Iowans for International Adoption (IIA)Annual Meeting Minutes

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Hidden Acres, Dayton, Iowa

Kristy Raine, acting board president, called the meeting to order at 9:04and introduced the current IIA Board members:

-Kristy Raine, president, ending third year of her three year term

-Brian Zylstra, treasurer, beginning third year of his three year term

-Abbie Smith, member at large, beginning third year of her three year term

-Katie Marchik, member at large, beginning second year of her three year term

-Carl Chalstrom, member at large, beginning second year of his three year term

Kristy Raineread aloud the minutes from 2015 IIA Annual Meeting. There were no items to discuss. Minutes were approved.

Brian Zylstra gave a brief treasurer’s report that we should be in the black after all the Hidden Acres fees are paid. Finances remained for 2015 with approximate $3,400 cash balance. Katie Marchik was able to work with the insurance broker to increase coverage and reduce annual premiums. Storage unit fees were supposed to be on auto-deduct but the money was not being deduced. The owner of the storage unit contacted Brian and the issue has been rectified. There will be additional expense posted in 2016 for the catch-up period. Hidden Acres fees were flat in 2016 compared to 2015.

Current Business:

  1. Katie Marchik and Abbie Smith led discussion about the formation of committees to support IIA activities. This will allow the Board to be focused on strategy and growing the number of members. The committees would have clear reporting line to the Board for ultimate decision making but would help share the load of the events and allow us to consider more events than just KAMP (as Teen Retreat did not happen in 2016). There was agreement from the members for this concept. Lists were passed around for members to indicate their interest in the various committees as well as provide other suggestions for committees. The results are summarized as follows:
  1. KAMP
  2. LeasaLantzky
  3. Tim Raine
  4. Jim Cunningham
  5. Susan Guess
  6. Teen Retreat
  7. Donna Currier
  8. Vicki Cutsforth
  9. Michelle Cortlandt
  10. Friends and Family Event/Reunion
  11. Lisa Zylstra
  12. John Sheffer
  13. Sherri Bader
  14. Melissa Walker
  15. Donna Currier
  16. Vicki Cutsforth
  17. International Retreat
  18. Carol Pahl
  19. Susan Guess
  20. Other
  21. Get Together Weekend
  22. Miller Family
  23. Marketing/Outreach
  24. Melissa Walker
  25. Jared Johnson
  1. Potential 2017 KAMP site. All agreed that they were happy to be back at Hidden Acres. Mid to late July seems to work well for most schedules. Much discussion about the experience at Hidden Acres when there are other campers on the grounds at the same time as KAMP. We currently are capped at about 30 families due to lodging constraints. Many suggestions were made such as considering having the high schoolers and middle schoolers stay away from their parents. Also discussed extending KAMP by 1 day to free up the schedule a little. This could cause families to not be able to afford to come due to additional cost. The Board will reach out to discuss options with Hidden Acres. A save the date will be sent as soon as dates are formalized for 2017. Instructors will also be lined up to ensure availability for 2017 KAMP dates.
  2. Kristy Raine requested approval to remain on the IIA board even though her 3 year term ended in 2016. The members approved this extension and Kristy will remain the President of the Board. It was discussed that an assistant treasurer role will need to be added to support Brian and also help to transition the financial work in advance of Brian rolling off the board.
  3. Rachel Snowgren, camp director, reported on the events of the weekend. She stated everything went well. She read several anonymous letters written by high schoolers and counselors either to their birth parents or adoptive parents. The letters were very moving and she indicated it was a good experience for the high school KAMPers and counselors that participated.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:00