but this is changing to ever 6 months.

- We can cancel bingo license with one month’s notice.

b) President’s Council Items – reported by Cathy Devenny

- It has been decided that MOGHL will tier the Novice division for the 2007-2008 season.

- MOGHL is conducting survey on their website asking people’s opinion of tiering some or all of the league divisions into 2 tiers for the regular season in 2007/08.

- NGHA will have to decide the ratio of Novice A and Novice B for next year and how it will affect coach selections.

- Gloucester wants to have a competitive Novice team next year that will play in the Atom C division. They are applying to ODWHA for approval.

- NGHA will not support this item if and when it comes up at the President’s Meeting.

c) Registration – Mary Lou Zywicki

- 2007-2008 registration - Bantam and Midget are full; Atom and Peewee are almost full; Novice has 67 of 75 players.

- By Monday all divisions should be full.

- Have added three teams – one atom house team and two midget house teams.

- The precise mix and level of the various Midget House and Competitive teams for next year will be determined during the summer, pending registrations.

- When registering, don’t look at birth year for veteran players but look at birth year for new players to try and have approximately the same # of birth years over a level.

- Around April 9th will notify veteran players if they are on the waiting list.

- Three players have said “No” to disclosure of personal information on NGHA website. Mary Lou to verify with parents that they understand the implications of this. Next year team managers will need to be notified of this.

- Summer program – most divisions are full or almost full. Will register two goalies and will have two goalies on waiting list for each division.

- Looking for coordinators/instructors to run summer programs.

- Insurance application for summer hockey is going out this week.

- Conditioning Camp – well over limit – 132 skaters for 120 spots.

- If Allan can find ice will add another evening so will have 5 groups and shuffle 4 levels of players over these five groups.

d) Program – Gordon Powers

- Have hired a new Midget AA coach – Fay McLauglin for 2007-2008 season.

- The team has a chance to play games in Sweden and Finland in fall of 2007 so in order to allow team to fundraise and get to know each other; tryouts will be held in the spring for this team only.

- For other AA teams – have received coaching applications but no decisions have been made as to coaches for next year. All other AA level tryouts will be held as usual in August.

- In general have received lots of coach applications. Gord has talked to all the current coaches and found out their intentions for next year. Only a couple of coaches are not interested in coaching next year.

- FYI – need approximately 100 people on the bench (coaches, assistants, trainers, etc.) for the number of teams we are fielding next year.

Cathy Devenny leaves meeting and hands chair to Gordon Powers.

d) Program cont’d – Gordon Powers

- Coach evaluations are done and coaches have received report with edited and anonymous breakdown of comments.

- Overall there were no surprises in coach evaluations. If there was something negative, the issue had already been discussed throughout the year.

- Did not receive a lot of evaluations from players – next year want to make more of an effort to get players to fill out evaluation forms.

- Goalie and Power Skating Sessions – spent a lot of money on ice and instructors to run these programs this past year.

- Board had discussion - should these programs be run in 2007-2008 season and how should they be paid for – all NGHA, part NGHA or all by teams?

- In theory it was decided to run the programs again next year but have the teams pay for ice and NGHA will pay for the instructors. The cost of this will be determined and then a final decision will be made.

- Program Committee will look at which levels will be included in the programs and specific proposal of how the sessions will be run ie. Midget players may not be included in power skating sessions.

- Will send out RFP to prospective people to run the programs. If instructors come with their own hours of ice (ie. Peak Performance this past year) NGHA will use their ice.

e) Mentor Coach Program – Michele Evans

- Michele was approached by Paul Martin (coach of Midget B team) about establishing a mentor coaching program for senior NGHA players – Midget or older NGHA players who are interested in learning how to coach or take their coaching certification would be given help with this.

- In theory sounds like a good idea. Michele to ask Paul Martin to phone Gord Powers to discuss further.

f) Donation for “Play for Julianne” – Vicki Marcille

- KGHA is asking for donations to support a former KGHA player, Julianne who was attacked while living in Banff and needs extensive and expensive therapy.

- Motion was made by Janet Diotte to donate $500.00 to the “Play for Julianne” fundraiser.

2nd – Paul Brennan


Abstain – Michele Evans

g) Finance Report – Lynda Rozon

- Lynda did research on the cost to increase the insurance coverage for the equipment/jerseys when stored at Bell Arena.

- Currently the equipment/jerseys are insured for $60,000 and Alex would like to increase it to $120,000.

- Motion was made by Alex Kincaid to increase the insurance coverage for the equipment/jerseys at Bell Arena from $60,000 to $120,000 for an incremental increase of $170.00 per year.

2nd – Michele Evans


- Currently the budget says there will be a loss of $35,700 for this year but Lynda feels it will be a loss of approximately $40,000.

- Competitive surcharge invoices to Bantam AA and Midget AA will go out soon – 6 hours of referee time + 6 hours of timekeepers time + 6 hours of ice at ice rate of $145.00. Decided these invoices should go out earlier in the season as the amount will not change.

- Two outstanding invoices for February ice.

- Have 22 hours of ice credits at Carleton University that we can carry over to next year.

- Finance Committee to meet to discuss next year’s budget and % or $ amount of reserve that NGHA should carry.

- Budget will be presented at AGM in May.

- Alex to look at jerseys to assess how many need to be replaced and the cost of replacement so this number can be included in the budget.

h) Golf Tournament – Vicki Marcille

- Approximately 14 – 16 foursomes have registered for the Tournament.

- The early bird draw was done and the winner chosen.

- Need hole sponsors.

- Will have a draw at the Volunteer Appreciation party for two free golf tournament registrations if they register and pay for the golf tournament on the evening of the party.

i) Publicity – Janet Diotte

- Publicity going out congratulating teams that have made Provincials and Championship weekend.

- Winnie (the Mascot) went to the Fundamental program – pictures on the NGHA website.

j) Website– Vicki Marcille

- A Peewee house team wants to order year end gifts from a supplier that is asking for approval to use the NGHA logo in her artwork. The supplier is offering to give the Association 10% from each sale of NGHA prints in exchange for a link to her website on the NGHA website.

- Board will tell the Peewee team that the supplier can use the NGHA logo in her artwork and the 10% discount can be passed onto the team. We will not put a link on the NGHA website.

k) Jerseys – Alex Kincaid

- Have some old practice jerseys (size L and XL) to get rid of. There is not enough space at Bell Arena when all the other jerseys are returned.

- Mary Lou to put a mention on the website offering these jerseys free to anyone willing to pick them up.

4.0 Next Meeting

- May 2, 2007 at 7:00 pm

5.0 Adjournment

- Motion was made by Michele Evans to adjourn the meeting at 9:41 p.m.

2nd – Judy Ramm
