Teacher questionnaire on resource and information requirements for Sex and Relationships Education

About you and your school:(please circleall responses that apply)

GenderFemale / MaleAge

Number of years teaching SRE0-11-34-67-1011 or more

SRE training receivedPSHE CDPPSHE/SRE advisorOther

School typeComp Grammar Academy PRU Special

Specialist Technical Private Faith

School’s religious character(Please specify)

Gender of pupilsBoysGirlsMixed

School LEA region______

1) How do you currently choose information and resources to support your delivery of SRE? (please circle all that apply)

InternetsearchesPSHE/SRE advisor’srecommendationOther

2) In the table below please indicate any types of information you would like easy access to by writing Y/N in each box

Would like Y/N
SRE guidance from DCSF
Key stage 3 & 4 curriculum links
Background information sheets for teachers
Lesson plans
Information on the law relating to different areas of SRE
Interactive online games
Condom demonstration film
Responding to questions
Managing sensitive issues
Downloadable resources
Links to existing resources available to buy / download
Links to sexual health and relationships services in your area
Links to the latest local data (e.g. teenage pregnancy, STI rates)
Links to other agencies e.g. Brook, fpa, SEF
Other (please state here)


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3) Please specify the resources you currently use in teaching the following areas of the Personal Wellbeing curriculum at key stages 3 & 4 (QCA, 2007)

Name of resource / Details of resource
Do you teach this area of SRE? Y/N
If Y please fill in the resource columns to the right / Type (e.g. resource pack, game, film, booklet) / Publisher
Physical changes as we grow up including menstruation and fertility
Our feelings and emotions as we are growing up
Feelings and emotions experienced in sex and relationships
Managing strong feelings including those around separation, loss and bereavement
Biological aspects of sex and reproduction including how our sexual organs work
Different types of relationships and families
Understanding what is good and bad in a relationship
Skills for coping with relationships including assertion and negotiation
Dealing with pressure from friends, peers, families and communities
Decisions about sex and knowing if you are ready
Sexual identities, including gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual and transgender
Information, advice and help with relationships and sex
Choices if you/your partner is pregnant including abortion, adoption and parenting
Enjoyable and good things about sex
Media messages from about sex and relationships (good and bad)
Influences from families, faiths and communities on sex and relationships
The law about sex, sexual violence and young peoples rights

4) Which areas of the current non-statutory Personal Wellbeing curriculum at key stages 3 & 4 (QCA, 2007) do you find challenging to teach.

How confident are you in teaching this topic?
Please circle on a scale of
1 (very unconfident) – 5 (very confident) / Would either of the following be useful?
Lesson Plan
(Y/N) / Alternative to existing resources
(If Y please specify)
Physical changes as we grow up including menstruation and fertility / Very UNconfident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident
Our feelings and emotions as we are growing up / Very UNconfident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident
Feelings and emotions experienced in sex and relationships / Very UNconfident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident
Managing strong feelings including those around separation, loss and bereavement / Very UNconfident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident
Biological aspects of sex and reproduction including how our sexual organs work / Very UNconfident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident
Different types of relationships and families / Very UNconfident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident
Understanding what is good and bad in a relationship / Very UNconfident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident
Skills for coping with relationships including assertion and negotiation / Very UNconfident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident
Dealing with pressure from friends, peers, families and communities / Very UNconfident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident
Decisions about sex and knowing if you are ready / Very UNconfident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident
Sexual identities, including gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual and transgender / Very UNconfident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident
Information, advice and help with relationships and sex / Very UNconfident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident
Contraception / Very UNconfident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident
Choices if you/your partner is pregnant including abortion, adoption and parenting / Very UNconfident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident
HIV and AIDS / Very UNconfident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident
STIs / Very UNconfident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident
Enjoyable and good things about sex / Very UNconfident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident
media Messages from about sex and relationships (good and bad) / Very UNconfident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident
Influences from families, faiths and communities on sex and relationships / Very UNconfident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident
The law about sex, sexual violence and young peoples rights / Very UNconfident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident

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5) Please write in the table below the names of 4 SRE resources you currently use that you think are most effective (please order them 1=most effective to 4=less effective)

Name of resource / Type of resource (e.g. game, film, factsheet etc) / Used in key stage 3 or 4 or both?

6) Do the resources you use cater equally for all pupils from a diverse range of backgrounds?

Yes / No

7) Please circle any groups you feel are under represented by existing SRE resources

BoysGirlsSENLGBTDisabilitiesEthnic minorities

8) Are there any other issues that you feel are a barrier to you delivering quality SRE?

(Please state)

9) Please write here anything else you would find helpful concerning the provision of information and resources in facilitating your delivery of SRE.

(Please state)


10) If you are willing to be interviewed about this subject at a time and place of your convenience please enter your contact details below:




Thank you very much for taking the time to participate.

Please return this questionnaire in the SAE provided or to:

Ellie Ricketts

Primary Care Unit

Microbiology Department

Health Protection Agency




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