2017 Pacific Northwest Model Yacht Club


The PNMYC 2017 Annual Meeting was called to order at 11:07AM at Seattle Yacht Club.

Twenty-two members, three guests, and three wives were present, representing the Portland, British Columbia, Port Townsend, Port Ludlow and the local Seattle and Eastside fleets.

Allan Van Ness, Commodore, delivered a welcome address and a salute to Seattle Yacht Club for its valued services to PNMYC and radio sailing.

Two completed boats were offered for sale.

The Treasurer’s report given by Allan indicated a projected account balance, including current dues collection and after the meeting expense, of $1362.

A change to the PNMYC Bylaws was approved, consisting chiefly of the reference change from “IRYU” to “US Sailing.”

About four months ago Commodore Van Ness requested that he be relieved of this leadership position, and a nominating committee of seven of the active local sailors was appointed. The nominating committee proposed the following slate of candidates for the 2017 PNMYC leadership: Ron Knight—Commodore, Dan Mathews—Vice Commodore, Philip Hubbell—Secretary, Allan Van Ness—Treasurer. With no further nominations from the floor, all were unanimously elected by the members in attendance. The Executive Committee then appointed Derek Storm and Chris Brain and John Ive as Rear Commodores.

The sailing schedule was addressed, noting anticipated conflicts with Seafair activities on the August 5 sailing date. Port Ludlow sailors present invited Seattle sailors to join them on Sunday, August 6, instead. The West Side fleet sails every other Sunday at 1 pm, and runs casual races on Wednesdays. Vancouver fleet boasted a fine sailing venue with a spacious dock on a protected branch of the Frasier River. Vancouver hosts two major regattas per year and ad hoc sailing on Monday nights. All fleets stated that their events were open and encouraged sailors from the other fleets to join them.

T37 sailors interested in sailing with the West Vancouver, Port Townsend, or Portland fleets should request to be included on their mailing lists. Contact them through PNMYC or directly with their respective communications folk: Charles Hansen, Vancouver; Michael Machette, Port Townsend; and Patrick Estenes, Portland.

The NW Regional Championship regatta will be held on Saturday, April 22, at Port Ludlow with casual practice sailing on Friday afternoon, April 21. The Notice of Race will be published shortly.

Philip Hubbell discussed the creation of a new Website app for mobile devices aimed at casual inquiries by spectators at our sailing venues. He invited suggestions for its design and implementation. The small screen site in progress is temporarily posted at www.sailset.com/PNMYCiphone.html.

A committee appointed by Commodore Van Ness, at an initial meeting at SYC and then via personal, email and phone discussions, drafted compromise changes to the T37 Class Rules. This proposal was further modified in discussion with Will Lesh, the T37 Class Secretary and manufacturer of the T37 One-Design boat kit.

Allan and Ron and Will discussed the process and rationale for the recommended changes to the T37 Class Rules and their presentation and review by the AMYA. A preference for fewer measurement points aimed at more inclusion, rather than exclusion of entries. Discussion ensued from the members present, covering most of the issues raised in the committee. The compromises and resolutions were presented.

The PNMYC members voted to endorse the Version 9A (with which they had been provided in advance) for presentation to the AMYA. The Rules will be published in the next edition of the AMYA magazine and needed to be reviewed and approved by AMYA by March 3, 2017. It was emphasized that, in order to vote for approval of these as T37 Class Rules, a person must be an active member of AMYA, AND have registered at least one T37 boat with the Class Secretary.

Members were reminded that the one-time, lifetime $7 registration withT-37 Class Secretary Will Lesh, along with current AMYA membership, is necessary for entry in AMYA sanctioned regattas, including the upcoming Northwest Regional Championship regatta on April 22nd.

A discussion of the local allowance of a moveable mast step, contrary to class rules, indicated that those who have such gear find one spot and then never change it. Will Lesh stated that he has “allowed” adjustable mast steps. The discussions were inconclusive.

After lunch, Bill Matthews discussed how he won the T-37 Nationals at SYC in October. He emphasized getting "his head out of the boat” and watching for wind shifts, clues on the water surface and the sailing angles of other boats. He re-trimmed his boat between every race, striving for slight windward helm. He felt boat speed and separation from the fleet for clear air were advantages at the start. He carries a loose vang in heavy air to prevent pitch-poling when sailing downwind. The sheeting angle of a tall main sheet barney post helps to offset the loose vang when sailing upwind.

Will Lesh presented a technique, suggested by Steven Allmaras, for measuring the righting moment of the boats. This is essentially the goal of many of the limits thrashed over in the rules discussions. It is preliminary and consists of 3 steps: 1—the boat is balanced horizontally with a support about 1/3 down the keel. If the boat balances or tips toward the rig, it is satisfactory. 2—If the keel is very thick, it is measured without the rig and batteries and a lower fulcrum spot on the keel. If it balances, it passes. 3—the boat can most accurately be tested in the water with an attachment which heels the boat and dips a weighted gauge into the water. Above a certain depth of the gauge, the boat has excessive righting moment. The requirements for sheltered water and no wind make the last technique difficult. It is hoped that tests 2 and 3 would be rarely needed. The plan is to collect as much data as possible to establish standards based on a number of boats. We will then consider adopting these techniques as regatta entry tests. Most of the boats present at the meeting were tested.

Ron Knight presented some “pearls” of construction concerning barney posts, boom vangs, and provisions for temporary weights for high-wind sailing. Materials for barney posts were provided. Another pearl suggested mounting the radio receiver to the underside of the deck which offers an efficient means of guiding the antenna in place and frees space on the RC deck. Dan Newland suggested matte finish (pebble surface) ceramic eyelets as sheet eyelets and grommets having the least friction. Tef-Gel, Corrosion-X, and WD40 were suggested to waterproof electrical components.

A new “Commodore’s Trophy” was presented to Allan Van Ness and gratitude expressed to him for his leadership and contributions to the founding and growth of the PNMYC and the region’s T37 sailing. The support of his wife, Barbara was acknowledged. A windbreaker, to be monogrammed later, and a commemorative clock plaque were also presented. Other members rose to review Allan’s accomplishments and sing his praises.

Philip Hubbell presented some proposals for re-naming some of the T37 Regattas. The renaming of the Spring-Summer-Fall Series as the Allan Van Ness Series was approved.

There was discussion about having separate US and Canadian Championship Regattas and then a North American Championship for the best sailors. There was also discussion about having qualifications for the Regional or National regattas or other options. The general feeling was to continue to let all comers participate.

Allan then presented a slide show covering his ten-year history with the T37 Class and pointed out the other contributors and wonderful people who have become good friends in the process. He emphasized that it was the people that made the whole journey so special and spoke of the special social relationship and fellowship with a group of competitors at the edge of a pond.

New Commodore Ron Knight again expressed the impossibility of duplicating Allan’s leadership and asked the new officers and all members to help in continuing the success of the club.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:10PM.